Презентация к уроку в 10 классе "Schools around the world".
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Презентация к уроку 3а по УМК "Spotlight" для 10 класса.
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Подписи к слайдам:
THE TYPES OF THE SCHOOLS A boarding school A single-sex school A co-educational school A state school A private school A specialist school . A school for boys and girls A school students go for a practical reason ( ex. To become an actor) A school for only boys and girls A school owned by the government A school which students live in during school term A school you usually have to pay to go to
What is true for your school? There are lots of rules (to wear a uniform, to be polite). Facilities and equipment are good. The teachers are strict. Students are motivated. There is a selection of unusual subjects to choose from. Students sit a lot of exams. Most students take part in extra-curricular activities. Students get a lot of homework. Most students live nearby. What would you change?
“ ! ”- I like the idea. “ V ”- I don’t like the idea. “ ?”- I don’t understand it. Reading
Eliciting meaning from the text Dread Invented Training Skills Unusual Public transport created ; came up with knowledge and/or ability to do sth well the process of learning skills for a particular job means of travelling available to the public, e.g. bus, train, metro, etc. uncommon, strange not to look forward to sth ; to fear sth
Eliciting meaning from the text 7. Smart 8. Participate 9. Strict 10. Old-fashioned 11. Uniform 12. Attend compulsory ( rules) well-dressed not modern set of clothes worn for work or school join in, take part be present; go regularly (school)
I dread the cold winters. John Logie Baird i nvented the first television. Training is important at a circus school. The skills students acquire at school can help in later life. I find schools only for boys or girls unusual. Buses are the cheapest form of public transport . I attend school six days a week. My teachers are quite strict. People at weddings usually wear smart clothes. My grandfather is very old-fashioned and still wears a hat. I have to wear a uniform at school. It is important for people to participate in sports.
Topic SCHOOL Two adjectives Three a ctions Your relation to the topic The equivalent of the topic
HOMETASK I magine that you are a newspaper correspondent and write a short article about your school (60-80 WORDS).
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