Тесты 6 класс по УМК Кауфман
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)

Быкова Галина Викторовна

Тестовые задания по всем юнитам


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Предварительный просмотр:

 6 Form UNIT 10

  1. Fill in the correct word.

tunnel     address    boring      station    

  1. It is so … to sit and do nothing.
  2. I’ll write to you, boys. Here is my ….
  3. What is the Channel …?
  4. He is going to London to Waterloo ….

  1. Underline the correct word or phrase.

  1. Let’s have some fun/dull.
  2. A limerick is a nonsense/clever poem.
  3. Yesterday I saw the book which I wanted to read/write.
  4. There were/are a lot of people in the shop today.
  5. She likes the present which her brother gave/got her.

  1. Fill in the gaps.

which     who     when

  1. I knew a man … played the piano every day.
  2. … it rains, I like to sit at home and read.
  3. … I was five, I could read.
  4. Ann found a bag … she liked.
  5. This is a man … helped me yesterday.

Write the sentences in Present Simple.

  1. There was somebody in the class.
  2. Was there anybody at home when you came?
  3. There were some books about London in the library.
  4. There were a lot of people in the shop yesterday.
  5. How many boys were there in the class yesterday?

5.Choose the correct answer.

  1. Who played?
  1. I am.
  1. I did.
  2. I played
  1. Did you talk to Mary?
  1. Yes, I did.
  2. No, I did.
  3. Yes, I am.
  1. What did he … ?
  1. say
  2. said
  3. says
  1. Where did they find the cat?
  1. They found it in the park.
  2. They find it in the park.
  3. They finded it in the park.
  1. Why did she … with him?
  1. danced
  2. dance
  3. dancing

Complete the dialogues

  1. A:  __________?

B: No, they didn’t.

  1. A: __________?

B: He didn’t say anything.

  1. A: __________?

B: In the park.

  1. A: __________?

B: I did.

  1. A: __________?

B: I lived in London..

          Just for fun

Find ten verbs in the letter line.


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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