Конспект урока в 7 классе “Children in Victorian Times”
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
To give a fresh start to our lesson, look at the screen and tell me which country is encrypted behind the pictures?
(Great Britain)
Ok, let’s continue our game of charades. There are some pictures. Who can you see in all these pictures?
What are they doing?
(They are working)
So try to guess the topic of our lesson today?
(Children’s work in Great Britain)
Right you are. So, what are we going to do during the lesson?)
Постановка задач
The following pictures are illustrations of children’s hard lives during in the 19th century. What do you think their lives were like?
(ответы учащихся)
(продемонстрировать «исторические документы»)
I have some documents narrating some historical facts about those times. Before we start reading, let’s learn some new words connected to the topic. Read the words after me please. Try to guess their meaning with the help of the picture.
(чтение слов за учителем с проверкой понимания смысла прочитанного с опорой на иллюстрацию)
Ok, now we are going to practice pronouncing the words. I have cards with the same illustrations so I’ll give you the cards and pronounce the word. Your task is to pass the card to your partner and repeat it, get the new one and do the same thing. The last person here passes me the card. Is it clear?
(проходит тренировка новых слов и выражений 2 раза, после слайд с карточками, далее игра what’s missing).
Right you are. As you know now, the life of children was impossibly hard during the period of the 19th century because they had to work to support their families. Those jobs were very difficult and impossible for them.
Now watch a documentary and complete the sentences. You’ll watch it twice. Let’s take a course on England of the 19th century.
OK. Now let’s sum up the information you’ve just learnt. Complete the sentences with the help of the read text.
I hope you feel much more experienced in your knowledge on the topic now. There are some tips to talk to. Choose any you like and prepare to talk about it.
(working conditions, working hours, jobs, wages, masters)
As the lesson is about to come to its end, I’d like to know your opinion on the following topics.
(Do you think it was right for children to do these kinds of jobs?
Why do you think children did these jobs? How did they feel?
Would you do any of these jobs? Why or why not?
Thanks for your cooperation. So, I guess it’s high time to return to our start point. Do you recognize these signs?
So, show your ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ to the following statements.
(My work; my classmates’ work; the information presented in the lesson; teacher’s work in the lesson)
And now I shall give you marks for the lesson. …
Your home task will be to do a group project about children who worked in the 19th century. You can use history books or the Internet to find out. Prepare a short report (7-9 sentences) about their jobs and life.
So thank you very much for your cooperation, it was a real pleasure to work with you today. I hope you’ve enjoyed it too. Good bye!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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