Контрольные работы
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс)

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контрольные работы по английскому языку 6 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:




Form: 6

Test 1

Task 1

Complete the sentences. Use the words: are proud of, worth, are tired of, are full of, films, publish, characters of history and art, cross, British people, politician    


  1. Have you read "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe? It`s _____________________ reading.
  2. Sir W. Churchill was a famous ________________________
  3. London`s parks _________________________ trees, grass, flowers and water.
  4. "Lollipop Ladies" help children to _____________________the street.    
  5. The scientist couldn’t ___________________________________his works for a long time.  
  6. Who lives in Great Britain? __________________________live in the UK.
  7. Charlie Chaplin is famous for his_______________________________________ .  
  8. Londoners _________________________their parks.
  9. My parents _____________________the noisy city. They want to go to the country next week.
  10. You can meet great _________________________________________at Madame Tussaud’s museum.

Task 2

Put in a/an where necessary

____Umbrella, ____hat, ____beautiful day,   ____animal, ____ sleep, ____royal, ____ parks, ____ optimist, ____good driver, ____run, ____blue eyes, ____ ancient city, ____play football, ____famous, ____ scientist

Task 3

Use the article the or no article.

  1. I am from: _______Kursk. It`s an ancient town in _______ Russia.
  2. They have got ______ friends in _______ Great Britain.
  3. ______ Linda is going to visit ______ USA.
  4. ______ Black Sea is in ______ south of our country.
  5. _____Red Sea is between ________ Africa and ________Asia.
  6.  _______Pacific Ocean is very deep.
  7. _______ Sahara is a desert in ________Africa.

Task 4

Translate into English.

Россия - это крупнейшая страна в мире. Москва - столица Российской федерации. В России есть  леса,  реки, горы. В России много больших рек: Волга, Обь, Лена


Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по циклу 2.

6 класс

      1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Did you see / have you seen my book anywhere? I can’t find it.

2. I have done / did my homework. Now I can go for a walk.

3. We didn’t play / haven’t played football yesterday.

4. Someone has eaten / ate all the cakes. I’ll buy some more.

5. Children have visited / visited their Granny three days ago.

6. When did you help / have you helped your parents about the house?

  1. Составьте предложения.
  1. Trafalgar, I, never, to, been, Square, have.
  2. Letter, has, Mike, already, that, read.
  3. Has, he, not, aunt, visited, his.
  4. Invited, we, just, have, friends, our.
  5. Have, work, finished, children, already, their.
  6. Mother, visited, her, I, already, have.
  7. She, Zoological, joined, has, society, just, that.
  8. Drawn, recently, picture, they, have, this.

  1.       Напишите три формы глаголов:

Draw, see, go, hear, write, do, have, buy, teach, give.

  1. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
  1. Мы должны спасать вымирающих животных.
  2. Это не дикое животное, а домашнее.
  3. Я только что нарисовал это насекомое.
  4. Вы вступите в зоологическое сообщество?
  5. Мой хомяк живёт в клетке.
  6. Ты уже пригласил гостей на свой День рождения?
  7. Мы с сестрой купили много подарков для своих родителей к Новому году.


Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по циклу 3

6 класс

1. Write the correct form of the verbs.        

  1. He          (wash) his car last Saturday.
  2. He          (wash) his car at the moment.
  3. He often          (wash) his car.
  4. We          (buy) the chair a month ago.
  5. They          (make) friends when they ……….. (be)  little children.
  1. She          (do)  a  grammar exercise now.
  2. She is a pupil. She often          (do) grammar exercises.
  3. She          (do) the exercise an hour ago.
  4. My grandfather ………………………………….. (work) at the circus when he……………  (be)  young.
  5. Don't ask him any questions now. He ………………………………………….. (work).

  2. Translate into English.

buy chocolate

do homework

     get up at 6





meet smb at school

swim in the river


an umbrella


tell smb about



write letters

  1. Я никогда не плаваю в реке.______________________                                                                                   2. Я никогда не рассказываю ему о своих планах. _______________________________                                      3. Они никогда не выигрывают. _________________________________                                                                4. Джек никогда не пишет письма. _____________________________________________                                              5. Я никогда не покупаю шоколад. __________________________________________                                                   6. Аня никогда не встаёт в 6 часов. ________________________________                                                            7. Я никогда не беру зонт. ________________________________                                                                          8. Он никогда не учит новые слова. __________________________                                                                              9. Она никогда не делает домашнюю работу. __________________________________________                        10. Я никогда не встречаю его в школе. _____________________________________________  

3. Choose the correct prepositions.

1)        Don't take it, please. It's the dress from/by /of our guest. She prepared it for the evening
in / at / before school.

  1. My elder brother gave in /away /up smoking last month.
  2. I must get up / on / to at 6 o'clock in the morning.

4)        How does your nephew get up / along / of with his parents?

  1. We would like to talk with / along / to our Science teacher after lessons.
  2. Who takes away / off / out the rubbish in your family?
  3. Why didn't you wash away / up /from after the dinner?

4. Complete the sentences.                                                                                                                                                                   Example: Has he (to find) ...? — Yes,….                                                                                                                                                                     Has he found his friend's address? — Yes, he has.

  1. Have you (to write) ...? — No,...
  2. Have you (to decide what to do) ...? — Yes,...
  3. Has she (to get presents) ...? — Yes,...
  4. Have you (to cook) ...? — No,...
  5. Has she (to bring) ...? — Yes,...

Предварительный просмотр:


Контрольная работа  по циклу4

6 класс

1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. Boys, you must do everything…

a) yourself   b) yourselves   c) themselves

2. The boys must do everything…

a) yourself   b)yourselves   c)themselves

3. Tom, you must do everything…

a) yourself   b) yourselves   c) themselves

4. He’s never been there, …?

a) is he   b) has he   c) hasn’t he

5. He’s never hungry, …?

a) is he   b) has he   c) hasn’t he

6. … it often rain in autumn?

a) Does   b) Is   c) Was

7. They never wear coats, … ?

a) do they   b) don’t they   c) are they

8. What … easy text!

a) a   b) an   c) –

9. He … the bike yesterday.

a) has washed   b) washed   c) will wash

10. She enjoyed … detective stories.

a) reads   b) to read   c) reading

2. Раскройте скобки.          (Past Simple or Present Perfect)

1. Helen (to invite) her classmates to her home last Monday. They had a good time together.

2. … you (to buy) any Christmas present? - Not yet.

3. Tom (to be) already to the library. He is reading a very interesting book.

4. Alice (to collect) English and German coins last year.

5. I (to do) my homework. I can go out with my friends.

3.Напишите возвратные местоимения.

1. Do you like the salad? I have made it………………..

2. When you look in the mirror, you can see……………….

3. Mrs Wilson told her children, “Look at……………….in the mirror!”

4. I like Mary’s dress. Did she make it……………?

5. He looked at ……………….in the mirror and laughed.

6. We didn’t like the party. We didn’t enjoy……………….

7. Jack, you will enjoy……………..if you travel by train.

8. Thank you for a nice day. I have enjoyed………………….

9. “I can/t tell him the truth now,” she said to…………………….

10. All the people were enjoying…………………..

4. Переведите на английский язык.

      a) to be fond of

  1. Я люблю читать
  2. Ты любишь плавать?
  3. Кто любит компьютерные игры?
  4. Она любит играть на пианино.
  5. Он любит птиц.

b)   1.   Почему ты хранишь эти старые открытки?

  1. Ты можешь хранить секреты?
  2. Для того, чтобы быть в хорошей спортивной форме, я много хожу пешком.
  3. Иногда, когда погода хорошая, мы катаемся на велосипеде.
  4. Каждые выходные мы берём нашу собаку и гуляем за городом.

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