Тест Модуль 6 Spotlight -6
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Калягина Татьяна Валерьевна

Тест по материалам Модуля 6 УМК "Spotlight"-6


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Test (Module – 6, Spotlight -6)

I. Listening.

Listen and match the speakers to the activities they like.

Speaker 1

A    billiards

Speaker 2

B    marbles

Speaker 3

C    darts

Speaker 4

D    dominoes

Speaker 5

E    Scrabble

F    chess

G    jigsaw

II. Vocabulary.

1. Use -ist, -or, -er to form nouns.

1) cycle - …….  2) paint - ……..   3) direct - …….  4) art - ………   5) football - …….   6) play - …….

2. Fill in the correct word: board, drama, boring, meet, literature, jigsaw, once, weekend.

1) How often do you ……… your friends?

      5) Mike and Ann don’t like doing ………


2) Helen loves windsurfing. She tries to go every ..……  .

      6) Sharon goes cycling …….. a week.

3) I think ……….. games like backgammon are lots of fun.

      7) I hate computer club. It’s really …… .

4) Are you good at acting? Why not join our ……… club?

      8) John is interested in ………..  .

III. Grammar.

1. Match the words to form compound nouns.

1. tooth

A   work

2. wind

B   paper

3. basket

C   ball

4. news

D   day

5. birth

E   surfing

6. home

F   brush

2. Underline the correct item.

1) My sister meets/is meeting her friends every afternoon.

4) I go/am going to see my grandparents every Saturday morning.

2) Mum is cooking/cooks at the moment.

5) He is not having/doesn’t have a shower right now.

3) George is learning/learns to windsurf now.

6) Peter and I play/are playing Scrabble at the  


3. Put the words in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1) Bob ……… (play) football on Fridays.

  4) Jess ……… (love) reading. It’s her favourite activity.

2) Ken ………. (have) a shower right now.

  5) John ………. (run) at the moment.

3) “What are you doing?”  “ I…….(look) at my hair in the mirror.”

IV. Everyday English.

  6) Peter ……… (like) playing board games.

Choose the correct response.

1) Do you like cycling?

A    It’s -15.

2) How about this dart board?

B    I love going windsurfing.

3) What board games do you like?

C    Great! I’ll take it.

4) How much is this puzzle?

D   Yes, I’m very keen on it.

5) What do you do in your free time?

E    Monopoly and Scrabble.

6) Would you like me to wrap it?

F     Yes, please, that would be great.

V. Reading.

Read the text and answer the questions.

My friend David is a very busy person. When he’s not doing his homework or studying, he is out having fun.

On Mondays, he plays basketball after school. He practices a lot because he’s in the school team. Then, on Tuesdays he goes to computer club. On Thursdays, he plays chess and then on Fridays he meets his friends in town.

At the weekend, David always spends time with his family. He usually goes fishing with his dad and helps his mum with the shopping.

1) What team is David in?

2) What does he do on Tuesdays?

3) When does David meet his friends?

4) What board game does he play?

5) Who does David spend time with at the weekend?

6) What does David help his mum do?

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