Рифмовки на английском языке
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
1. A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W (2)
Z, Y, Z
Oh, well, you see
Now I know ABC.
2. B-A-Bay B-E-B
B-I-Bitti-By B-O-Bo
(C, F, K, L, M, N, P, Z)
3 Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear children,
I am glad to see you.
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear teacher,
We are glad to see you.
4. My name is Ann.
Her name is Nan.
His name is Ben.
Say it again.
5. I see a pen.
I see a hen.
I see a cock.
I see a clock.
Ann sees a pen.
Ann sees a hen.
Ann sees a cock.
Ann sees a clock.
6. I see a pen on the desk .
I see a hen at the door.
I see a clock on the bench.
I see a cat on the floor.
7. This is Jack.
And that is Jill.
This is Ann.
And that is Bill.
This is Ted .
And that is Dot.
This is Rex.
And that is Spot.
8. What’s this ? It’s a school-bag.
What’s that? It’s a pencil.
What’s this? It’s a pen.
For a pupil I am.
9. One sun, two shoes, three trees,
four doors, five hives, six sticks,
seven stars, eight plates, nine signs,
ten hens.
10. 1 potato, 2 potatoes, 3 potatoes, 4
5 potatoes, 6 potatoes, 7 potatoes, more
You are out.
11. 1 little, 2 little, 3 little Indians.
4 little, 5 little, 6 little Indians.
7 little, 8 little, 9 little Indians.
10 little Indian boys.
12. One, one, one-
Little dog, run!
Two, two, two-
Cats see you.
Three, three, three-
Birds on the tree.
Four, four, four-
Rats on the floor.
13. Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy? Why, Willy?
Why, Willy? Why?
14. Blue sea – green tree.
Brown hand – yellow sand.
Rose red – grey head.
Snow white – black night.
15. I see pink. He sees brown.
I stand up and he sits down.
I see red, he sees blue.
I see you and you, and you.
16. Spring is green.
Summer is bright.
Autumn is yellow.
Winter is white.
17. The frog is green, green, green.
And so is the tree. One, two, three.
Red, red, red the rose.
Blue, blue, blue the dress.
Grey, grey, grey the rat.
And so is the cat.
18. Here is a big doll,
Here is a big ball.
There is a little doll,
There is a little ball.
Here is a big fox,
Here is a big box.
There is a little fox,
There is a little box.
Here is a big car,
Here is a big star.
There is a little car,
There is a little star.
19. Clean the black board,
Clean the door.
Clean the table,
Clean the floor.
20. One, two – tie your shoe.
Three, four – open the door.
Five, six – pick up sticks.
Seven, eight – close the gate.
Nine, ten – begin again.
21. Put your right hand in,
Take your right hand out.
Put your right hand in
And shake it all about.
Do the hokey-cokey
And turn around.
That’s what it’s all about.
Oh, hokey-cokey-cokey,
Oh, hokey-cokey-cokey,
Oh, hokey-cokey-cokey,
That’s what it’s all about.
22. This is my father,
This is my mother,
This is my brother Paul.
This is my sister,
This is my uncle.
How I love them all.
23. How is your mother? She is fine, thanks.
How is your father? He is fine, thanks.
How is your sister? She is fine, thanks.
How is you brother? He is fine, thanks.
And how are you? I am fine too. Thank you.
24. Good night, father, good night, mother.
Kiss your little son.
Good night, sister, good night brother.
Good night everyone.
25. I have a father,
I have a mother,
I have a sister,
I have a brother.
Father, mother, sister, brother-
Hand in hand with one another.
26. I have a hare, I have a bear.
My toys are here, my toys are there.
I have a horse, have a fox,
I have a brown cow.
I have a hen, I have a chick.
And I am playing now.
27. Look at the boy – he has a toy.
Look at the doll – she has a doll.
Look at the cat – it has a hat.
Look at the pig – it is very big.
28. Sam has a hat.
Sam has a black hat.
Sam has a black hat in his hand.
29. I have two eyes and I can see
A book and a pen in front of me.
I see a window and a door.
I see the ceiling and the floor.
30. Allouette, little Allouette,
Alouette, play the game with me!
Put your finger on your head,(2)
On your head,(2)
Don’t forget, Alouette. Oh!
Allouette, little Allouette,
Allouette, play the game with me!
Put your finger on your nose,(2)
On your nose,(2)
On your head,(2)
Don’t forget, Allouette.
On your mouth.
On your chin.
31. I have two legs with which I walk,
I have a tongue with which I talk.
And with it too I eat my food
And tell if it is bad or good.
32. I’ve got 10 little fingers,
I’ve got 10 little toes,
I’ve got 2 ears,
I’ve got 2 eyes
And just one little nose.
33. We have fingers,
We have toes.
How many of these? 10.
How many of those? 10.
We have eyes.
How many? 2.
When they look at you,
They say ”How do you do?”
34. I have a little dog
And his name is Jack.
His head is white
And his ears are black.
35. I have a little pussy
And her coat is grey.
She lives in my house
And she never runs away.
36. My cat is black,
My cat is fat,
My cats likes rats,
Rats are grey and fat.
37. Peter has a pencil,
Peter has a pen.
He draws with a pencil
And writes with a pen.
38. Little bird, little bird,
Look at me.
I have a bird-house.
Oh, come and see.
Little boy, little boy
Under the tree,
I like your house,
Give it to me.
39. I have a cat, his name is Pit,
And with me he likes to sit,
For Pit loves me, and I love Pit.
40. I like to read,
I like to play,
I like to study every day.
I like to jump,
I like to run,
I like to play,
It’s fun.
41. We like to swim,
We like to play.
Come to the river
With us today.
42. Finger, 1 thumb – keep moving (3)
We are all very happy and bright.
1 finger, 1 thumb, 1 arm, 1 leg,
1 nod of the head, stand up, sit down.
43. Together, together, together every day,
Together, together we work and play.
44. I say: ”Take a cock”.
Nick says: “Take a pen”.
Ann says: “Take a hen”.
45. One, two, tree – I like dogs and dogs like me.
One, two, tree – I like cats and cats like me.
46. One, two, tree,
Let me see –
One, two, tree,
Let me see –
Who likes coffee
And who likes tea?
One, two, tree,
Now I see –
I like coffee and she likes tea.
47. I like this cat,
Nina likes that.
I like Pussy,
And she likes Bat.
I like this dog,
Mike likes that.
I like Spot,
He likes fat.
48. Tick-tock, tick-tock, says the clock,
Tock-tick, tock-tick:
What you have to do, do quick.
49. I scream, you scream,
We all scream for ice-cream.
50. Put the pencil on the table,
Take the pencil off the table.
Put the pencil on the table,
Be quick, be quick, be quick.
51. Tinker, tailor,
Solder, sailor,
Rich man, poor man,
Beggar man, thief.
52. If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands.
Stamp your feet.
Snap your fingers.
Click your tongue.
Nod your head.
Say OK.
Do all six.
53. I am Yura. Am I Yura?
You are Shura. Are you Shura?
He is Sasha. Is he Sasha?
She is Masha. Is she Masha?
54. We are six
We are big
We are red
We are fat
We are six, big, red, fat bugs.
55. I m at the window.
He is at the door.
She is at the blackboard.
We are on the floor.
56. I’m a boy, I`am a boy, you’re a girl.
You’re a boy, you’re a boy, I’m a girl.
I’m a boy, I’m a boy.
I’m a girl, I’m a girl.
Boys and girls.(3)
We are boys, we are boys and you’re girls.
You are boys, you are boys and we’re girls.
We are boys, we are boys.
We are girls, we girls.
Boys and girls.(3)
57. I am a pupil. Is he a pupil?
He is a pupil. Is she a pupil?
She is a pupil too. Are you a pupil too?
I am a pupil. I am not a pupil.
You are a teacher. I am a teacher
We love you. And I love you.
58. How do you do, kids?
How do you do?
I hope you are well, kids.
We hope you are too.
59. How do you do, Harry?
How do you do?
I hope you are well, Harry.
I hope you are too.
60. How do you do, Nick?
How do you do?
I am to meet you.
I am glad too.
61. What is your name?(2)
Now tell me, please,
What is your name?
My name is Janet.(3)
That’s my name.
How old are you?(2)
Now tell me, please,
How old are you?
I`ll soon be ten.(3)
That’s my age.
Where do you live?(2)
Now tell me, please,
Where do you live?
I live in L London.(3)
That’s where I live.
62. Your friend is his friend.
His friend is her friend.
Her friend is your friend.
But who then is my friend?
Your friends are our friends.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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