Урок английского языка по теме "Времена года".
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Урок-презентация "Времена года" для 4-5 классов общеобразовательной школы.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Sky Clear sky Lowering sky Blue sky Grey sky Cloudy sky
Sun The sun is shining brightly The sun is not shining The sun appears The sun is not hot
day Clear Dull Cold Warm Sunny Terrible Short Long Hot Fine
snow It is snowing It is not snowing It often snows Make a snowman Play snowballs Snowboard Snowdrift Snowstorm Snowflake
Rain to rain It often rains It is raining It does not rain Rainbow Raincoat Raindrop Rainy day Heavy rain Occasional rain ( редкий дождь) Rain with thunder and lightings
vocabulary To skate / to ski To appear To gather berries, mushrooms To pick apples (собирать) To plant flowers ( сеять) Plenty (изобилие) Sleety ( слякоть) Sleet (дождь со снегом) Frost (frosty) Light breeze ( wind) Sun oneself ( загорать) Go for a walk
What is the weather like today? Describe this day.
What is the weather like today ?
What is the weather like today ?
My favourite season Hallo! My name is Boris. My favourite season is spring. In spring the nature wakes up, plants grow. The sky is blue and the sun shines. There is a lot of water in the streets and children sail toy-boats. The trees and grass are green. The birds return and sing songs. How wonderful it is when the first leaves appear on the trees!
Dad likes summer. The temperature is plus 25 C. The sun shines in the blue sky. There are many beautiful flowers. The trees and grass are green. It is warm. My dad swim, dive or lie on the sand. It is hot and sunny. He wears a t-shirt, shorts and sandals. Summer is the time when there is a lot of fruit . He like eating a lot of strawberries and read a interesting book.
Mum adores autumn. Autumn is a beautiful season. The trees are yellow, red and green. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables. Mum likes apples, plums, pears. She like to go for a walk in the forest. There are many mushrooms and berries which she gathers with Dad. Last autumn is not very good. It is windy, rainy and wet. In the morning it is foggy.
My brother prefers winter. The nature is beautiful. The trees are white . My brother likes to skate. a He adores to play snowballs and make a snowmen. I dislike winter. It is getting colder. It is slippery. The sky is grey and overcast. The wind is blowing. It is frosty and cold.
Favourite months My favourite month is April. Do you want to know why ? I always plant flowers and walk in the rain. My umbrella keeps me dry. My favourite month is October. Do you want to know why ? I always pick apples and jump in the leaves And eat plenty of apple pie! My favourite month is August. Do you want to know why ? I always play football and swim in the lake, And fly my kite in the sky.
Questions What is your favourite seasons? Why ? Make a poster about your favourite months and activities (e.x. In August , we always have picnics ).
Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white
Thank you
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