Грамматические карточки
картотека по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Грамматическая карточка
Вариант № 1
Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант
1) What ... wearing now?
a) they are b) are they c) do they
2) They made ... mistakes so they got good marks.
a) many b) few c) a few
3) Harry never ... sweaters.
a) doesn’t b) wears c) is wearing
Задание 2. Поставь прилагательные в нужную форму:
a) My cat is (big) than Helen’s rabbit.
b) July is usually (hot) month of the year.
Задание 3. Сделай предложение отрицательным
a) He bought the CD.
b) She goes to school on Saturdays.
c) They are sleeping now.
Задание 4. Употреби обороты
There is - there are или there was - there were
a) In our old house… only one bedroom.
b) But in our new house… two bedrooms.
Грамматическая карточка
Вариант № 2
Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант
1) He ... translate the text yesterday.
a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) won’t
2) She ... get good marks every day.
a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) won’t
3) You ... buy any bread. We have got some.
a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) can’t
Задание 2. Поставь прилагательные в нужную форму:
a) The book is (good) that the film.
b) Ann is (young) pupil in her class.
Задание 3. Сделай предложение отрицательным
a) He drinks Cola.
b) She wore a uniform at school.
c) They are playing now.
Задание 4. Употреби обороты
There is - there are или there was - there were
a) ... a beautiful flower in the vase.
b) ... a lot of books in the library many years ago.
Грамматическая карточка
Вариант № 3
Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант
1) You mustn’t drink so ... tea.
a) many b) few c) much
2) He ... go to school yesterday.
a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) won’t
3) It often ... here in June.
a) rain b) rains c) raining
Задание 2. Поставь прилагательные в нужную форму:
a) London is (old) than Moscow.
b) Bob is (good) football player.
Задание 3. Сделай предложение отрицательным
a) Ann met them in the park yesterday.
b) I have got much free time.
c) She has cooked dinner.
Задание 4. Употреби обороты
There is - there are или there was - there were
a) ... very few people in the street yesterday.
b) ... no mice in his new house.
Грамматическая карточка
Вариант № 4
Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант
1) He has ... swept the paths in the garden.
a) already b) yet c) just
2) He ... go to school yesterday.
a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) won’t
3) Don’t go out. It is ...
a) rain b) rains c) raining
Задание 2. Поставь прилагательные в нужную форму:
a) This room is (cold) in the house.
b) The elephant is (big) than the tiger.
Задание 3. Сделай предложение отрицательным
a) The lady likes her dress.
b) We are reading now.
c) They gave him a toy.
Задание 4. Употреби обороты
There is - there are или there was - there were
a) ... a T-shirt and two shirts in his bag.
b) ... no mice in his old house.
Грамматическая карточка
Вариант № 5
Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант
1) Were there ... people there?
a) many b) little c) much
2) Melanie has not finished her task in Maths ...
a) just b) already c) yet
3) It often ... here in December.
a) snow b) snows c) is snowing
Задание 2. Поставь прилагательные в нужную форму:
a) March is (long) than February.
b) This is (short) way to the museum.
Задание 3. Сделай предложение отрицательным
a) He is playing with his friends now.
b) They have to do a lot of things.
c) She will buy a book tomorrow.
Задание 4. Употреби обороты
There is - there are или there was - there were
a) ... not many things in his room last month.
b) ... very few children in the park at the moment.
Грамматическая карточка
Вариант № 6
Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант
1) Daniel has not finished his exercise in English ...
a) just b) already c) yet
2) You can’t ... now.
a) swim b) to swim c) swimming
3) We ... a trip around London now.
a) make b) are making c) will make
Задание 2. Поставь прилагательные в нужную форму:
a) The boy is (tall) than the girl.
b) Stacy’s sister is (young) in the family.
Задание 3. Сделай предложение вопросительным
a) You watch TV in the evening.
b) We go to the park twice a week.
c) They are working in the office.
Задание 4. Употреби обороты
There is - there are или there was - there were
a) ... much water in the bottle yesterday.
b) ... not a dining room in his old flat.
Грамматическая карточка
Вариант № 7
Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант
1) Stuart has not done his homework ...
a) already b) just c) yet
2) How ... cartons of juice have you bought?
a) many b) much c) lots of
3) My family usually ... in summer.
a) travels b) is travelling c) travelled
Задание 2. Поставь прилагательные в нужную форму:
a) A horse is (beautiful) than a pig.
b) A train is (fast) than a car.
Задание 3. Сделай предложение вопросительным
a) He helped his parents yesterday.
b) His birthday is on the first of November.
c) She visits her grandparents twice a year.
Задание 4. Употреби обороты
There is - there are или there was - there were
a) ... some posters in my room now.
b) ... a calendar on the wall in his old room.
Грамматическая карточка
Вариант № 8
Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант
1) He has got ... friends.
a) many b) little c) much
2) We ... all day yesterday.
a) were shopping b) go shopping c) went shopping
3) I ... a mystery film now.
a) watch b) am watching c) watched
Задание 2. Поставь прилагательные в нужную форму:
a) He is (clever) pupil in his class.
b) Jane is (tall) than Julia.
Задание 3. Сделай предложение вопросительным
a) They have had a party.
b) She is at the stadium now.
c) They do exercises in the morning.
Задание 4. Употреби обороты
There is - there are или there was - there were
a) ... not many children in the park yesterday.
b) ... often rain in autumn.
Грамматическая карточка
Вариант № 9
Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант
1) She hasn’t got ... time to do it.
a) many b) few c) much
2) You can’t ... now.
a) swim b) to swim c) swimming
3) It often ... here in December.
a) snow b) snows c) is snowing
Задание 2. Поставь прилагательные в нужную форму:
a) His parrot is (funny) than Jeff’s bird.
b) What is (large) room in your flat?
Задание 3. Сделай предложение вопросительным
a) She is wearing a dress now.
b) They promised to help.
c) He visits his Granny twice a week.
Задание 4. Употреби обороты
There is - there are или there was - there were
a) ... not many apples in the basket.
b) ... no piano in his old school.
Грамматическая карточка
Вариант № 10
Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант
1) How ... tea do you drink every day?
a) many b) little c) much
2) He ... go to school yesterday.
a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) won’t
3) It often ... here in December.
a) snow b) snows c) is snowing
Задание 2. Поставь прилагательные в нужную форму:
a) He is (clever) pupil in his class.
b) Jane is (tall) than Julia.
Задание 3. Сделай предложение вопросительным
a) They have had a party.
b) She is at the stadium now.
c) He must stay in bed.
Задание 4. Употреби обороты
There is - there are или there was - there were
a) ... some cheese in the fridge, you can take it.
b) ... a sofa in the room, where he lived.
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