Тесты 6 класс по УМК Кауфман
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
6 Form UNIT 10
- Fill in the correct word.
tunnel address boring station |
- It is so … to sit and do nothing.
- I’ll write to you, boys. Here is my ….
- What is the Channel …?
- He is going to London to Waterloo ….
- Underline the correct word or phrase.
- Let’s have some fun/dull.
- A limerick is a nonsense/clever poem.
- Yesterday I saw the book which I wanted to read/write.
- There were/are a lot of people in the shop today.
- She likes the present which her brother gave/got her.
- Fill in the gaps.
which who when |
- I knew a man … played the piano every day.
- … it rains, I like to sit at home and read.
- … I was five, I could read.
- Ann found a bag … she liked.
- This is a man … helped me yesterday.
4.Write the sentences in Present Simple.
- There was somebody in the class.
- Was there anybody at home when you came?
- There were some books about London in the library.
- There were a lot of people in the shop yesterday.
- How many boys were there in the class yesterday?
5.Choose the correct answer.
- Who played?
- I am.
- I did.
- I played
- Did you talk to Mary?
- Yes, I did.
- No, I did.
- Yes, I am.
- What did he … ?
- say
- said
- says
- Where did they find the cat?
- They found it in the park.
- They find it in the park.
- They finded it in the park.
- Why did she … with him?
- danced
- dance
- dancing
6.Complete the dialogues
- A: __________?
B: No, they didn’t.
- A: __________?
B: He didn’t say anything.
- A: __________?
B: In the park.
- A: __________?
B: I did.
- A: __________?
B: I lived in London..
Just for fun
Find ten verbs in the letter line.
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