Конспект внеклассного мероприятия Хеллуин для 7 класса
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий. Ведущие.
- Good afternoon! Today we’re talking about one of the most creepiest holiday in Great Britain and America. Halloween is celebrated all over the word. And it’s becoming more and more popular. A lot of children and adults go to Halloween parties. They dot dressed as ghosts, witches, monsters, vampires and so on.
At school children make decorations for their classrooms such as pumpkins, ghosts, bats, witches.
- Many years ago in Britain there lived the Celts, who believed in the Sun-god. At that time they thought that the year had 2 parts: winter and summer. Samhain was the god of the darkness and the dead. He fought with the Sun-god. The night of the 31st of October was the victory of Samhain ,winter, and death
At that night the people believed that the souls of the dead returned to the places where they lived to warm near the fire.
Ghosts, witches, devils, vampires, bats and black cats came to the Earth .
People put out the fire and tried to frighten the evil spirits dressing the scary costumes.
- In the 8th century the Christian church gave the name to the holiday as “ALL SAINTS’ DAY”.
The night before it was called “ALL HALLOWS EVE”, then it became “HALLOWEEN”.
Now, Halloween is celebrated all over the world and it is becoming more and more popular. People usually have parties this day, and there are some party games:
- Apple Bobbing
- Trick or treating
- Jack-O’- Lanterns.
- We’ve prepared some scary stories for you! Let’s watch them! (СЦЕНКА)
- Now let’s read one scary story (читаем историю, команды придумывают окончание, зачитывают)
- Let’s read about other people celebrate Halloween
- We offer you guess Halloween words:
She always flies on her magic broom,
She always flies around the moon
With a black hat on her head
And what do you think, who is that?
(a witch)
It means bad luck, don’t look at it
If it crosses your path
And what do you think we call it?
(a black cat)
In masks and gouns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat
Tonight we are the king and queen
For all tonight is ………..
Sometimes big and sometimes small
But always round and yellow
When the children make my famous grin
Then I’m a scary fellow
(Jack – O’ – Lantern)
I am a big and round
Once upon a time I grew on the ground
Now I have a mouth, 2 eyes and a nose
Who am I do you suppose?
I see a friendly shining moon
As big and round as a balloon
Soon I will go out on the street
With my friend for our ………….
(trick – or – treat)
- You’ve got a sheet of paper on your desk, now you’ve got 3 minutes to find out the words!
Narrator –
Granny –
Dog –
Patient -
Narrator - There was an old woman had no family still living. Her only friend was a little white dog…
Dog – I always go everywhere with my master!
Narrator – The dog loved the fireplace in winter, and after the old woman went to bed he would sometimes do and lie in front of the warm coals. Usually the dog slept at very edge of the bed on a rug.
Granny – I don’t allow the dog on the bed with me, but if I become frightened or have a nightmare, I will put my hand down to the little white dog and he will lick it reassuringly.
Narrator – One night the woman was reading her newspaper just before going to bed…
Granny – A mental patient has wandered off from a nearby hospital! And no one knows if the patient is dangerous or not! He is a suspect in the murders of several women who lived alone!!! Oh my goodness!!!
Narrator – The woman turned out the lights and tried to sleep, but she was frightened, and tossed and turned fitfully. Finally, she reached down to where the little white dog slept. Sure enough, a warm, wet tongue began to lick her hand.The woman felt reassured and safe, and left her hand dangling off the bed as she turned and settled in comfortably.
She opened her eyes for a moment and looked through the open door into the living room.
There in front of the fireplace, sat her little white dog, gazing at the coals
and wagging his tail.
Down beside the bed, something was still licking her hand.
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