Творческая работа ученика "Проблемы охраны окружающей среды"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Ниязова Бибикамал Равилевна

Цель данной работы - сформировать у школьников положительное отношение к миру природы.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение ИГРИМСКАЯ СРЕДНЯЯ ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНАЯ ШКОЛА № 1 Охрана окружающей среды Выполнил: Азисов Илья, обучающийся 7 класса Б. Руководитель: Б.Р. Ниязова, учитель английского языка. г.п. Игрим

Слайд 2

Цель Ф ормирование положительного отношения к миру природы Задачи: Изучить лексику по теме «Охрана окружающей среды» и составить словарик экологических терминов Познакомиться с видами охраны природы Изучить международные организации по охране природы и календарь знаменательных дат Дать советы и рекомендации по охране природы Оформить фотовыставку «Живая природа»

Слайд 3

Содержание Вступление . Основная часть . 2.1. Проблемы охраны окружающей среды. 2.2.Календарь знаменательных дат. 2.3.Международные организации по охране природы. Заключение . Библиография.

Слайд 4

Актуальность проблемы: Проблема сохранения жизни на Земле тесно связана с чистотой рек, воздуха, мира животных. Каждый житель Земли должен быть заинтересован в охране окружающего мира. Но сегодня мы видим загрязнение рек и озер отходами, загрязнение воздуха ядовитыми газами и уничтожение лесов и животного мира.

Слайд 5

2.1 The Protection of Nature Many, many years ago, the air on our planet was pure and clean. Then people started building factories. Those factories, cars put a lot of waste into the air. Today the air is so polluted in some places, that it's not always safe to breathe. Our modern industry throws out into atmosphere a lot of harmful gases. People of many cities suffer from «smog». Polluted air is not only bad for people and animals, but for trees and other plants. Animals, forests are disappearing. You know, of course, about acid rain, which is harmful to people, plants, rivers and lakes. It pollutes the water that animals and people need to drink. It kills forests. The pollution of the air, oceans, seas, rivers and lakes is very dangerous for living beings. The Earth is our home, that's why we must take care of it, for ourselves and for the next generations. We must keep our environment clean. There are many places on our planet that need immediate help. Love and protect our nature .

Слайд 6

They are Lake Baikal, the Aral Sea, the Volga river and some other places. In the Volga there is very little fish now. It isn't eatable often, because of oil, petrol and waste which is thrown out into the water. When we have a rest in the forest or near the river we must think about every tree, flower, we mustn't leave tins, bottles, papers after our picnic. Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water tidy. The Lake Baikal The Volga River

Слайд 7

Ecological problems We pollute the air. We change the climate. We throw away plastic bottles We damage nature. We leave litter in the forest. We hurt animals. We don’t recycle paper. We cut down trees. We break trees. We disturb birds. We throw litter in the river. We cause water pollution. We leave bottles in the forest.

Слайд 8

2.2. Green Calendar International Mother Earth Day (April 22) The first Earth Day was celebrated on 22 April 1970, when a group of people in the USA got together to draw attention to the increasing environmental problems caused by humans. Since then this day has been marked by events across the world. Earth Day was first suggested by John McDonnell (from the United States) in 1969 at a UNESCO Conference on the Environment. World Environment Day (June 5) World Environment Day (WED) was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The first WED was celebrated in 1973. WED is about raising awareness, encouraging people to voice their thoughts and do their most to improve the environment. World Oceans Day (June 8) June 8 is observed as World Oceans Day in honour of our planet’s most diverse and threatened ecosystem. This day is used to create awareness about overfishing, pollution, and other threats to ocean life.

Слайд 9

2.3. Environmental Organisations In recent years people have become more sensitive towards the environment. Still more public organizations and unofficial movements have been established. In 1987 a «Green Peace» public commission was set up. Its main goal is to combine the people's efforts in the struggle for peace and nature conservation. Russia is cooperating in this field with the USA, Canada, Finland, and Norway. The other way out of ecological problems is to turn technology to the construction of healthy environment. We must leave our planet better for future generations than it is now.

Слайд 10

Environmental Organisations National Audubon Society World Environmental organization Friends of the Earth International People & Planet Earth Day Network The Sierra Club Worldwide Fund for Nature Greenpeace • Green Cross International

Слайд 11

How we can protect our environment Please be quiet in the forests, leave radios at home! Protect wildlife, plants and trees! Do not г keep all water clean! Do not damage the banks of the river! Never break baby trees! Do not use aerosol sprays! Leave wild flowers for others to enjoy! Be a friend to fish. Don’t throw litter into their homes! Leave the place clean! Recycle paper, cards and glass! Plant a tree to make homes for birds and small animals! Use camping stoves when you go to picnics! Turn off electricity and water when you leave home! Don’t kill animals for fur!!!

Слайд 12

What can you do? Green things you can do in your bedroom 1. Think about organic fabrics. Are any of your clothes made organically? 2. Downsize your closet. Do you really need five blue sweaters? 3. Craving new clothes? Swap with your friends or buy ones secondhand. 4. Something worn out? Think about what else you can make out of the cloth. 5. Do you really need that many toys or clothes? Give some away, or trade with your friends.

Слайд 13

Green things you can do in the bathroom 1. Take showers instead of baths. Who wants to sit in their own dirt anyway? 2. Turn the water off while you brush your teeth. That ’ s clean water going right down the drain! 3. Turn the water off while you wash your hair. Turn it back on to rinse. 4. Reuse your bath water. Collect it from the shower or sink. Your garden will thank you. 5. Do you really need to flush when it ’ s just pee? If it ’ s yellow, just be mellow. 6. Any nasty chemicals in all that shampoo and make-up your family has? Do some investigating.

Слайд 14

Green things you can do at school 1. Save used paper for scrap and notes. The backs are totally clean – use the other side. 2. Make sure all your classmates recycle their paper. Challenge other classes to a Recycle Contest. Who can recycle the most? 3. Can your school use less paper for notes home? Use e-mail instead! Ask your teacher. 4. In the cafeteria, only take as much as you can eat. 5. If you bring your lunch, use reusable containers instead of making more garbage every day. Save for water. Don ’ t bring throw away bottles. 6. Plant trees or flowers around your school during recess. Everyone will thank you in the spring

Слайд 15

Green things you can do in your living room 1. Turn off the stuff you ’ re not using, like the TV and computer. Why waste electricity? 2. If it ’ s off, why does it need to be plugged in? Unplug that stuff too. 3. Change to energy efficient light bulbs. They ’ re cool-looking and save money! 4. Haven ’ t you seen that TV show already? Go outside and use your own power to play!

Слайд 16

Vocabulary Acid rain Air To disappear Environment Factory Harmful gases Immediate help Industry Next generation Oil Petrol Polluted Smog Take care of To throw out into Atmosphere Waste Кислотный дождь Воздух Исчезать Окружающая среда Завод Вредные газы Немедленная помощь Промышленность Будущее поколение Масло, нефть Бензин Загрязненный Густой туман с дымом и копотью Заботиться о Выбрасывать Атмосфера Отходы

Слайд 17

«Green Peace» Acid rains Air (water) pollution Biosphere Disposal of waste Environment Interrelation Great damage Liquid wastes Oil pollution Radioactive and other poisonous materials Safety of nuclear power stations Susceptible to dangerous diseases To become urgent To dump into rivers and lakes Wild life «Грин Пис » Кислотные дожди Загрязнение воздуха (воды) Биосфера Выброс отходов Окружающая среда Взаимосвязь Огромный ущерб, вред Жидкие отходы Нефтяные загрязнения Радиоактивные и другие ядовитые материалы, вещества Безопасность ядерных электростанций Восприимчивый к опасным болезням Стать неотложным, срочным Выбрасывать в реки и озера Дикая природа, дикая жизнь

Слайд 18

Remember, Russia, you are great. Not in the fields of battles past, But in the green fields full of wheat, And forests, gardens, free of dust. I love you deeply, dear land, Your hills and rivers, grass and sand. Your songs and dances, lakes and seas, Your beasts and fish, birds in trees. Your sunrise in a splendid sight, Which always gives me such delight! Велика для меня ты, родная страна, Не местами прошедших битв, А полями, где ветер колышет хлеба А воздух так чист и красив. Я люблю тебя, Русь, за журчание рек, За холмы и равнины твои, За забавы, что живы не первый век И за то, как поют соловьи. И за виды родные под солнца лучом, Что осветит землю твою, За радость и счастье увидать это всё, Всё, за что я тебя так люблю.

Слайд 19

Источники информации УМК Кузовлев В.П., учебник и рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку для 7 класса. Москва, Просвещение, 2016г . Учебный диск «Учимся вместе». Москва, Учитель, 2012г. Методическая мозаика. Приложения к журналу «Иностранные языки», 2012г. Журналы ИЯ.2016г. Интернет – Ресурсы.

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Охрана окружающей среды.

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