Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку, школьный уровень, 7-8 класс
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Всегда интересно готовить ребят к олимпиадам разного уровня. Мне посчастливилось попробовать себя в роли разработчика. Материал данной олимпиады достаточно удобен для неязыковых школ. При этом, ребенок должен помнить все основные правила уровня А2 и В1.
Предварительный просмотр:
Департамент образования администрации г.о.Тольятти
МАОУ ДПО ЦИТ г.о.Тольятти
Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку (школьный этап).
2018-2019 учебный год.
7-8 класс.
Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 90 минут.
№ задания | №1 | №2 | №3 | №4 | №5 | №6 | Всего |
Максимальный балл | 6 | 5 | 10 | 18 | 11 | 10 | 60 |
Time: 10 minutes
Task 1. You will hear part of an interview with a boy called Simon who is helping to protect the environment. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
- Simon enjoys taking his boat onto the River Stanton because
- he knows many people who go there.
- the speed of the water makes it exciting.
- it is the closest river to his home town.
- Simon noticed that the river water
- was getting lower and lower.
- was too dark to let him see the bottom.
- was having a negative effect on him.
- Simon learned more about the problem with the river
- by looking on the internet.
- by asking the people who owned the river.
- by talking to his school teachers.
- Why did Simon do a special course?
A. to join an organization that protects the river
B. to learn about the geography of the river
C. to be able to check the water quality of the river
- Simon is pleased because
A. the company causing the problem closed.
B. he found a way to reduce the problem.
C. he discovered new plants that live in the river.
- Why did Simon enter the science competition?
A. to try to involve more people in helping the environment
B. to win money to help protect the river
C. to get a good grade for his school project
Time: 20 minutes
Task 2. Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A,B,C or D.
``By Isabelle Ramirez, aged 15``
Go Wild! is a touring exhibition of wildlife photos and paintings by young artists. Its last stop has been in my city, and I went last week.
The pictures were produced by teenagers living in countries as far apart as Asia and Canada. There were often humans and animals working together in the pictures, and to me that was the message behind them. In one painting, for example, a girl was resting her head on an elephant.
Some wildlife experts say this doesn’t show animals as they really are in the wild, and I agree. But that didn’t stop the pictures being beautiful. One artist, for example, had filmed videos of animals through coloured glass and another had added music – they worked really well.
There were also action photos. One was of a bear that had climbed up a tree in a garden in Canada and refused to come down. Wildlife experts sent the bear to sleep with a special vet’s gun – and a brilliant young photographer saw a great opportunity. He took a photo showing the bear falling out of the tree, fast asleep, onto a rubber mat on the ground, as if it was jumping like a gymnast! The bear was later returned to the wild. And there were lots more amazing pictures like that!
Another young photographer took a photo while swimming with an elephant – although she almost got kicked as a result. I was glad I didn’t know that when I first saw the picture! It reminded me that the animals in the pictures were still wild animals, and shouldn’t be trusted. But this photographer clearly felt the photo was worth the danger.
1. What was Isabelle Ramirez trying to do in the text?
A. say who had done the best pictures in the exhibition
B. encourage young people to take up wildlife photography
C. give her opinion of different work in the exhibition
D. show that wildlife photography isn’t as dangerous as it looks
2. What does Isabelle think the artists are trying to show?
A. that animals and people can live peacefully with each other
B. that wild creatures living in nature are very beautiful
C. that animals live very differently in different countries
D. that films of wildlife are more attractive than photos or paintings
3. What does Isabelle say about the photo of the bear?
A. It didn’t look very believable.
B. It showed one photographer’s quick thinking.
C. It made her worry about what happened to the bear.
D. It was the most unusual photo in the exhibition.
4. When Isabelle saw a girl’s photo of an elephant, she
A. thought it was worth the girl’s swim to get the photo.
B. was sure that the girl had disturbed the elephant.
C. felt it proved animals don’t make good subjects in photos.
D. was pleased she only learned the story behind it later.
5. What might people visiting the exhibition in Isabelle’s city say about it?
A. I’m sure some of these photos aren’t real – a girl couldn’t really stand so close to an elephant like that!
B. These young people have been really lucky to travel so much – it’s a pity they didn’t take any photos in their own countries.
C. I like the way some people have added special effects to their work – really clever!
D. I’m glad it’s a touring exhibition – that means members of my family can see it when it gets to their city.
Task 3. Look at the sentences below about the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui. Read the text and decide if each sentence 6 – 15 is TRUE, FALSE or the information is NOT STATED in the text. Put a tick in the proper box.
Feng Shui is the art of arranging your home and the things in it in the best possible way. It began in China about 5000 years ago, but recently architects and designers all over the world have started to include the idea in their work. The most important thing to understand about Feng Shui is the idea of chi, which means vital energy or life force. The art of Feng Shui is to make sure the right objects are in the right places so that the chi can flow freely around the home. This is said to create good health and financial well-being as well as improved relationships between parents and children and husband and wife. You can improve your own Feng Shui by trying some of the techniques listed below.
Firstly, keep the hall of your home clear of shoes, umbrellas and other objects. This is to allow the chi to enter your home freely. If possible, put a small indoor fountain in this part of your home.
In the living room, choose furniture which is the right size for the room and arrange it so that people can move around the room comfortably. If the room is small, hang a mirror to create a feeling of space. Make sure you have blinds or curtains to prevent the chi from escaping.
The bedroom is considered a very important area in Feng Shui. It is best not to have a television or any other electrical item in here, but if you find it impossible to live without them, you can cover them with a plastic table-cloth when you have finished using them. The table-cloth must be plastic – other materials will not work. It is also important to unplug everything before you sleep. The head of the bed should be against a wall rather than under a window, as this would allow your chi to escape. You should be able to see the door easily while you are lying in bed. Place lamps by your bed for lighting instead of bright lights in the ceiling.
Try these simple ideas for a few months and see how much energy and happiness you can bring into your home.
Feng Shui has been practiced all over the world for 5000 years. | ||||
Feng Shui says that family members will get on better with each other if the home is properly furnished. | ||||
The entrance of the home should be well lighted. | ||||
The living room should be made to look as small as possible. | ||||
Windows in the living room should be covered. | ||||
There shouldn’t be any plants in the bedroom, if possible. | ||||
A sheet could be used instead of a table-cloth to cover the TV. | ||||
Sleeping under a window is not a good idea. | ||||
It’s important to have a good view of the bedroom door from the bed. | ||||
A single strong light in the bedroom is better than several soft ones. |
Use of English
Time: 25 minutes
Task 4. Circle the correct words.
Rats can learn (1) to perform/performing tricks, cats seem (2) sense/to sense what we are feeling. Dogs know when their owners are coming home and anyone who has swum with (3) a/ the dolphin will tell you that these animals are (4) more/most intelligent (5) of/than most people think. Clearly, animals can (6) to learn/learn and (7) remember/to remember. However, they lack language and (8) a/the ability to understand what they are and they therefore can`t really (9) be/being considered “intelligent” creatures.
Studies carried out on chimpanzees and gorillas suggested that they are able (10) to learn/learn symbols and sounds. But are they actually using them (11) communicate/to communicate? No one knows. In (12) the/a late 1960s, (13) an/the American scientist tried (14) to find/finding out if various animals understood what they actually were. He painted (15) a/the red dot on their faces and put them in front of a mirror. If an animal touched (16) a/the red spot, it was, according to (17) a/the scientist, actually recognizing itself in (18) a/the mirror. Besides humans, only chimpanzees and orangutans passed this test..
Task 5. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark (circle) the correct letter A, B, C or D.
Some exciting photos of space have recently appeared on the Internet – all 19) … by teenagers! Using a cheap camera and a simple balloon, some school students got a large 20) … of amazing photos from 15 miles 21) … Earth.
The teacher said, “ 22) … carried out an experiment to explore what different 23) … on the Earth look like from space – and prove that you don’t have to use expensive equipment as the textbooks say.”
Seventeen-year-old student Miguel reported, “We’d spent long 24)… working on the experiment after school, but then had to put it 25) … due to the weather. Then we were worried that the balloon 26) … rise higher than 10000 metres, which wasn’t 27) … high enough for our experiment. But in the end it wasn’t a problem. And 28) … the balloon had travelled so far, it was still working when it returned! So we’ve learned that in 29)… life, experiments don’t always have to follow the textbooks!
A. taken | B. made | C. given | D. brought | |
A. amount | B. sum | C. number | D. total | |
A. among | B. above | C. about | D. along | |
A. It | B. There | C. These | D. They | |
A. positions | B. distances | C. areas | D. backgrounds | |
A. times | B. hours | C. ages | D. days | |
A. off | B. down | C. out | D. up | |
A. shouldn’t | B. needn’t | C. mustn’t | D. wouldn’t | |
A. quite | B. so | C. rather | D. very | |
A. unless | B. although | C. because | D. if | |
A. true | B. actual | C. normal | D. real |
Time : 35 minutes
Task 6. Theatres aren’t very popular with modern teens. Write a short article into your local newspaper expressing your opinion.
Remember to mention:
- why and where theatres appeared;
- if you and your friends go to the local theatre or any;
- what modern theatres offer to their visitors;
- what the future of theatres is;
- conclude your article with an appeal to your readers.
Write no more than 100–140 words.
Желаем удачи!
Предварительный просмотр:
Департамент образования администрации г.о.Тольятти
МАОУ ДПО ЦИТ г.о.Тольятти
Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку (школьный этап).
2018-2019 учебный год.
7-8 класс.
Ответы и критерии.
Time: 10 minutes
Task 1. You will hear part of an interview with a boy called Simon who is helping to protect the environment. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
- Simon enjoys taking his boat onto the River Stanton because
- he knows many people who go there.
- the speed of the water makes it exciting.
- it is the closest river to his home town.
- Simon noticed that the river water
- was getting lower and lower.
- was too dark to let him see the bottom.
- was having a negative effect on him.
- Simon learned more about the problem with the river
- by looking on the internet.
- by asking the people who owned the river.
- by talking to his school teachers.
- Why did Simon do a special course?
A. to join an organization that protects the river
B. to learn about the geography of the river
C. to be able to check the water quality of the river
- Simon is pleased because
A. the company causing the problem closed.
B. he found a way to reduce the problem.
C. he discovered new plants that live in the river.
- Why did Simon enter the science competition?
A. to try to involve more people in helping the environment
B. to win money to help protect the river
C. to get a good grade for his school project
Listening (Script)
Part one. Listening. Task one. You will hear part of an interview with a boy called Simon who is helping to protect the environment. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions.
(45 seconds)
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the recording twice.
Interviewer: Simon, tell us about yourself.
Simon: Well, like lots of kids my age, I’ve grown up taking my boat onto the rivers in this area. One of my favourite rivers is the River Stanton, which is fast with excellent white water- so things can get pretty dangerous but it’s exciting and I’m experienced.
Interviewer: Now, it was while you were on the River Stanton that you noticed something was wrong.
Simon: Yeah, I always wondered why the water made my eyes burn if it got on my face… and why it was a strange, orange colour, especially when the water was running low.
Interviewer: So you decided to find out more.
Simon: Yeah, I asked other people using the river and I visited a few websites and found out that the river was orange because of pollution from the old mines in the area. There was a lot of mining for coal done in this part of the country. I knew that from my history class at school, but what I didn’t know was that pollution was coming from those old mine works and escaping into the rivers.
Interviewer: Then you did a qualification, didn’t you?
Simon: Yes. I found out about an organisation called ‘The Friends of the River Stanton’. They told me they did a special course where I could learn how to test the river water to see if it was healthy or not. So that’s what I did and I got really interested in the subject.
Interviewer: In fact, you got so interested that you actually started to look for an answer to the pollution problem!
Simon: I learned as much as I could about the chemistry behind the pollution. I can’t really explain all the detail, but basically if you add something called limestone to the river, it can improve the chemistry. That means that the plants and fish which had died because of all the mining companies that used to be in the area… could live in the river again. So that made me happy.
Interviewer: And you did some experiments to find out the best way to use the limestone, didn’t you? And you also entered your project in a competition.
Simon: Yes. I did some experiments to see what would be the best size of limestone to add to the river- should it be big, rock-sized pieces or should it be the size of sand or powder? One of my teachers thought the project was good enough to enter into a national science competition…and I thought it was a good way of letting more people know about river pollution and showing people how, with just a little bit of money and a little effort they could make their local rivers clean again.
Interviewer: Well, good work, Simon, and thanks for talking to us.
Now you have 30 seconds to fulfill the task.
(pause 30 seconds)
Now listen again and check your answers.
(Text repeated.)
Now you have 20 seconds to check your answers.
This is the end of part one.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
B | C | A | C | B | A |
Критерии: один верный ответ – один балл, максимум – 6 баллов
Time: 20 minute
Task 2. Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A,B,C or D.
``By Isabelle Ramirez, aged 15``
Go Wild! is a touring exhibition of wildlife photos and paintings by young artists. Its last stop has been in my city, and I went last week.
The pictures were produced by teenagers living in countries as far apart as Asia and Canada. There were often humans and animals working together in the pictures, and to me that was the message behind them. In one painting, for example, a girl was resting her head on an elephant.
Some wildlife experts say this doesn’t show animals as they really are in the wild, and I agree. But that didn’t stop the pictures being beautiful. One artist, for example, had filmed videos of animals through coloured glass and another had added music – they worked really well.
There were also action photos. One was of a bear that had climbed up a tree in a garden in Canada and refused to come down. Wildlife experts sent the bear to sleep with a special vet’s gun – and a brilliant young photographer saw a great opportunity. He took a photo showing the bear falling out of the tree, fast asleep, onto a rubber mat on the ground, as if it was jumping like a gymnast! The bear was later returned to the wild. And there were lots more amazing pictures like that!
Another young photographer took a photo while swimming with an elephant – although she almost got kicked as a result. I was glad I didn’t know that when I first saw the picture! It reminded me that the animals in the pictures were still wild animals, and shouldn’t be trusted. But this photographer clearly felt the photo was worth the danger.
1. What was Isabelle Ramirez trying to do in the text?
A. say who had done the best pictures in the exhibition
B. encourage young people to take up wildlife photography
C. give her opinion of different work in the exhibition
D. show that wildlife photography isn’t as dangerous as it looks
2. What does Isabelle think the artists are trying to show?
A. that animals and people can live peacefully with each other
B. that wild creatures living in nature are very beautiful
C. that animals live very differently in different countries
D. that films of wildlife are more attractive than photos or paintings
3. What does Isabelle say about the photo of the bear?
A. It didn’t look very believable.
B. It showed one photographer’s quick thinking.
C. It made her worry about what happened to the bear.
D. It was the most unusual photo in the exhibition.
4. When Isabelle saw a girl’s photo of an elephant, she
A. thought it was worth the girl’s swim to get the photo.
B. was sure that the girl had disturbed the elephant.
C. felt it proved animals don’t make good subjects in photos.
D. was pleased she only learned the story behind it later.
5. What might people visiting the exhibition in Isabelle’s city say about it?
A. I’m sure some of these photos aren’t real – a girl couldn’t really stand so close to an elephant like that!
B. These young people have been really lucky to travel so much – it’s a pity they didn’t take any photos in their own countries.
C. I like the way some people have added special effects to their work – really clever!
D. I’m glad it’s a touring exhibition – that means members of my family can see it when it gets to their city.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
C | A | B | D | C |
Критерии: один верный ответ – один балл, максимум -5 баллов
Task 3. Look at the sentences below about the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui. Read the text and decide if each sentence 6 – 15 is TRUE, FALSE or the information is NOT STATED in the text. Put a tick in the proper box.
Feng Shui is the art of arranging your home and the things in it in the best possible way. It began in China about 5000 years ago, but recently architects and designers all over the world have started to include the idea in their work. The most important thing to understand about Feng Shui is the idea of chi, which means vital energy or life force. The art of Feng Shui is to make sure the right objects are in the right places so that the chi can flow freely around the home. This is said to create good health and financial well-being as well as improved relationships between parents and children and husband and wife. You can improve your own Feng Shui by trying some of the techniques listed below.
Firstly, keep the hall of your home clear of shoes, umbrellas and other objects. This is to allow the chi to enter your home freely. If possible, put a small indoor fountain in this part of your home.
In the living room, choose furniture which is the right size for the room and arrange it so that people can move around the room comfortably. If the room is small, hang a mirror to create a feeling of space. Make sure you have blinds or curtains to prevent the chi from escaping.
The bedroom is considered a very important area in Feng Shui. It is best not to have a television or any other electrical item in here, but if you find it impossible to live without them, you can cover them with a plastic table-cloth when you have finished using them. The table-cloth must be plastic – other materials will not work. It is also important to unplug everything before you sleep. The head of the bed should be against a wall rather than under a window, as this would allow your chi to escape. You should be able to see the door easily while you are lying in bed. Place lamps by your bed for lighting instead of bright lights in the ceiling.
Try these simple ideas for a few months and see how much energy and happiness you can bring into your home.
Feng Shui has been practiсed all over the world for 5000 years. | V | |||
Feng Shui says that family members will get on better with each other if the home is properly furnished. | V | |||
The entrance of the home should be well lighted. | V | |||
The living room should be made to look as small as possible. | V | |||
Windows in the living room should be covered. | V | |||
There shouldn’t be any plants in the bedroom, if possible. | V | |||
A sheet could be used instead of a table-cloth to cover the TV. | V | |||
Sleeping under a window is not a good idea. | V | |||
It’s important to have a good view of the bedroom door from the bed. | V | |||
A single strong light in the bedroom is better than several soft ones. | V |
Критерии: один верный ответ – один балл, максимум -10 баллов
Use of English
Time: 25 minutes
Task 4. Circle the correct words.
Rats can learn (1) to perform/performing tricks, cats seem (2) sense/to sense what we are feeling. Dogs know when their owners are coming home and anyone who has swum with (3) a/ the dolphin will tell you that these animals are (4) more/most intelligent (5) of/than most people think. Clearly, animals can (6) to learn/learn and (7) remember/to remember. However, they lack language and (8) a/the ability to understand what they are and they therefore can`t really (9) be/being considered “intelligent” creatures.
Studies carried out on chimpanzees and gorillas suggested that they are able (10) to learn/learn symbols and sounds. But are they actually using them (11) communicate/to communicate? No one knows. In (12) the/a late 1960s, (13) an/the American scientist tried (14) to find/finding out if various animals understood what they actually were. He painted (15) a/the red dot on their faces and put them in front of a mirror. If an animal touched (16) a/the red spot, it was, according to (17) a/the scientist, actually recognizing itself in (18) a/the mirror. Besides humans, only chimpanzees and orangutans passed this test.
to perform | |
to sense | |
a | |
more | |
than | |
learn | |
remember | |
the | |
be | |
to learn | |
to communicate | |
the | |
an | |
to find | |
a | |
the | |
the | |
the |
Критерии: один верный ответ – один балл, максимум -18 баллов
Task 5. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark (circle) the correct letter A, B, C or D.
Some exciting photos of space have recently appeared on the Internet – all 19) … by teenagers! Using a cheap camera and a simple balloon, some school students got a large 20) … of amazing photos from 15 miles 21) … Earth.
The teacher said, “ 22) … carried out an experiment to explore what different 23) … on the Earth look like from space – and prove that you don’t have to use expensive equipment as the textbooks say.”
Seventeen-year-old student Miguel reported, “We’d spent long 24)… working on the experiment after school, but then had to put it 25) … due to the weather. Then we were worried that the balloon 26) … rise higher than 10000 metres, which wasn’t 27) … high enough for our experiment. But in the end it wasn’t a problem. And 28) … the balloon had travelled so far, it was still working when it returned! So we’ve learned that in 29)… life, experiments don’t always have to follow the textbooks!
A. taken | B. made | C. given | D. brought | |
A. amount | B. sum | C. number | D. total | |
A. among | B. above | C. about | D. along | |
A. It | B. There | C. These | D. They | |
A. positions | B. distances | C. areas | D. backgrounds | |
A. times | B. hours | C. ages | D. days | |
A. off | B. down | C. out | D. up | |
A. shouldn’t | B. needn’t | C. mustn’t | D. wouldn’t | |
A. quite | B. so | C. rather | D. very | |
A. unless | B. although | C. because | D. if | |
A. true | B. actual | C. normal | D. real |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
A | C | B | D | C | B | A | D | A | B | D |
Критерии: один верный ответ – один балл, максимум –11 баллов
Time : 35 minutes
Task 6. Theatres aren’t very popular with modern teens. Write a short article into your local newspaper expressing your opinion.
Remember to mention:
- why and where theatres appeared;
- if you and your friends go to the local theatre or any;
- what modern theatres offer to their visitors;
- what the future of theatres is;
- conclude your article with an appeal to your readers.
Write no more than 100–140 words.
Критерии: максимум -10 баллов
Внимание! При оценке 0 по критерию "РКЗ" выставляется общая оценка 0.
Если статья состоит из 155 или более слов, проверке подлежат первые 140 слов.
Решение коммуникативной задачи (максимум 3 балла) | ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ И ЯЗЫКОВОЕ ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ ТЕКСТА (максимум 7 баллов) | |||
3 балла Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена – написана статья по заданным параметрам. Участник соблюдает особенности жанра статьи; статья оценивается по следующим аспектам: 1. Участник придерживается нейтрального стиля письма. 2.Участник описывает историю появления театра в общих чертах, упомянув страны и столетия; как развивается театр и уровень популярности в наши дни. 3. Участник рассказывает об одном из театров в городе Тольятти . упомянув и о других, как отечественных, так и зарубежных. Участник аргументировано объясняет, почему он/ она рекомендует посещать / не посещать театр. | Организация текста (максимум 2 балла) | Лексика (максимум 2 балла) | Грамматика (максимум 2 балла) | Орфография и пунктуация (максимум 1 балл) |
Объем работы либо соответствует заданному, либо отклоняется от заданного не более чем на 10% (в сторону увеличения – не больше 154 слов) или на 10 % в сторону уменьшения (не меньше 90 слов). |
2 балла Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично – составленный текст является статьей с заданными параметрами. Однако в работе не выполнен 1 из перечисленных выше аспектов. | 2 балла Текст правильно разделен на абзацы. Логика построения текста не нарушена. | 2 балла В работе имеются 1–2 лексические ошибки. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление грамматических структур. Работа имеет 1 –2 грамматические ошибки. | |
1 балл Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично – составленный текст является статьей с заданными параметрами. Однако в работе не выполнены 2 из перечисленных выше аспектов. | 1 балл Имеются отдельные нарушения логики или абзацного членения текста (1-2 нарушения). | 1 балл В работе имеются 3-4 лексические ошибки. | 1 балл В работе имеются 3 - 4 грамматические ошибки. | 1 балл В работе имеются 1-4 орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки. |
0 баллов Коммуникативная задача не выполнена. Текст не является статьей или содержание написанного текста не отвечает заданным параметрам. Или не выполнены 3 перечисленных выше аспекта. Или: Объем менее 90 слов. | 0 баллов Имеются многочисленные нарушения логики или абзацного членения текста (2 и более нарушений). | 0 баллов В работе имеются многочисленные лексические ошибки (5 и более). | 0 баллов В работе имеются многочисленные грамматические ошибки (5 и более). | 0 баллов В работе имеются многочисленные орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки (5 и более). |
Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно получить за конкурс Writing - 10 (десять).
Эксперт № (ф.и.о.)
ID участника | К1 РКЗ | К2 ОТ | К3 Лексика | К4 Грамматика | К5 Орфография и пунктуация | Сумма баллов (мах 10) |
Task Sources
Live English grammar, intermediate, MM Publications, 2010.
- Karen Saxby, KET for schools Trainer, CUP, 2012.
- Deirdre Howard-Williams, Move Ahead Elementary, Macmillan, 2010.
- Emma Heyderman, Peter May, Complete PET, CUP, 2010.
- Sue Ireland, Joana Kosta, Vocabulary for PET, CUP, 2009.
- Exam Extra PET, cooperative group, CUP, 2007.
- Sue Ireland, Joanna Kosta, PET Direct, SB, CUP, 2010.
- Sue Ireland, Liz Gallivan, PET for Schools TRAINER. Six practice tests with answers and teacher’s notes, CUP, 2012.
Максимальное количество баллов – 60 баллов
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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