Викторина "Англо-говорящие страны"
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Викторина "Англо- говорящие страны"


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Сроки проведения викторины: 25 декабря- 12 января

Quiz “What Do You Know About English- Speaking Countries”

  1. Do you know the name of the sightseeing?C:\Documents and Settings\КАБ21\Рабочий стол\презентации по английскому\2. Англия\2. Лондон\24. Вестминстерское Аббатство.jpgC:\Documents and Settings\КАБ21\Рабочий стол\презентации по английскому\2. Англия\2. Лондон\26. Тауэрский мост.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\КАБ21\Рабочий стол\презентации по английскому\2. Англия\2. Лондон\67. Биг Бен.jpgC:\Documents and Settings\КАБ21\Рабочий стол\презентации по английскому\2. Англия\2. Лондон\28. Тауэр.jpgC:\Documents and Settings\КАБ21\Рабочий стол\презентации по английскому\2. Англия\2. Лондон\73. Колесо обозрения.jpgC:\Documents and Settings\КАБ21\Рабочий стол\презентации по английскому\2. Англия\2. Лондон\71. Дома парламента.jpg

  1. Do you know English- speaking countries?
  1. The Great Fire of london was in….
  1. 1600       b. 1660       c. 1666
  1. The Battle of Trafalgar took place in…
  1. 1805       b. 1812        c. 1814
  1. The Prime minister of Great Britain during WWII was…
  1. Winston Churchill  b. Margeret Thatcher  c. David Cameron
  1. “Big Ben” was the nickname of…..
  1. Christopher Wren  b. Andrew Lloyd Webber  c. Benjamine Hall
  1. It was not designed by Christopher Wren.
  1. St. Paul’s Cathedral   b. Westminster Abbey     c. Greenwich Observatory
  1. The boat Race in England is between….
  1. Oxford and Cambridge      b. Oxford and London    c. Cambridge and York
  1. His musical “Cats” is popular in many countries.
  1. Christopher Wren  b. Andrew Lioyd Webber   c. Benjamin Britten
  1. Alexander Selkirk was the prototype of…
  1. Ivanhoe        b. Gulliver          c. Robinson Crusoe
  1. King Lear had….. daughters.
  1. Four               b. two                 c. three
  1. They say “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of….”
  1. Travelling      b. life                  c. sightseeng
  1.  Which of the following is not a US state?
  1. Alaska            b. Hawaii            c. Tahiti
  1. The Statue of Liberty of the United States was designed by Frederic Bartholdi and was given to the USA by France in 1884 as a symbol of Franco- American friendship. But who was the model for the statue?
  1. Bartholodi’s wife    b.    Bartholodi’s mother  c. Bartholodi’s daughter
  1.  The “Big Apple” is a popular nickname____ but for what?
  1. Los Angeles          b. New York       c. Chicago
  1.  Your American   friends say to you “let’s go see a ball game.” What do they mean?  
  1. Volleyball             b. basketball        c. baseball
  1. The two largest political parties in the US are the Republicans and the Democrats. The Republican Party is traditionally represented by an elephant. What animal represents the Democratic Party?
  1. A monkey             b. a donkey          c. a tiger
  1. What colour are the taxis in New York?
  1. Black                      b. green                c.  yellow
  1. What is the New York underground called?
  1. The metro              b. the subway      c. the tube
  1. What do American people call their police officers?
  1. Bobbies                  b. cops                    c. dogs
  1. Do you know English and American literature?
  1. A. Christie has written lots of … stories.
  1. Adventure              b. fantastic             c. detective
  1. Miss Marple is the character of the books written by….
  1. A. Christie               b. A. Conan Doyle   c. G.Chesterton
  1. Sherlock Holmes is the character of the book written by…
  1. A. Christie              b. A. Conan Doyle     c. G. Chesterton
  1. One of the greatest authors of “ ghost” stories is…
  1. M. Twain                 b. J. D. Salinger          c. E. Poe
  1. His real name was William Sydney Porter.
  1. O’Henry                  b. M.Twain                   c. Ch. Dickens
  1.    His real name was Samuel Clemens.
  1. J. London                b.     O’Henry                c. M. Twain    
  1. The novel “Jane Eyre” was written by… Bronte.
  1. Charlotte                b. Emily                          c. Anne
  1. The words “Something is rotten in the state of Denmmark” belong to….
  1. Hamlet        b. King of Lear                           c. Othello
  1. He was not born in Ireland.
  1. O.Wilde                    b. B. Show                      c.  Ch. Dickens
  1.  The novel shows the events of the Civil War in the USA.
  1. “Gone with the Wind”   b. “American Tragedy”   c. “Farewell to Arms”

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