Викторина «How different the world is?» внеклассное мероприятие в 9 классе
план-конспект занятия (9 класс) по теме
Цель учебный аспект: обобщение изученного материала по темам «How different the World is!», «Western Democracies. Are they democratic? » Оборудование: географические карты государств, фотографии с видами городов различных стран мира, карточки с вопросами, жетоны.
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Викторина «How different the world is?»
Внеклассное мероприятие
9 класс
• учебный аспект: обобщение изученного материала по темам «How different the World is!», «Western Democracies. Are they democratic? »
Оборудование: географические карты государств, фотографии с видами городов различных стран мира, карточки с вопросами, жетоны.
Hello, my dear boys and girls! I am glad to greet you at our brainstorm to day. There are a lot of questions for you to answer. So our first country is Russia. Let is see if you know this country and the English speaking countries
Geographical Position
- What is the deepest freshwater lake in Russia?
- What sea washes Russia in the south?
- What Russian mountain chains do you know?
- How many regions are there in the Russian Federation?
- What is the longest river in the Europe?
Political System
- What is the lower House of the Federal Assembly?
- Who was the first President?
- What is the official name of the Russian Parliament?
- Who is the Head of the Republic of the Russian Federation?
- What is the highest law of the Russian Federation?
Main Cites
- What is the biggest city of the Ural Region?
- When was Moscow founded?
- What five ancient Russian towns are included into the Golden Ring?
- Why did the Russian people call Smolensk the “key city” during the war of 1812?
- What is the original name of the city founded on the Neva banks by Piter the Great?
Famous People
- Who made a tour around the Earth that lasted 1 hour 48 minutes?
- What is the best known work of Alexander Pushkin?
- What marshal was for times awarded with the title “the hero of country”?
- What great scientist founded Moscow University in 1755?
- What famous ballets of Peter Tchaikovsky can you name?
- What holiday commemorates the end of Word War in Europe?
- When do the Russian people celebrate Country Defendant’s Day?
- What holiday do the Russian people have on the 12th of December?
- What holiday marks the end of winter and lasts for a week?
- What holiday is celebrated with presents given by Father Frost, decorating New year trees and joyful people?
- What is the capital of the USA?
- How do people call the American flag?
- When did Christopher Columbus discover America?
- What do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?
- How many stars are there on the American flag? Why?
- How many stripes are there on the American flag? Why?
- When did the story of “Wild West” begin?
- What tradition did the first colonists start?
- What are the colors of the American flag?
- How many people live in the USA?
- How many parts is the Congress go into?
- How many persons does every state send to the Senate?
- When does the bill become the law?
- How many congressmen are there in the House of Representatives?
- How many judges are there in the Supreme Court?
- How long is the President’s term?
- What continent is the nearest to Australia in the north?
- How did people call Australia in the Middle Ages?
- What are the names of three Australian deserts?
- Where are the main Australia’s cities, Automobile plants and factories situated?
- What ocean washes Australia in the east?
- What is the leading Australia’s state?
- What state does the capital of Australia belong to?
- What is the only town in the south of Northern Territory?
- How many parts is Australia go into?
- What state is the leading producer of pears and berries of different kinds within Australia?
- When does winter come in the Southern Hemisphere?
- What are the typical temperatures in July?
- What do people often do during Christmas holidays?
- What part of Australia is moderately humid?
- When does summer begin in Australia?
- How many different kinds of kangaroos are there in Australia?
- What is the name of the wild dog in Australia?
- What primitive mammals can be found in Australia?
- What bird is often called the “laughing jackass”?
- What animals were brought to the north coast of Australia as work animals in the 19th century?
Great Britain
- What is the largest part of the UK?
- What part of Great Britain borders on the Independent Irish Republic on land?
- What is the capital of the Wales?
- What are the regions of England?
- What parts is Scotland divided to?
- What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?
- What is between Great Britain and Ireland?
- Where is the United Kingdom situated?
- What is the United Kingdom washed by in the north?
- What dover do we usually call the narrowest part of the English Channel?
- How many members are there in the House of Commons?
- Whom does the power in the country belong to?
- Why is the House of Lords considered to be a very important body?
- How often do the British people elect the members of the House of Commons?
- Who is the Head of State in Great Britain?
- What is the favorite topic to discuss in Great Britain?
- What pets are the special animals in Great Britain?
- When do people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day?
- Where can you see ravens in London?
- Why do the ravens live in the Tower of London?
За правильный ответ учащийся получает балл (жетон). Победитель определяется в конце урока по количеству баллов (жетонов).
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