Контрольная работа по второму модулю учебник Starlight 9
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Starlight 9 module 2 test
Включает грамматику ( группа будущих времен, конструкции для обозначения планов на будущее), лексика, фразовые глаголы с предлогом up, а также вопросы по основным текстам.
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Module 2 test
Task 1. True/False/Not stated
- Insects will be available in many supermarkets throughout the world by 2020.
- Jedi mind control device is supposed to help disabled people.
- Invisibility cloak was created by Ali Aliev in Russia.
- Time machine will suck people’s energy away.
- Humidity in the Giant Crystal Cave is low.
- A person can survive in the Cave for only about 20 minutes.
- If a shark is going to attack you, you should wave your hands and try to drift away.
- Stuart Cove is popular with women because of his courage.
Task 2.Choose the correct variant.
1.The shark was…..in a net by a fisherman.
a)controlled b)captured c)manipulated d)operated
2.The runner had…pouring down his forehead.
a)water b)sweat c)spit d)saliva
3.He poured milk in his tea and….. it.
a)drifted b)stirred c)spun d)swirled
4.The room was dark except one …..of light.
a)strand b)thread c)beam d)slit
5.Brian always….up stories.
a)makes b)steams c)brings d)breaks
6.The …..in the cave was high.
a)steam b)breeze c)humidity d)moisture
7.They served chicken and potatoes for the…
a)starter b)main course c)dessert d)abundant
8.This device is designed to….the feeling of flying.
a)replicate b)swirl b)levitate d)float
9. My mother always serve healthy …vegetables as a side dish.
a)deep-fried b)scrumbled b)boiled d)mashed
10. This house looks really disgusting, there are lot’s of…running from corner to corner.
a)locusts b)cockroaches c)dragonflies d)maggots
11.They were such a nice couple, I think they really must….
a)make b)spring c)bring d)break
12.Nowadays it’s very difficult to….children up.
a) take b) bring c)come d) give
Task 3. Put the verbs in the correct form.
- This time next month we will (travel) to Mexico.
- Would you like (try) a chocolate covered beetle?
- The scientist will (create) a prototype of his invention by the end of the month.
- Cory can’t help (worry) about sharks in the water.
- I think you (enjoy) La Tomatina Festival.
- By the time you arrive, they will (surf) for over three hours.
- He was reluctant (reveal) the secret of his invention.
- We (go) to an insect restaurant tonight.
- Tom has always wanted (swim) with dolphins.
- I look forward (see) the ice cave.
Task 4.Change the form of the word.
- I think we will ……in this competition. (SUCCESS)
- Don’t try to… me, I’m not scared! (THREAT)
- My favourite meal is …..potatoes. (MASH)
- The ……..from this event will always be in my head! ( ENJOY)
- The government is taking care of ….people these days, they can feel practically the same as normal people. (ABLE)
- If you drink… water, you will end up with a bad stomachache. (CONTAMINATE)
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