Учебная презентация по английскому языку "Основные лекарственные формы"
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Учебная презентация по английскому языку "Основные лекарственные формы"


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Слайд 1

Основные лекарственные формы Разработчик: преподаватель английского языка ГБПОУ ДЗМ «МК №1» Песцова К.А.

Слайд 2

Drug forms Tablet Capsule Ointment Cream Lotion Powder Liquid Suppository Transdermal patch Pellet, bead, wafer, insert, and device Gas

Слайд 3

1. Tablet A tablet is a solid drug form that contains an active drug (as a dried powder) plus inert ingredients (binders and fillers) to provide bulk and ensure a standardized tablet size.

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1. Tablet Tablets are manufactured in several specialized types: A scored tablet An effervescent tablet An enteric coated tablet A slow-release tablet A caplet A lozenge A troche

Слайд 5

1.1. A scored tablet A scored tablet has an intended line running across it, from one side to the other, so that it can be easily broken into equal pieces to produce an accurate, but reduced, dose

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1.2. An effervescent tablet An effervescent tablet is one that is dissolved in a glass of water before being swallowed.

Слайд 7

1.3. An enteric-coated tablet An enteric-coated tablet is covered with a special coating that resists stomach acid, but dissolves in the alkaline environment of the small intestine to avoid irritating stomach

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1.4. A slow-release tablet A slow-release tablet is manufac-tured to provide a continuous, sus-tained release of the drug (CR – controlled release, LA – long acting, SR – slow release, XL – extended length)

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1.5. Caplets Caplets are coated tablets in the form of an elongated capsule. Caplets are tablets that are specially shaped, usually in the same shape as a capsule, and coated with a waxy layer.

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1.6. Lozenges Lozenges are formed from a hardened base of sugar and water containing drug and other flavorings. This tablet intended to be dissolved slowly in the mouth

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1.7. A troche A troche is an oblong tablet that has a base of sugar and disintegrates onto a paste to release the drug topically in the mouth. Another name for troche is a pastille.

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2. Capsule A capsule comes in two varieties. The first is a soft, one-piece gelatin shell with the liquid drug inside. The second type of capsule is a hard shell manufactured in two pieces that fit together and hold the powdered or granular drug inside.

Слайд 13

3. An ointment An ointment is a semisolid emulsion of oil (lanolin or petroleum) and water, the main ingredient being oil.

Слайд 14

4. A cream A cream is a semisolid emulsion of oil (lanolin or petroleum) and water, the main ingredient being water.

Слайд 15

5. A lotion A lotion is a suspension of a drug in a water base. Lotions are absorbed into the skin and exert a local, not systemic, drug effect.

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6. A powder A powder is a finely ground form of a drug powder drugs can be found within capsules the powder is reconstituted with water for oral use or injection powders can be sprinkled topically or sprayed onto the skin powder can be inhalited into the lungs with the help of special inhalation device

Слайд 17

7. Liquid A liquid drug comes in the form of a solution or a suspension.

Слайд 18

7 .1. Solution Solutions contain drug in a base of sterile water, saline, or water and alcohol. Solutions never need to be mixed, as the drug concentration is always the same in every part of the solution, even after prolonged standing.

Слайд 19

Solutions come in three forms: 1) Solutions in which the drug is dissolved in sterile water or saline for injection into body tissue or the blood. These drugs are packed in: a) An ampule (small, slender glass container with a main body and narrow, extended top b) A vial (small glass bottle with aluminum cap)

Слайд 20

Solutions come in three forms: 2) Solutions in which the drug is dissolved in a liquid base are for topical or oral administration: a) Elexirs are solutions that contain the drug in a water and alcohol basewith added sugar and flavoring

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b) Syrups are solutions that contain the drug in a thickened water base with added sugar and flavorings, but no alcohol

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c) Tinctures are solutions that contain the drug in a water and alcohol base.

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d) Liquid sprays are solutions that contain the drug in a water or alcohol base.

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e) Foams are solutions that contain the drug in a water base that is expanded by tiny aerosol bubbles when are expelled from the container

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