учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
- Read and translate the text.
Millions of people spend their holidays travelling. They travel by trains, their own cars, motorcycles and even on foot. They travel by ships up and down the Volga, the Yenisey, the Dnieper and other rivers. They climb mountains in the Caucasus and the Crimea. They admire the beauty of snow-covered mountains, of sunny valleys and vast forests.
A lot of people travel in their own cars. Wonderful landscapes, picturesque rivers and lakes attract lovers of nature. People travel not only to enjoy beautiful places, but also to see ancient monuments and other places of interest. They can travel to different cities and towns of their native country and even abroad.
Hiking is becoming very popular. People like to spend their days off in the country, closer to nature. It is pleasant to spend a day chatting, joking and singing with friends on the bank of a river or a lake. They return home cheerful and well-rested.
Travelling by air has some indisputable advantages. It is more convenient and much faster than any other means of travelling. Before you board the plane you hand your luggage. Travelling by air combines both comfort and speed and you will reach the place of destination very quickly.
Travelling is always nice. It gives you an opportunity to see foreigners and interesting places.
admire – восхищаться
destination – место назначения
hiking – туризм (поход)
luggage – багаж
means – средство
native – родной
on foot – пешком
picturesque – живописный
vast – обширный
2. Answer the questions:
1. What are the ways of spending holidays?
2. What kind of rest is becoming very popular among people?
3. Why do many people prefer to travel by air?
4. What is your favourite way of travelling?
- Write out the equivalents of following expressions.
1. путешествовать на поездах
2. путешествовать на собственных машинах
3. взбираться на горы на Кавказе
4. на берегу озера
5. сдавать багаж
6. бесспорное преимущество
- Put questions to the underlined sentences.
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