Грамматические карточки
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Разработки предназначены для систематизации знаний по грамматическим разделам:
- reported speech
- past simple or past perfect
- since-for-ago.
Красочные тестовые задания, направленные на закрепление и совершенствование грамматических навыков.
Есть ключи для проверки заданий.
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Предварительный просмотр:
FOR period of time
10am 3pm
(when the action began)
Tim has read the newspaper for five hours.
AGO period of time between the action and now
7 am 8 am 9 am
ACTION <--------------------------|NOW
Andrew and Tony started working two hours ago.
SINCE point in time
(when the action began (now)
Ann has been on the computer since 7am.
1. Tom bought his new car two months _______.
2. Jack has been the manager _______ 1984.
3. Kate went to the hairdresser three days ______.
4. Susan has waited for her husband ________ two hours. She has been at the door _____ two o`clock.
5. The reporter has interviewed the singer _______ one hour.
6. John has had problems ______ his childhood.
7. Kate and Ann have been friends ______ 1994. They have been friends _____ eleven years.
8. Kate has been on the phone ______ 8 o`clock. She has talked to John _____ three hours.
9. Chris has listened to the radio _____ two long hours. He bought the radio two days _____.
10. Paul has been a dentist ______ 1998. He finished his course twelve years _____.
11. Pamela told Tim her secret three weeks _____. She had kept it to herself ______ ten years.
12. Mr. Smith painted the house three days ______. 13. Ann and her friend were at the café______ three hours. They have been friends _____ for a long time
14. The soldier has been in the army _____ 2004. He has been there _____ six years.
15. Kevin has been in love with Ann _____ two years.
16. James went to the ski resort two winters _______.
17. Paul has played violin _______ three hours.
18. Peter has played golf since _____ 9am.
KEY – 1-ago, 2-since, 3-ago, 4-for/since, 5-for, 6-since,7-since/for, 8-since/for, 9-for/ago, 10-since/ago, 11- ago/for, 12-ago, 13-for/since, 14-since/for, 15-for, 16-ago, 17- for, 18-since
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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