Итоговая проверочная работа для 8 класса
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Такиуллина Ирина Анатольевна

Итоговая проверочная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая проверочная работа

8 класс

Раздел 1. Чтение

1 a) Read the text and choose the sentences which were used in the text.

A Sad Story

Three men came to New York for their holidays. Their names were Tom, Pete and Andy. They came to a hotel and asked for a room. The friends got a room on the forty-fifth floor.

They went sightseeing, visited the picture gallery and looked into some shops. In the evening they came back to the hotel from the cinema.

The servant in the hotel told them: " I'm sorry, gentlemen, the lift doesn't work. If you don't want to go up to your room, you can sleep here, in the hall. I'll bring you the bed linen."

" No, no", said the men, " we shan't sleep in the hall. We shall go up to our room." Then Tom said to his friends:" It's not easy to go up to the forty-fifth floor. I know what we shall do. I shall tell you a lot of jokes. Andy will sing us songs and Pete will tell us an interesting story".

The three friends went up to their room. They listened to Tom's jokes, then Andy sang songs. When they came to the thirty-fifth floor, Tom said to Pete: "Now we shall listen to your long and interesting story."

" Yes", answered Pete, "but my story is short and very sad. I have no key with me. It is on the table in the hall."

1 б) Choose the sentences which were used in the text. Circle the right answer.

1. A) The friends got a room on the thirty-fifth floor.

B) The friends got a room on the forty-fifth floor.

2. A) They looked into some shops.

B) They looked into some supermarkets.

3. A) We shall go up to our room.

B) We shall sleep in the hall.

4. A) Andy told interesting stories.

B) Andy sang songs.

Раздел 2. Лексика.

2. Fill in the gaps. Use the following words: get, make, look, turn

1 .It took me a week ... the flu. (побороть, выздороветь) 2. What time ... you ... in the morning? (вставать) 3. He ... with two million dollars. (уехать) 4.I ... tomorrow. (вернуться) 5.Our neighbours ... yesterday. (шуметь) 6. Tom ... in his test yesterday. (сделать ошибку) 7. Who is going ... little Lily? (присматривать) 8. I usually ... all the new words ... . (смотреть в словаре).

Раздел 3. Грамматика.

3 a) Put the verbs in brackets in the Passive voice.

1 .His new book ________________________ next year. (to finish)

2. Flowers _____________________________in shops and in the streets. (to sell)

3. This text ____________________________ at the last lesson. (to translate)

4. T his street______________ already _______________ because of snow. (to close)

5. Potatoes_____________________________ yesterday. (to buy)

б) Fill in the gaps. Use either... or, neither... nor. both ... and

1. We could find him____________ in the shop__________ in the office. (ни … ни) 2. ____________the brother ____________ the sister were punished. (и… и) 3. He spoke ______________ English __________French. (ни … ни) 4. We can meet ____________at six___________ at seven. (или … или) 5. The weather is ___________ cold ______________warm today. (ни … ни).

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