контрольная работа 6 класс Афанасьева
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Шилова СветланаСтаниславовна

контрольная работа 6 класс Афанасьева


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Progress Check

1.Прочитайте тексты. Соедините заголовок с подходящим текстом. Один заголовок лишний.

1. Red Square

2. Moscow Metro

3. Nevsky Prospect

4. St Petersburg

5. The Summer Garden

6. The climate of St Petersburg

7. Moscow Zoo

a. Peter the Great founded it in 1703. It became the capital in 1712. It had different names. It stands on the Neva River near the Baltic Sea. This city is famous for its palaces and bridges, churches, theatres and museums. The most wonderful garden is the Summer Garden. Every year a lot of tourists come to see this beautiful city.

b. The city is situated in the north, that’s why the weather is often nasty here. It’s often cold, rainy and windy. There aren’t many sunny days. Not many people would like to live there because of the climate.

c. It is one of the most famous parks of St Petersburg. There are a lot of marble statues. You can see a monument to I.A.Krylov here.

d. It is one of the largest squares in Moscow. Its first name was Torg. There are a lot of famous buildings and monuments in the square: St Basil’s Cathedral, the History Museum, Spasskaya Tower and many others.

e. It appeared in 1864. It is situated in the centre of the city. There are more than 6000 different animals. It is open in all seasons. Children and their parents enjoy going there.

f. It is very deep and busy. It began to work in 1935. It has more than 10 lines. It is still growing. Its trains move very fast.

2. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова в текст:      

metro, square, capital, theatre, busy

Dear Mary,

I’m enjoying my stay in Moscow. The 1) ________ of Russia is really a wonderful city. We spend a lot of time outdoors doing the city, its parks and gardens. We visited so many interesting places. We saw the Kremlin and Red 2) _____. We went to the Bolshoi 3) ______ and saw a ballet. Moscow is a very 4) _____ place. There are a lot of cars in the streets. I like travelling by Moscow 5) ______. I think it’s fairly comfortable.

Hope to see you soon.

Best wishes,


3. Соедините части предложений по смыслу:

1. Every year a lot of tourists                            a. on the bank of the Neva River

2. There are a lot of                                           b. takes place in Red Square.

3. Winter palace stands                                     c. come to see Moscow.

4. Nevsky Prospect is                                        d. beautiful buildings in Moscow

5. A big parade                                                  e. a busy wide road.

4. Выберите правильное слово в скобках

1)The Urals are not very (high/tall).

2)Can you (hear/listen to) attentively?

3)She (hears/listens to) him in the dark (темнота), but not answers.

4)Freddy doesn`t like to (miss/take) a plane. He is afraid.

5)Sally wants to (miss/take) a train. She doesn`t like the idea of travelling.

5.Распределите слова на две группы:

 St Basil’s Cathedral, the Neva River, the Kremlin, Winter palace, Nevsky Prospect, the Summer Garden, Red Square, the Hermitage, Moscow, St Petersburg

6. Выберите нужное слово

1) There are a (lot of, little) shops in the street

2) There is (few, little) water in the cup

3) The town has got (many, much) schools

4) There is not (many, much) snow in the square

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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