Открытый урок по английскому языку в 8-м классе по теме: "Почему люди путешествуют?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 8-м классе по теме: "Почему люди путешествуют?"
Повышает познавательный интерес к английскому языку, прививает интерес к путешествиям.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 8-м классе по теме: "Почему люди путешествуют?"
- повышать познавательный интерес к английскому языку, прививать интерес к путешествиям;
- развивать способности к логическому изложению, к догадке, развивать способность осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия, развивать коммуникабельность;
- oвладеть лексическим материалом и расширить кругозор по теме “Путешествие”;
- формировать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения, обучать умению строить высказывания по модели.
Оснащение урока:
- иллюстративный материал по теме,
- дидактические карточки – задания,
- диалог “A trip to Spain.”
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
- Good morning, my dear boys and girls. (Good morning, Olga Aleksandrovna!)
- I`m glad to see you here. (We are glad to see you, too.)
- How are you today? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)
- I`m very well, thank you. And now it`s time to start our lesson. The topic of our discussion today is travelling. At the end of the lesson I want you to tell me why people travel.
II. Речевая разминка.
- Look at the blackboard. Here you can see some opinions about travelling. Read, translate and express your own attitude towards them, please:
“I like to travel! It`s just great! Travel offers sense of freedom!”
Renee, 19
“Travelling becomes more and more dangerous ...”
Elizabeth, 64
“Usually I travel to relax and to learn something new ...”
Stuart, 28
“I`m sure that most people travel out of snobbery ...”
Mary, 35
- So you see that many men – many minds. And what do you think about travelling? Do you like to travel? Why do you travel? Do you believe that travelling is dangerous? Is it expensive? Is it your hobby? (Pupils answer the teacher`s questions)
III. Этап формирования лексических навыков говорения.
Now let`s try to answer the question of the lesson. The first model will helpyou. Here you can see some sentences. They are not complete. You should complete them with phrases given in the table.
P1: People like to travel with friends.
P2: Usually they travel for pleasure.
P3: When they travel they like to go sightseeing.
People like to travel ... | alone with friends with parents with a dog with grandparents |
Usually they travel ... | on business for pleasure in search of adventures from curiousity to see the beauty of the world |
When they travel they like to ... | go shopping meet new people make new friends go sightseeing learn traditions of other countries |
Because travelling is ... | exciting useful fascinating enjoyable good for health |
But sometimes it can be ... | disappointing expensive dangerous troublesome tiring |
And still travelling ... | broadens our outlook gives us life experience leaves unforgettable impressions helps us explore the world allows us to understand other people better |
Respond to the statements which you have in your cards and say about yourself. Use the example and do it one by one.
P1: Most people like to travel with friends. And what about you?
P2: I also like to travel with friends. Usually people travel for pleasure. And you?
P3: I also travel for pleasure. Do you travel for pleasure?
1. I have never travelled alone. And you? 2. I love my dog. That`s why I always travel with my dog. And you? 3. Usually people travel for pleasure. Do you travel for pleasure? 4. Sometimes they travel in search of adventures or from curiosity. And you? 5. Teenagers don`t travel on business. And what can you say about yourself? 6. When tourists travel they want to see the beauty of the world. And you? 7. When people travel they want to go shopping and to go sightseeing. What about you? 8. When people travel they may make new friends and learn traditions of other countries. What do you think about it? 9. Many people like to travel because it broadens our outlook and gives us life experience. Do you have the same opinion? 10.Some people think that travelling leaves unforgettable impressions and helps us explore the world. Can you say it about yourself? |
Agree or disagree with the following statements. Work in pairs. The models may be helpful.
P1: Businessmen usually travel from curiosity.
P2: No, you`re wrong. They don`t travel from curiosity, they usually travel on business.
1. Teenagers usually travel with their parents. 2. Lonely people like to travel alone. 3. Tourists always travel on business. 4. An adventurer travels in search of adventures. 5. When young people travel they like to make new friends and to go sightseeing. |
P1: Small children usually travel with parents or grandparents.
P2: Yes, you`re right. Small children usually travel with parents or grandparents.
1. Travelling is useful, enjoyable and good for health. 2. Usually travelling is dangerous and expensive. 3. Sometimes travelling can be disappointing and tiring. 4. People like to travel because it gives us life experience and helps us explore the world. 5. Travelling broadens our mind. |
Now try to express your own opinion and say why people travel. All you need is to complete the sentences in your cards.
1. Most people like to travel _____________________________________________ 2. Usually they travel __________________________________________________ 3. When they travel they like to __________________________________________ 4. People like to travel because it is _______________________________________ 5. Of course sometimes travelling can be ___________________________________ 6. And still travelling __________________________________________________ |
Let`s divide into groups. Every pupil gets the card with the word or expression on the topic. You should come to the desk and find the sentence with the same word or expression.
Group1: Travelling broadens our outlook.
Group2: Travelling gives us life experience.
Group3: Travelling leaves unforgettable impressions.
Group4: Travelling helps us explore the world.
Are you ready to work in groups? I have some tasks for you.
1. There are some different people. They express their attitude about travelling. Match the sketches and the people.
1. a businessman | 2. an experienced traveller | 3. a professor of History | 4. a couch potato |
A. He likes to travel alone or with his students. They travel from curiousity. They like to see the beauty of the world and learn traditions of other countries. They think that travelling is fascinating and enjoyable. It broadens our mind and allows us to understand other people better. | C. He likes to travel alone or with his friends. Usually he travels for pleasure or in search of adventures. When he travels he likes to go sightseeing or explore unknown places. He believes that travelling is exciting and gives us life experience. |
B. He doesn`t like to travel at all. He believes that it`s better to stay at home, because travelling is dangerous, troublesome and expensive. | D. Usually he travels alone on business. When he travels he likes to meet new people. He thinks that travelling is useful but sometimes it`s a bit tiring. |
2. Find 11 words concerning travelling in the box.
ex | cu | out | use | ad | ge |
tion | dan | pre | tra | im | osi |
ven | bu | pen | vel | tu | ssion |
di | ri | look | rous | ful | si |
sive | ty | re | plea | ness | sure |
3. Fill in the missing letters.
e x . . . s i v e | o u t . . . . |
c . . . . . . t y | . . p r e s s . . . |
. . v e n t u . . | t . . . . l |
d a n . . . . u s | b u s i . . . . |
t . . . . t i o n | p . . . s u r e |
u . . f u l |
4. There are 2 cards with different opinions. Find 4 words in each card which cannot go with the word “travelling”.
Example: Travelling can be useful, fantastic, enjoyable. Travelling can`t be pretty.
travelling | travelling |
terrific exciting pretty interesting useful fantastic intelligent perfect smart fascinating fresh amazing marvellous good for health great superb enjoyable | dangerous expensive disappointing exhausting tiring dreadful cold stormy troublesome windy awful nightmarish slow uninteresting horrible |
IV. Этап формирования грамматических навыков говорения.
- Imagine you are going to travel. First you should pack your things. You have different pictures on the desks. But what are you going to take? Start your answer with the phrase: “I`m going to take...”. Ask any person in your group. Follow this model as an example:
P1: I`m going to take a camera, a swimming costume, sunglasses, money with me. What are you going to take?
P2: I`m going to take a passport, a phrase book and money.
a camera a penknife a radio a swimming costume/swimming trunks a pair of sandals sunglasses a warm sweater an anorak a big warm coat a tennis rocket trainers a football a dressing gown a pair of pyjamas jeans T – shirts socks a pair of walking boots a dress a towel books a clock a Game Boy a passport money a phrase book |
- Let`s discuss the weather. Use the model: “I hope the weather will be ... .”
snowy hot foggy windy frosty stormy wet cloudy sunny warm |
- Tell us what you are going to do during your trip. Use phrases from the box:
go sightseeing visit museums swim sail sleep sunbathe play tennis see friends go fishing climb go to the theatre camp walk learn English |
- You are going to travel. Explain why you are going to take some things, what you are going to do and what the weather will be like. Complete the sentences:
- I`m going to take ________ because I`m going to swim. I hope the weather will be ________ .
- I`m going to take a swimming costume, a pair of sandals, sunglasses and a radio because I`m going to ________ . I hope the weather will be ________ .
- I`m going to take ________ and ________ because I`m going to play tennis. I hope the weather will not be ________ .
- I`m going to take a pair of walking boots because I`m going to ________ . I hope the weather will not be ________ .
- I`m going to take a penknife, jeans, socks, a warm sweater because I`m going to ________ . I hope the weather will not be ________ .
- I`m going to take books and a phrase book because I`m going to ________ . I hope the weather will be ________ .
- I`m going to take a dressing gown and a pair of pyjamas because I`m going to ________ . I hope the weather will be ________ .
- I`m going to take a dress because I`m going to ________ . I hope the weather will be ________ .
Listen to the dialogue “A trip to Spain”.
“A trip to Spain”
Norman Garrard is 22, and he works for a company that sells toys. He is going to Spain on business. It`s his first business trip abroad and he is packing his suitcase. He lives with his parents, and his mother is helping him and fussing.
- Oh, Norman, you`re still packing!
- Yes, Mum. But it`s all right. There isn`t much to do.
- Well I`ll help you. Where are you going to put your toilet bag?
- It`ll go in here. I`ve got three more shirts to pack ... and there`s another pair of shoes. I don`t know where to put them.
- Put them here. Right. I think we can close it know.
- Oh, Mum ... don`t worry ...
- Look through the list of things that Norman made. The matter is that he forgot to take some things. Name what he remembered to pack and what he forgot to pack. The example can help you:
He remembered to pack his shirts. He forgot to pack his raincoat.
Shirts (6) + black shoes + trousers (2) - pullover - suit + toilet bag + ties (2) - raincoat - underwear + umbrella + socks + pyjamas - |
V. Подведение итогов урока.
- It`s time to finish our lesson. I suppose you know why people travel and can answer this question. I`m sure you deserve excellent marks today. Thank you for your work. Have a nice day, my dears!
Домашнее задание: to write a letter to your pen – friend in London telling him/her why you like to travel.
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