Внеклассное мероприятие в 5 классе
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс)
Внеклассное мероприятие в пятом классе. Цель: воспитание у учащихся любви к Родине, чувства гордости за свой народ, уважения к другим нациям и народностям, культуре других стран.
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Предварительный просмотр:
T. Good morning dear friends!
Hola! Buenos días, amigos!
Hoy tenemos una clase muy importante e interesante. Hoy vamos a hacer un viaje a muchos paises. Para tener buen humor cojámonos de las manos y deseemos uno a otro mucha suerte. ¡Qué lo paséis bien!
T.Look at the blackboard and try to answer the question: What are we going to speak about? (Ролик)
¿de qué se trata en este video? ¿ cómo os parece-hoy vamos a discutir sobre…
CH. People live in different countries, they speak different languages, they have different cultures and traditions, they have different food but we are people and we live in one world. We are going to speak about different countries, traditions, and customs. We are going to learn smth knew and interesting about different countries.
de muchos paises, de varios idiomas, tradiciones, comida típica.
T. We are going to travel across different countries and continents.
Oh, What’s the matter? Somebody has spoilt our map. Can you help us to make a puzzle? You have got some tasks. You’ll get one part of the map for the right answer. We have got 4 topics for discussions. They are Countries, Holidays, Famous people, It’s interesting to know. Each topic has got 4 tasks. You will try to do the tasks and get a part of a map.
T. Estamos al final de invierno. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? ¿Está nevando? A nuestra clase también han caido unos copos de nieve. Vamos a ver qué está escrito en cada copo.
Ch. Erre con erre, guitarra,
erre con erre, barril,
qué rápido ruedan las ruedas
del ferrocarril.
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells (Tongue Twisters)
T. Now boys and girls choose the category!
Ch. Country …
T. The first task is - What country is spoken about? You have got some cards. Divide them into three groups and name the country.
This country consists of four parts.
The official language of this country is English.
The population of the countru is over 60 mollion.
This country is often called “Foggy Albion”
It is the largest country in the world.
Yuri Dolgoruky founded the capital of this country.
The symbols of this country are a birсh tree, a national flag and two headed eagle.
It is situated on two continents Europe and Asia.
There are more sunny days than rainy in this country.
This country is a country of Flamenco, Korida, football.
The capital of this country is Madrid.
The symbol of the capital of this country is a bear and a strawberry tree
T. You have got a part of the map.(1)
Choose the next category.
The first country we are going to speak about is England. It has five principal parts. Can you name them? (They are the Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands and the North of England.) They are full of different attractions. What are these places famous for?
London is famous for its places of interest.
Oxford is famous for its 12th century university.
The Lake District is famous for its lakes and beautiful scenary.
Hadrian ’s Wall is famous for the fact that it was built by Romans.
Heathrow is famous for the biggest airport in England.
The Fens is famous for the fact that Oliver Cromwell was born there.
T. Well done. You have got a part of the map.(2)
Choose the next category.
T. А) пословицы(разрезать и дети должны их собрать)
1) Más vale ver que creer.
2)También habrá verbena en nuestra calle. (3)
T. Choose the next category. What holiday marks the end of winter and lasts for a week? ( it’s Maslenitsa) What do you know about this holiday?
Ch. …
T. Let’s do the task. Try to guess. What is it?
1) Eggs of large fish. (caviar)
2) The food people in Russia usually eat during Maslenitsa week.( pancake)
3) People don’t work on these days. It’s always a joyous occasion. ( holiday)
4) It is made of straw. People burn it as a symbol of winter. (scarecrow)
5) They are different. Every country has them. The synonym is a custom. ( traditions)
T. Well done. But now match the English words with Spanish ones.
You have got a part of the map.(4)
T. о Fallas. ¿Qué veís en estas fotos, qué fiesta es?
¿Cuándo se celebra y dónde? ¿ En qué consiste esta tradición?
Ответы детей: Las Fallas de Valencia es uno de los festejos tradicionales de España, más antiguo y popular. Se celebra el 19 de marzo, fiesta de San José. En España es una tradición Antigua quemar objetos que significa quemar todos los males, todos los daños,todas las enfermedades. (5)
Галина Викторовна предлагает выбрать следующую категорию. (Предложения с pizza )
Completa las frases con los gentilicios siguientes:
Flamenco es un típico baile … .
Washington es la capital del estado … .
La pizza es un típico plato … .
El Volga es uno de los más grandes ríos … .
La famosa torre Eiffel es el símbolo de la capital … .
Los hermanos Grimm son famosos cuentistas … .
español , norteamericano, italiano, rusos, francesa, alemanes.
Молодцы! Получите ещё часть карты. (6)
T. «кота в мешке» ¿Cómo se llama el baile más fomoso de España? (7)
T. Колумб . El 12 de octubre se celebra el día de la Hispanidad. ¿Qué sabéis de Cristóbal Colón? Девочки рассказывают диалог(который здесь и сейчас нет времени описывать) (8)
T. Name the person. (Shakespeare)
What do you know about William Shakespeare? (He was born on April 23,1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His mother was a daughter of a farmer. His father was a glove maker. He went to a grammar school and had quite a good education. He loved reading. In London Shakespeare began to act and write plays.William married Anne Hathaway.)
Your task is to guess which of the plays are tragedies and comedies.
Tragedies: Romeo and Juliet
Julius Caesar
King Lear
Macbeth (9)
T.Сервантес Дети:Vamos a la plaza de España . Aquí está el monumento a Cervantes. Miguel de Cervantes es el autor de Don Quijote. En este monument esta Don Quijote en su caballo Rocinante y Sancho Panza. (10)
T. Name the person. (Robert Burns). What do you know about him?
Ch. Robert Burns, Scotland's national poet, was born on January 25, 1759 in Scotland. His father, William Burns, was a poor farmer, There were seven children in the family, and Robert was the eldest. Robert was sent to school at the age of six. Later Robert’s father taught him reading and writing, arithmetic, English grammar, history, literature, even Latin - that was Robert Burns's education. Robert Burns was fond of reading. His favourite writers were Shakespeare, Smolett, Robert Fergusson, a talented Scottish poet (1750—1774).
T. Recite the poem. (”My Heart’s in the highlands”) (11)
T. А) сиеста (12)
T. Б) Bebidas exóticas (13)
De Rusia- kvas
De África-café
De China-té
De América-chocolate
T. Жители городов?
T. What is the capital of our country? Do you know that Moscow, the capital of Russia was named after the river Moskva on which it stands? The name of the river has many possible origins. For example a) from Slavonic Moskva= “wet, swampy”
b) from Slavonik most-kva= “bridge water”, c) from Finno-Ugrian mosca= “river, water. (14)
T. You have got all parts of our map. Try to make a puzzle. We live on a beautiful planet. We are different in some things. Some of us love dancing, some prefer reading some like playing sport games. But we are people who live in one world.
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