«THE BLACK SPOT». Сценарий спектакля, поставленного по мотивам повести Р. Стивенсона «ОСТРОВ СОКРОВИЩ» (конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку)
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
"Остров сокровищ" – один из самых популярных романов среди школьников всего мира. Таинственная карта, опасная экспедиция, загадочный остров и поиски пиратского клада - в этой истории есть все для невероятного и захватывающего приключения.
Представленный сценарий основан на первой части книги.
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Предварительный просмотр:
ГОУ средняя общеобразовательная школа № 183
с углубленным изучением английского языка
г. Санкт-Петербург
Конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку
в 6 классе
Сценарий спектакля, поставленного по мотивам повести Р. Стивенсона
учитель английского языка
Ульева Наталья Львовна
Целью данного внеклассного мероприятия является использование стремления учащихся участвовать в театрализованных представлениях для знакомства с творчеством одного из английских писателей. Участие детей в спектаклях на английском языке способствует приобретению дополнительных знаний о стране изучаемого языка, повышает уровень владения английским языком.
"Остров сокровищ" – один из самых популярных романов среди школьников всего мира. Таинственная карта, опасная экспедиция, загадочный остров и поиски пиратского клада - в этой истории есть все для невероятного и захватывающего приключения.
Представленный сценарий основан на первой части книги. Спектакль был сыгран учениками 6 класса ГОУ СОШ №183 в 2011 году.
The Characters:
Presenter 1: Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist and travel writer. His best-known books include Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Presenter 2: A literary celebrity during his lifetime, Stevenson now ranks among the 26 most translated authors in the world.
Presenter 1: Treasure Island is an adventure novel, narrating a tale of "pirates and buried gold". Treasure Island is known for its atmosphere, characters and action. It is one of the most frequently dramatized of all novels.
Presenter 2: The influence of Treasure Island on popular perceptions of pirates is enormous, including treasure maps marked with an "X", schooners, the Black Spot, tropical islands, and one-legged seamen carrying parrots on their shoulders.
(At the beginning of the play sounds the old pirate song “Fifteen Men on a Dead man’s Chest”.)
BILLY BONES: (Entering the inn “Admiral Benbow” and singing.) “Fifteen men on the dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum”. A glass of rum! This is a fine house and not a bad grog-shop. Is there much company here?
MRS. HAWKINS: There is very little company.
BILLY BONES: Well then this is a good place for me. I'll stay here a bit. I'm a plain man! Rum and bacon and eggs are what I want.
MRS. HAWKINS: How саn we call you?
BILLY BONES: How can you call me? You can call me — captain. (Taking three or four gold pieces from a big sea chest and throwing them to Mrs. Hawkins).
You can tell me when you have finished with that. Tell me if you see a sailor with one leg.
(Dr. Livesey enters the inn.)
BILLY BONES: (sings.) Fifteen men on the dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.
(Looking at Dr. Livesey.) Silence, there!
DR. LIVESEY: Are you speaking to me?
BILLY BONES: Yes, to you.
DR. LIVESEY: Then there is only one thing I can tell you, and it is that if you do not stop drinking so much rum, you will die in a few weeks!
BILLY BONES: (Taking a sailor's knife from his pocket.) I will kill the doctor immediately.
DR. LIVESEY: (Not even moving.) If you do not put that knife into your pocket this minute, I promise you will be hanged very soon.
(The captain looks furious, but he puts the knife back into his pocket and sits down again.)
DR. LIVESEY: And now that I know there is such a man in my district I'll have an eye on you day and night. I am not only a doctor, I am a magistrate.
(Suddenly the door opens and a man comes in. He looks very unpleasant. )
JIM: What do you want?
BLACK DOG: I want some rum. Come here, sonny, come nearer here. Is this table for my friend Bill?
JIM: I don't know your friend Bill, and this table is for a man with a cut on his cheek who stays at the house and whom we call the captain.
BLACK DOG: Well, it is quite probable you call my friend Bill the captain, because he looks like one. Oh, yes, he has a cut on his cheek. Well, is the captain with a cut on his cheek in the house?
JIM: He has gone out for a walk.
BLACK DOG: Where has he gone? Where has he gone?
(Bill comes back.)
BLACK DOG: Bill! Come, Bill, you know me; you know an old shipmate.
BILLY BONES: (Frightened.) Black Dog!
BLACK DOG: Yes, it is me. I have come to see my old friend Billy at the 'Admiral Benbow' inn.
Ah, Bill, Bill, we have seen many strange things, you and I, since that time when I lost my two fingers.
BILLY BONES: Now, look here. What do you want?
BLACK DOG: First of all, I will have a glass of rum from this dear child, whom I like so much. And then we will have a talk like old shipmates. (To Jim.) Get out.
(The pirates begin fighting.)
BILLY BONES: No, no, no, this is an end of it!
(Then suddenly there is a crash, Black Dog is running away as quickly as he can. Bill is standing in the middle of the room.)
BILLY BONES: Jim, give me rum! (As he speaks he reels a little). Rum. Rum. Quickly! (He falls on the floor. At the same moment Mrs. Hawkins comes. Jim and Mrs. Hawkins lift Bill's head. His eyes are closed.)
MRS. HAWKINS: What shall we do?
(The door opened and Dr. Livesey comes in.)
MRS. HAWKINS: Oh, doctor, what shall we do? Where is he wounded?
DR. LIVESEY: He is not wounded. The man has had a stroke. Put him to bed and tell him not to take any more rum. If he does he will die.
BILLY BONES: Jim, You saw that sailor who came to see me?
JIM: Black Dog?
BILLY BONES: Yes, Black Dog. He is a scoundrel. But there are people who are still worse. They want my old sea chest. Now if they come and give me the black spot, you must get on a horse you can, can't you? Well, then get on a horse and go to the doctor. Tell the doctor to call the magistrates and they will catch all the buccaneers of Captain Flint! I was old Flint's first mate and I am the only man who knows the place. Captain Flint gave it to me when he was dying. But don't tell anybody about it. You can tell the doctor only if they give me the black spot or if you see a sailor with one leg especially if you see him, Jim!
JIM: But what is the black spot, captain?
BILLY BONES: That is a summons. I'll tell you when matters come to that. But you are a good boy, Jim, and I'll give you a half of it!
(The Blind Pew comes in tapping with a stick.)
THE BLIND PEW: Will a kind friend inform a poor blind man where he is now?
JIM: You are at the 'Admiral Benbow' inn, my good man.
THE BLIND PEW: I hear a voice, a young voice. Will you give me your hand, my kind young friend, and lead me in.
(Jim gives him his hand and immediately the blind man took it with great force.)
THE BLIND PEW: Now, boy, take me to the captain!
JIM: I can't, sir,
THE BLIND PEW: Oh, you do not want to? Take me in straight, or I'll break your arm. Come now, March! Lead me straight up to him, and when I am quite near cry out: 'Here's a friend for you, Bill!' If you don't I'll kill you.
(Jim has to lead him to the captain.)
JIM: Here's a friend to see you, Bill.
(The captain is drinking rum. He wants to rise, but cannot — he is too weak.)
THE BLIND PEW: Now, Bill, sit where you are. If I can't see you, I can hear you move your finger. Business is business. Give me your left hand.
(The captain gave him left hand and the blind man put a piece of paper into it.)
And now that is done.
(He rapidly skipped out of the room. The captain quickly looked at the paper in his hand.)
BILLY BONES: They will come at ten o'clock. I have six hours!
(He sprang to his feet. But the next moment he fell on the floor. )
JIM: Mother, we can do nothing. It is a stroke of apoplexy. He is dead.
(The captain lay as we had left him on his back, with his eyes open.)
MRS HAWKINS: We are in a very difficult position. The captain has not paid us for the last two weeks.
JIM: Do not think so much of that. I chiefly think of these people who will come soon. What will they do to us?
MRS HAWKINS: Let us get the key of the chest.
(Jim goes down on his knees. On the floor beside the captain is a little piece of paper which is black on one side. This is the black spot! Jim takes it and sees the words written on the other side.)
JIM: You have till ten tonight. He had till ten, mother.
MRS HAWKINS: Now, Jim, find the key of the chest.
(Jim finds the key on a string round his neck and he opens the old sailman’s chest. He finds an oilcloth packet and a canvas bag with some gold.)
MRS HAWKINS: I am an honest woman, and I will take only the money which he owed me.
JIM: (Counting the coins.) The coins are all of different countries and of different form and size.
(They hear the tap-tapping of the blind man's stick on the road.)
JIM: Mother, let us take the money and go immediately!
MRS HAWKINS: I'll take what I have.
JIM: And I'll take the oilskin packet.
(They hear a whistle and the sound of footsteps.)
MRS HAWKINS: My dear, I am going to faint.
(They run away.)
(The blind man and his fellow Johnny come in.)
THE BLIND MAN: Open the door! In, in, in! 6
JOHNNY: Bill is dead!
THE BLIND MAN: Search him, Open the chest.
JOHNNY: Pew, they have been here before us. Somebody has opened the chest.
THE BLIND MAN: Is it there?
JOHNNY: The money is there.
THE BLIND MAN: Flint's paper?
JOHNNY: I cannot find it. Somebody has already searched him, there is nothing left.
THE BLIND MAN: It's these people of the inn — it is the boy! They were here a moment ago. Now run and find them immediately!
(They run away.)
(Dr. Livesey, Squire Trelawney and Jim are sitting round the table in the inn.)
TRELAWNEY: They have taken the captain's money, you say? But, what more did they want then? More money?
JIM: No, not money, I think. In fact, I believe they wanted the thing I have in my pocket.
DR. LIVESEY: And so, Jim, you have the thing the buccaneers wanted, haven't you?
JIM: Here it is sir. (Jim gives Dr. Livesey the oilskin packet.)
DR. LIVESEY: Have heard of Flint, I suppose?
TRELAWNEY: Of course I have heard of him! He was the most terrible pirate that ever sailed the seas. All other pirates were children compared to him. I have seen the sails of his ship myself, but the captain of my ship was a coward and was afraid to fight, so we put back into port as we saw him.
DR. LIVESEY: I have heard about him myself, but the question is if he had money?
TRELAWNEY: Money! What do these pirates want but money? Of course they had lots of money!
DR. LIVESEY: I want to know this — suppose that I have here in my pocket some clue to where Flint put his treasure, will that treasure be much?
TRELAWNEY: Much! I can tell you this. If we really have the clue, I shall buy a ship, take you and Hawkins and get the treasure even if I must search for it a whole year.
DR. LIVESEY: Very well, now let us open the packet.
(The doctor cuts the stitches of the packet and there falls out of it the map of an island, with latitude and longitude, names of hills, bays and other particulars.)
TRELAWNEY: Livesey, you will give up your medical practice at once. To-morrow I start for Bristol. In three weeks — two weeks — ten days we'll have the best ship in England. Jim Hawkins will come as cabin-boy. You'll be a fine cabin-boy, Hawkins. You, Livesey, are the ship's doctor; I am the admiral. We'll have favourable winds, a quick passage and no end of money.
DR. LIVESEY: Trelawney, I'll go with you, and so will Jim. But I am afraid of one man.
TRELAWNEY: And who is that? Name the dog, sir!
DR. LIVESEY: You, you talk too much. We are not the only men who know of this paper. None of us must say a word of what we have found.
TRELAWNEY: Livesey, you are always right, I'll be as silent as the grave.
Список источников:
- R.L Stevenson, Treasure Island. Книга для чтения на английском языке. - Дидактика, Санкт-Петербург, 1995
- Карта Острова Сокровищ. Фотогалерея - старинные карты [Электронный ресурс]//Генрих навигатор - Режим доступа: http://atf.org.ua/ Последнее обращение – 8.06.2014
- Fifteen men on a dead man's chest. Видео [Электронный ресурс]// Видеодиск ТВ - Режим доступа - http://videodisc.tv/ Последнее обращение – 8.06.2014
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