урок в 8 классе друзья и дружба
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема:Друзья и дружба
образовательная: совершенствование лексических навыков, расширение кругозора учащихся
воспитательная: воспитание и формирование дружеских отношений в ученическом коллективе, воздействие на эмоциональную и духовную сферу учащихся.
развивающая: развитие личностных качеств учащихся, их ценностных ориентаций; развитие памяти и мышления на английском языке.
активизировать изученную лексику по теме «Friends and friendship»;
развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать усвоенный материал в новых ситуациях;
развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся;
развивать умение работать в группах;
учить оценивать свою работу и работу других учеников;
воспитывать чувство доброты, поддержки, взаимопомощи.
Формы организации урока: фронтальная, парная, групповая.
I. Introduction.
– Good morning, children. I’m very glad to see all of you today. Sit down, please. To guess what we are going to talk about Let`s solve the puzzle. Look at the screen
What are we going to discuss today?
– You are right, our lesson is devoted to one of the greatest human feelings – friendship. That is why the theme of our lesson is “Friends and friendship”.
II. Основная часть урока. Работа по теме урока.
- Now look at the blackboard. You see the key word of our lesson. Your task is to write down the words or expressions associated with it.
Each association should begin with each letter of the given word.
2. Let`s have a look at the Definitions of the words friend and friendship.
3. Let’s discuss how you understand friendship. What does friendship mean to you?Is it important to you?Сan you imagine life without friends?Do they make your life more interesting?
4.Now you will work in in pairs. Ask your partner the questions about their friends and then be ready to tell us about their friends
The questions:
Have you got many friends?
Who is your best friend?
When did you make friends?
What does he/she look like?
What are the main features of his/her character?
Do you often spend time together?
What is your friend’s hobby?
- I’ll give you 5 minutes for preparation and then each pair will tell us about their partner`s friend.
5.Let`s listen to the Song. Make notes. And then try to say how can you be a good friend(kind, helpful , caring, respectful, says nice things, a good listener,shares,takes turns,smiles, can play with every one, looks after others,uses their manners)
6. Let us work in groups. Read short characteristics of a friendship maker or a friendship breaker.
- supports you in all situations,understands
- is not interested in your problems
- appreciates your advice
- cheers you up
- doesn`t care about your feelings
- is a good listener
- Never helps
- keeps promise
- does n`t keep secrets
- tells you lies
- tells you the truth
- never betrays you
- never takes turn and never shares
7.T- Dear students look at the screen , read the statements and do you agree or disagree with them and WHY?Discuss in groups
Agree or disagree.
- Friendship is a thing which lasts forever.
- Friendship is a thing that takes time.
8. Now Complete the sentences about friendship. You can discuss it in groups
- Friends are important to me because…
- I need a friend when…
- Friends think that I am…
- Friends like me because…
- I feel happy when a friend…
- I feel unhappy when a friend…
- I like being with people who…
- I enjoy talking with my friends about…
- Some things I enjoy doing with my friends are…
- A special quality that I admire in friends is…
9.Let`s have rest a bit. Do you Know what is the symbol of friendship?
The symbol of friendship is two linked hands.(слайд)
Come here , join your hands, close your eyes and think of a person who is holding your right hand. Think of his best qualities.Open your eyes and tell him or her about this quality. I`ll start. You are very sociable, friendly, optimistic, interesting..I can rely on you) Now close your eyes again and think of a person who is holding your left hand. Think of his best qualities.Open your eyes and tell him or her about this quality.
- Do you Know that there is a day for celebrating friendship?Read the text and be ready to answer the questions.
When and where did the tradition in honour of friends Begin? What is the official date of Friendship Day? What do people do on that day?
12.I`ll give the cards with the proverbs about friendship. Your task is to match the two parts of the proverb.
Match them: | |
A friend in need….. | the medicine of life |
A friend in need is a friend indeed.(друзья познаются в беде)
Money can’t buy friendship.(за деньги дружбу не купишь)
A faithful friend is the medicine of life.( Верный друг подобен лекарству от всех болезней)
The only way to have a friend is to be one.( Хочешь иметь друга - стань сам хорошим другом)
Now choose one of the proverbs which you agree most and discuss it in groups. Then be ready to express your opinion You should comment on them.
13. T: You know that there are a lot of poems and songs about friendship. I wanna you to sing a part of the song «Friend will be friend» by Queen.
Listen to the song and fill in the gaps. So start.
Friends will be friends,
When you're in need of …(1) they give you …(2) and …(3),
Friends will be friends,
When you're through with life and all …(4) is lost,
Hold out your …(5) cos friends will be friends right till the end.
Вставляют слова:
- Love
- Care
- Attention
- Hope
- Hand
14.Now complete the sentences
- A True Friend is / must be…
the most kind-hearted, cheerful, responsible, loyal, honest, sociable, intelligent, helpful, generous, reliable.
- A true friend gives me a helping hand when I…
am in trouble; am in a bad mood; am ill; don’t know what to do; have problems with my schoolwork, need advice;
- A True friend mustn’t…
quarrel with me, ignore my problems, let me down, deceive me, refuse to help me.
- I’d like my friend to…
worry about me; forgive me if I do something wrong; keep my secrets; understand me; stand by me no matter what..; cheer me up; confide in me.
| Yes | No |
1. Do you often agree with your friend? |
2. Can you keep your friend’s secrets? |
3. Do you let yourself laugh at your friend? |
4. Do you support your friend? |
5. Do you always tell the truth to your friend? |
6. Do your friend’s troubles trouble you? |
7. Are you always ready to admit your mistake? |
7 points – you’re an ideal friend
6 points – you’re a very good friend
5 points – you’re a good friend
less than 5 points – you should do your best to be a good friend.
: Judging by the results of the questionnaire you’re good friends. It means that friendship is important for you and you value your friends.
III Завершение урока
We are coming to the end of the lesson.. Now let’s sum up/ Do you remember we started our lesson with the friendship symbol.What is it? Let`s write five main traits of character of a true friend. A true friend is…. So, here he is, our ideal friend! You see that he is loyal, reliable and supportive. He’ll never betray you and always cheer you up in trouble. It is so important to have only true friends because we just can’t do without them.
Let`s finish our lesson with the poem that you will learn by heart at home
With friend you have a lot of fun.
A friend will never let you down.
You’ll tell your secrets to your friend,
And he will always understand.
A friend is always there for you,
And you can talk your problems through
And now the most important thing,
He’ll be with you through thick and thin.
He’ll stand by you to the end –
And then you call that one your friend.
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