Презентация к уроку "A city or a country mouse"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Кальченко Елена Александровна

Презентация к уроку "A city or a country mouse"


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Слайд 1

A city mouse or a country mouse? Lifestyles The presentation has been made by the teacher of English school640 Elena Kalchenko

Слайд 2

Cons and pros living in the city. Choose from the list -lead unhealthy lifestyle -heavy traffic - shops, cinemas, theatres -high cost of living -convenient public transport - crowded streets -low rate of unemployment -constant noise and pollution

Слайд 3

Advantages of living in a city

Слайд 4

Cons and Pros living in the country high quality lifestyle peace and quiet fresh air beautiful landscape feeling isolated high rate of unemployment friendly people

Слайд 5

Advantages of the countryside

Слайд 6

Are you a city or a country mouse? I feel stressed in the crowded places. Peace and quiet are important to me. I think I’m a country mouse. I can’t stand feeling isolated. Shops, theatres and cinemas are very important to me. I think I’m a city mouse. I can’t stand constant noise and pollution, fresh air and beautiful landscapes are very important to me. I think I’m a country mouse

Слайд 7

Vocabulary. Guess what the mean. farmyard - huge- barn - facilities- milk the cow - homesick- hustle and bustle- miss- close at hand- hometown- feed the chickens- lovely- swap - guests-

Слайд 8

Peace and quiet of the country

Слайд 9

Hustle and bustle of a big city

Слайд 10

The structure of the interview The interviewer The interviewee -introduce yourself and the magazine -Greet interviewer - Ask if you can ask questions - Agree -Ask the first (the second...the last question) -Reply -Thank for the interview - Reply politely -

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Презентация к уроку "A city mouse or a country mouse?"

Презентация к уроку "A city mouse or a country mouse?"...

Презентация к уроку "A city mouse or a country mouse?"

Презентация к уроку "A city mouse or a country mouse?"...

Презентация по английскому языку для 7 класса на тему "A city and a country mouse" для первичного закрепления лексики.

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