тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
по английскому языку для школьного этапа всероссийской олимпиады школьников
8 класс
I. Read the story and answer: true or false?
- Mike thought his job was boring.
- Big Jim never bought a ticket when he got on the bus.
- At first, Mike wasn`t afraid of Big Jim.
- Mike worked hard so he would be ready to make Big Jim pay.
- Mike and Big Jim had a fight.
- Big Jim used a bus pass, not single ticket.
Big Jim
Mike was proud to wear the uniform of a bus driver. He felt good when he helped people. And he liked driving all around the town and the countryside. He wasn`t a big man, but he was one of the best bus drivers in the city.
One day, Mike went to the bus station as usual. As always, he started his bus but drove along his usual way. For the first few stops, everything was normal. A few people got on his bus. Mike took their money and gave them their tickets. A few people got off the bus. Then, when Mike got to the bus stop on Elm Road, a huge man was waiting for the bus. The man was tall and his long arms were full of muscles. He stepped up onto the bus. He looked at Mike and said, `I`m Big Jim. Big Jim doesn`t pay.` Then he sat at the back of the bus. Mike was surprised about this, and he was also upset. But Jim was so big, Mike wasn`t sure what to do.
The next day, Big Jim was again waiting at the Elm Road stop. Again he got on the bus and said, `Big Jim doesn`t pay.` It happened this way every day for several days. Mike continued to be unhappy about this situation. Jim could be dangerous. What would happen if Mike tried to make him pay? Then Mike had an idea. He started going to the gym. He lifted weights. He took a class in boxing. He started running every day for exercise. After a few weeks, Mike had become very fit and strong. He felt confident.
One day, Mike went to the bus station. As always, he started his bus and drove along his usual way. For the first few stops, everything was normal. A few people got on the bus. He took their money and gave them their tickets. A few people got off the bus. Then, when Mike got to the bus stop on Elm Road, there was Big Jim, waiting for the bus as usual. The big man boarded the bus and, as always, said, `Big Jim doesn`t pay.`
Mike was ready. He knew what to do. He stood up. He looked Big Jim in the eye. He said, `Why doesn`t Big Jim pay?`
Big Jim had a surprised look on his face. Then he reached in his pocket, pulled out a small card, and said, `Because Big Jim has got a six-month bus pass.`
USE OF ENGLISH – 21 балл
A School Uniform
Many schoolchildren in the UK (1) __________ a uniform to school every day. Parents and teachers like it as it gives pupils a sense of (2) ____________ and families do not have to spend (3) ______________ of money on clothes. (4) ___________, there are many pros and cons of school uniforms.
A major (5) _____________ is that you don’t need to waste time deciding what to wear. Children can spend more time thinking about (6) ____________ studies rather than clothes. Also, there can be no more arguments over (7) _____________ has the most fashionable clothes. Schools argue that children in school uniform are more likely to take school seriously and be proud (8) ____________their school.
On the other hand, many pupils would rather have the opportunity to choose their own clothes and (9) ___________ having the same clothes as their classmates. (10) __________ students reject rules and rebel by dressing badly. This makes teachers’ lives difficult as they must then (11) __________ students’ clothes daily. The most important thing we should ask ourselves is: ‘ Do clothes have the power to improve learning?’
A dress | B wear | C carry | D show | |
A change | B identity | C separation | D nature | |
A lots | B much | C several | D many | |
A Except | B Just | C In spite | D However | |
A preference | B advantage | C chance | D opportunity | |
A their | B our | C its | D theirs | |
A whose | B which | C what | D who | |
A at | B with | C over | D of | |
A disapprove | B fancy | C frown | D dislike | |
A Some | B Few | C Each | D All | |
A check | B fit | C match | D control |
B Use a word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
- Bob Marley was a reggae ____________________. SING
- He is a _____________ and a cheat. LIE
- He looked at her in great ____________. ADMIRE
- Do you follow a _______________ diet? HEALTH
- I can’t afford these shoes because they are too ___________. EXPENSE
- Tigers are ____________ species. DANGER
- The site contains useful _____________ about Argentina. INFORM
- During a written exam there must be _____________. SILENT
- Who’s the __________ of this film? DIRECT
- You need to make a __________________ now. DECIDE
Task 1.
- Which of the following is a country?
A) Rome
B) France
C) Paris
- Robin Hood lived in … Forest .
A) Black
B) Dark
C) Sherwood
- What do people call New York ? The Big … .
A) City
B) Apple
C) Town
- Who said "To be or not to be, that is the question”?
A) Othello
B) Romeo
C) Hamlet
- Agatha Christie is known all over the world as
А)the queen of Great Britain
B)a famous sportsman
C)a scientist
D) an artist
E)the queen of the detective genre
- The Union Jack is …
А)the flag of Scotland
В) the flag of Wales
С) the flag of the UK
D)the flag of England
Е) the flag of Northern Ireland
Task 2. Test your idioms. Choose the correct answer.
7. If you get butterflies in your stomach before an exam, how do you feel?
a) hungry
b) nervous
c) shy
8. If you’re over the moon, how do you feel?
a) sleepy
b) happy
c) upset
9. ‘Tom is as cool as a cucumber.’ What does it mean?
a) he is very calm
b) he is fashionably dressed
c) he is stupid
10. ‘John is a down-to-earth person.’ What is he like?’
a) he is very short
b) he is rude
c) he is practical
11. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, what kind of things do you like to eat?
a) cakes and chocolates
b) fish and chips
c) cucumbers and tomatoes
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Tom
…I can`t wait till next weekend! There`s going to be a barbecue in the village square; there`ll be a band there, too. So…Good food and good music. What do you do at the weekends where you live? Is there a cinema near you? Do you often go out?...
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 80 - 90 words. Remember the rules of writing letters.
При оценке Вашего письменного сообщения будут учитываться следующие критерии:
- решение коммуникативной задачи, ответы на все предложенные вопросы (максимум 2 балла);
- организация текста, последовательность изложения (максимум 2 балла);
- правильное лексическое оформление письменной речи (максимум 2 балла);
- правильное использование грамматики (максимум 2 балла);
- соблюдение правил орфографии (максимум 2 балла).
Monologue: 10 баллов
You are talking to your friends about your last holiday. Describe:
- the weather
- the people you were with
- the place and its attractions.
на задания по английскому языку для школьного этапа всероссийской олимпиады школьников
8 класс
Reading – 6 баллов | Use of English – 21 балл | Cultural awareness | ||
1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T | 1- B 2- B 3- A 4- D 5 -B 6 -A 7- D 8- D 9-D 10-A 11- D | 1 singer 2 liar 3 admiration 4 healthy 5 expensive 6 endangered 7 information 8 silence 9 director 10 decision |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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