Викторина «How different the world is?» внеклассное мероприятие в 9 классе
план-конспект занятия (9 класс) по теме

Лазян Ангелина Григорьевна

Цель  учебный аспект: обобщение изученного материала по темам «How different the World is!», «Western Democracies. Are they democratic? » Оборудование: географические карты государств, фотографии с видами городов различных стран мира, карточки с вопросами, жетоны.


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                                              Викторина «How different the world is?»

Внеклассное мероприятие

9 класс


 учебный аспект: обобщение изученного материала по темам «How  different the World is!», «Western Democracies. Are they democratic? »

Оборудование: географические карты государств, фотографии с видами городов различных стран мира, карточки с вопросами, жетоны.        

Hello, my dear boys and girls! I am glad to greet you at our brainstorm to day. There are a lot of questions for you to answer. So our first country is Russia. Let is see if you know this country and the English speaking countries


        Geographical Position

  1. What is the deepest freshwater lake in Russia?
  2. What sea washes Russia in the south?
  3. What Russian mountain chains do you know?
  4. How many regions are there in the Russian Federation?
  5. What is the longest river in the Europe?

                Political System

  1. What is the lower House of the Federal Assembly?
  2. Who was the first President?
  3. What is the official name of the Russian Parliament?
  4. Who is the Head of the Republic of the Russian Federation?
  5. What is the highest law of the Russian Federation?

             Main Cites

  1. What is the biggest city of the Ural Region?
  2. When was Moscow founded?
  3. What five ancient Russian towns are included into the Golden Ring?
  4. Why did the Russian people call Smolensk the “key city” during the war of 1812?
  5. What is the original name of the city founded on the Neva banks by Piter the Great?

          Famous People

  1. Who made a tour around the Earth that lasted 1 hour 48 minutes?
  2. What is the best known work of Alexander Pushkin?
  3. What marshal was for times awarded with the title “the hero of country”?
  4. What great scientist founded Moscow University in 1755?
  5. What famous ballets of Peter Tchaikovsky can you name?


  1. What holiday commemorates the end of Word War in Europe?
  2. When do the Russian people celebrate Country Defendant’s Day?
  3. What holiday do the Russian people have on the 12th of December?
  4. What holiday marks the end of winter and lasts for a week?
  5. What holiday is celebrated with presents given by Father Frost, decorating New year trees and joyful people?


  1. What is the capital of the USA?
  2. How do people call the American flag?
  3. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?
  4. What do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?
  5. How many stars are there on the American flag? Why?
  6. How many stripes are there on the American flag? Why?
  7. When did the story of “Wild West” begin?
  8. What tradition did the first colonists start?
  9. What are the colors of the American flag?
  10. How many people live in the USA?
  11. How many parts is the Congress go into?
  12. How many persons does every state send to the Senate?
  13. When does the bill become the law?
  14. How many congressmen are there in the House of Representatives?
  15. How many judges are there in the Supreme Court?
  16.  How long is the President’s term? 


  1. What continent is the nearest to Australia in the north?
  2. How did people call Australia in the Middle Ages?
  3. What are the names of three Australian deserts?
  4. Where are the main Australia’s cities, Automobile plants and factories situated?
  5.  What ocean washes Australia in the east?
  6. What is the leading Australia’s state?
  7. What state does the capital of Australia belong to?
  8. What is the only town in the south of Northern Territory?
  9. How many parts is Australia go into?
  10. What state is the leading producer of pears and berries of different kinds  within Australia?
  11. When does winter come in the Southern Hemisphere?
  12. What are the typical temperatures in July?
  13. What do people often do during Christmas holidays?
  14. What part of Australia is moderately humid?
  15. When does summer begin in Australia?
  16. How many different kinds of kangaroos are there in Australia?
  17. What is the name of the wild dog in Australia?
  18. What primitive mammals can be found in Australia?
  19. What bird is often called the “laughing jackass”?
  20. What animals were brought to the north coast of Australia as work animals in the 19th century?

Great Britain

  1. What is the largest part of the UK?
  2. What part of Great Britain borders on the Independent Irish Republic on land?
  3. What is the capital of the Wales?
  4. What are the regions of England?
  5. What parts is Scotland divided to?
  6. What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?
  7. What is between Great Britain and Ireland?
  8. Where is the United Kingdom situated?
  9. What is the United Kingdom washed by in the north?
  10. What dover do we usually call the narrowest part of the English Channel?
  11. How many members are there in the House of Commons?
  12. Whom does the power in the country belong to?
  13. Why is the House of Lords considered to be a very important body?
  14. How often do the British people elect the members of the House of Commons?
  15. Who is the Head of State in Great Britain?
  16. What is the favorite  topic to discuss in Great Britain?
  17. What pets are the special animals in Great Britain?
  18. When do people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day?
  19. Where can you see ravens in London?
  20. Why do the ravens live in the Tower of London?

За правильный ответ учащийся получает балл (жетон). Победитель определяется в конце урока по количеству баллов (жетонов).

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