тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Read the text and choose the missing sentences (A—F).
There is one sentence which you do not need to use.
In 1899 I gave up school teaching in disgust, borrowing enough money to live upon for a few months, and went to the University of Chicago to study economics and political science. 1 was soon appointed to a Fellowship in political economy. (1)________ . The meaning of this degree is that the recipient of instruction is examined for the last time in his life, and is pronounced completely full. After this, no new ideas can be imparted to him.
From this time, and since my marriage, which had occurred at this period, I have belonged to the staff of McGill University. (2) _________. As this position is one of the prizes of my profession, I am able to regard myself as singularly fortunate. The emolument is so high as to place me distinctly above the policemen, postmen, street-car conductors, and other salaried officials of the neighborhood. (3) __________. In point of leisure, 1 enjoy more in the four corners of a single year than a business man knows in his whole life. I thus have what the business man can never enjoy, an ability to think, and, what is still better, to stop thinking altogether for months at a time. I have written a number of things in connection with my college life. (4) ______. I belong to the Political Science Association of America, to the Royal Colonial Institute, and to the Church of England. (5) ________. I have had some small connection with politics and public life.
A. First I was a lecturer in Political Science, and later as head оf the department of Economics and Political Science.
B. These things, surely, are a proof of respectability.
C. I am not a politician, though.
D. However, 1 am able to mix with the poorer of the businessmen of the city on terms of something like equality
E. They are books on Political Science, and many essays, magazine articles, and so on.
F. By means of this and some temporary employment, I survived until I took the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1903.
Task 1
Imagine that you cannot come to your friends birthday party. Write him/her a letter with apologies.
Do not forget to:
- send your wishes,
- name your reasons why you cannot come,
- follow the rules of letter writing.
You should write 80—100 words.
Task 2
Imagine that you read the following question on a forum:
“Hi, guys! I need your advice. I’ve had an argument with my best friend. Now we don’t speak to each other. What should I do to put up with him ? Should I apologize though it wasn’t my fault?”
Write about 90-100 words.
Imagine that you are preparing a visit to the British Museum for your class.
Tell your partner the plan of the visit using the following ideas:
- the date of the excursion;
- the reasons for going there;
- what masterpieces you are going to see there.
(Monologue; Time: 1 minute)
Then answer two questions of your partner.
(Dialogue; Time: 2 minutes)
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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