Доклад "Влияние санкций на экономику России"
статья по английскому языку
В докладе представлены основные причины и последсвия введения санкций в России.
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How sanctions influence Russian economy
Gradual tightening of sanctions against Russia made by President Vladimir Putin to go to retaliate. For the first time he spoke about them on August 5 meeting of the State Council, and the next day signed a decree "On the application of certain special economic measures in order to ensure the security of the Russian Federation."Vladimir Putin banned (or severely restricted) for one year the import of agricultural products, raw materials and food from countries that have joined the sanctions against our country. There is a list of prohibited imports of products, among whom were poultry and cattle, pork, fish and other seafood, milk, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, nuts, sausage and some sort of cheese. Presidential decrees and government resolutions directly affected, perhaps, one of the most sensitive areas of the Russian economy - the production and processing of agricultural products. The main problem is the growth of prices in the grocery market as a result of import substitution and reorientation to new foreign partners.
Due to the impossibility of a relatively rapid increase in its own food resources within one year, Russia had to urgently look for and use new sources of large-scale imports of agricultural products. The main partner of Russia now is Latin America. Russia's relations with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean - one of the important directions of Russian foreign policy today. In conclusion I want to remind you the statement of the president on the big press-conference on December 18 that Russia in the worst case will take two years to overcome the crisis.
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