Технологии обучения говорению при подготовке к устной части ЕГЭ
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему
презентация по теме "Технологии обучения говорению при подготовке к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку"
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Подписи к слайдам:
Под влиянием языковых тестов на уроках широко распространилась практика выполнения языковых заданий в форме заполнения бланков различного типа , в то время как коммуникативная деятельность учащихся постепенно утратила статус своей значимости.
Как следствие, на уроках заметно сократилось время говорения учащихся, в результате снизился уровень устных речевых умений, учителя стали все больше внимания и времени уделять языковому тренингу, подменяя речевую компетенцию тестовой. Технологии подготовки школьников к языковому тестированию превысили по своей важности способы обучения устной речи. Как методисты, так и учителя-практики стали все меньше использовать на уроках виды учебной работы с устной речевой направленностью.
Интеллектуальные испытания в программе ЕГЭ повышают значимость формирования у учащихся речевой компетенции. Языковой экзамен становится стимулом обучения школьников иноязычному говорению
Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт (ФГОС) предусматривает формирование и совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.
В области монологической речи школьники должны уметь рассказывать о себе, своей семье, месте проживания и стране. Им необходимо уметь описывать события с опорой на наглядность, давать краткую характеристику других людей, передавать содержание прочитанного или услышанного текста, а также фильма.
Более способные учащиеся могут научиться делать тематические сообщения, комментировать факты и выражать к ним свое отношение, кратко высказываться на заданные темы без подготовки и излагать результаты проектной деятельности.
Важно помнить, что реальное и заметное повышение результатов учащихся в устной части ЕГЭ зависит не только от овладения техникой выполнения экзаменационных заданий, но и от общего уровня развития учащихся, а также от уровня их коммуникативной компетенции.
Методический прием обучения говорению - это комплексное обучающее действие учителя, организованное в соответствии с поставленной на уроке промежуточной целью, отвечающее требованиям принципов коммуникативно-ориентированного метода обучения и позволяющее решить соответствующую задачу урока с помощью организационно-педагогических технологий.
Существуют различные методические приемы формирования у учащихся устных речевых умений - ролевые и коммуникативные игры, дискуссии, дебаты и полемика, драматизация, описание изображения, комментирование и выражение собственного мнения и др. Все эти приемы можно отнести к единому ключевому приему обучения устной речи - речевой ситуации
Задачу формирования умений устной речи смогут решить современные организационно-педагогические технологии . С их помощью активизируются процессы мышления и речи, формируются коммуникативные и социальные умения, расширяется кругозор, а также решается проблема аутентичного обучения говорению на иностранном языке в условиях выражения мысли, межличностного взаимодействия и утверждения себя как личности в общении.
Russian National Exams (so called ЕГЭ ) put forward comprehension and speaking skills as the most important part of the language usage. There are two forms of speaking: monologue and dialogue. Since each form has its peculiarities we should speak of teaching monologue and teaching dialogue separately.
Speech must be motivated and a teacher has to ensure conditions in which a pupil will have a desire to say something in the foreign language to express his thoughts and feelings. Thinking over the methods we shouldn’t forget about the educator’s levels. Exercises given above are for the beginners. Step by step exercises are becoming more complicated. A teacher should organize the teaching process in a way which allows pupils to speak freely, think of the situations to make pupils’ speech situational.
It’s important to teach pupils how to use intonational means to express their attitude, their feelings about what they say. That can be done by giving such tasks as: reason why you like the story, prove something, give your opinion on the episode, or on the problem concerned, etc.
There is a great variety of dialogue structures. Question – response - Hello. What’s your name? - Ann. What’s yours? - My name is… Question- question - Will you help me, sonny? - What shall I do, mum? Statement- statement - I’d like to know when he is going to come and see us. - That’s difficult to say. He is always promising but never comes. Statement – question - I’m going to the cinema tonight. - What’s on…?
In teaching dialogue a teacher should use pattern dialogues, make sure that pupils go through the three stages from receptive through reproductive to creative and supply pupils with the subject to talk about. RNE demands unprepared speech from a graduater . The pupils’ speech is considered unprepared when without any preparation, he can speak on a subject suggested in the task. The relationship between prepared and unprepared speech should vary depending on level of the learners. At the junior stage prepared speech takes the lead, while in the senior stage unprepared speech should prevail.
Correcting mistakes is one of techniques while teaching speaking. If a pupil makes a mistake in something which is familiar to him it is preferable to correct it at once. But in order not to confuse the pupil and stop his narration the teacher helps the child with the correct version. But if a pupil makes a mistake in something which he has not learnt yet the teacher corrects his mistakes after he has finished speaking.
To sum up, there is a great variety of techniques at the teacher’s disposal when teaching speaking. It is important to select the one that is most suitable for the occasion.
When it comes to preparing students for taking an oral exam, they should be given enough practice in reading, pronunciation and of course speaking. It will help them to avoid mistakes that students usually make.
What mistakes do students usually make while reading a text? • they mispronounce some words and sounds which change the meaning of the words : eg mind – mine ; through – though ; since – science ; word stress ; sentence stress ; wrong intonation in different types of sentences
Task 2. C ommon mistakes Phonetic mistakes are made in such words as: guarantee, recipe etc. ; lexical mistakes – substitution of some words by different ones, eg appliance - applicant, kitchen - chicken ; grammar mistakes: the wrong word order; wrong concord between words – Is there kitchen appliances ? Is there ways to buy it online? Sometimes they omit an auxiliary verb : What the guarantee period? In some cases examinees ask questions that don’t have meaning at all , eg : Do you have any functions? How long are the operation hours? How much is the price of the season ticket?
Task 3. C ommon mistakes They don’t stick to the topic ; they don’t address their friend ; there is no introduction and conclusion ; They say only one phrase for each point of the plan ; they interpret the content of the photo in the wrong way ; There are phonetic, lexical and grammar mistakes .
Task 4. Common mistakes There is no comparison ( just the description of two pictures ); instead of giving a brief description of the photos they describe them in a detailed way ; they don’t stress similarities and differences of the pictures ; They use only one phrase for each point of the plan ; There is no introduction or conclusion ; they don’t use cliché which indicates comparison ; phonetic, lexical and grammar mistakes
How to make it easy for students to do task 2 Students are offered three photos. Their task is to choose one photo to describe. They can face some difficulties while choosing the photo that they will be able to describe in a proper way. As a rule, there are dynamic and static photos. The first ones show people, actions, events, animals whereas static photos depict landscape, architecture, buildings, historical places and so on. It is advisable for students to choose a dynamic picture as it is easier to describe.
Useful phrases Introduction. I’ve chosen photo number… As you know I’m fond of photography and I always take my camera with me wherever I go. And today I’d like to show you one of my latest photos. Have a look.
Where and when the photo was taken ( use past simple /past continuous) I took this photo while I was on a hiking holiday with my relatives in Crimea last summer. I took the photo while we were going hiking in the countryside last weekend .
Tips Focus on most significant objects in the picture and their location ( in the centre , in the foreground, in the background) Start describing the objects located in the foreground gradually passing on to the things which are in the background. Don’t forget to use adjectives and linking words
Who/what People T hings N ature Age size Clothes shape Mood / emotions colour Location material actions
What/ who is in the photo In the foreground of this photo you can see my family: my elder brothers and my father . We are on a hiking tour and they are walking towards our destination - a beautiful lake where we are going to put up tents and stay for a night. My father is ahead of the company. In the background you can see some hills and bushes. It’s a really picturesque site.
What is happening (use present continuous; present simple for stative verbs) As you can see the weather is lovely . It’s a warm sunny day, the sun is shining brightly and the sky is light blue and cloudless. My relatives are dressed in light summer clothes and some of them are wearing sun hats . They are carrying heavy rucksacks with all the equipment we need during the hiking All members of my family feel a bit tired . It’s obvious that they are looking forward to having a good rest on the bank of the lake.
Why you keep the photo in your album I keep this photo in my album to have a chance to look at it at any time and recollect the pleasant moments of our holiday ( trip to…., weekend etc ) because it brings back all sweet memories of the time we spent together with my relatives because this photo is a special one for me . It reminds me of the happiest day of my holiday so that the memory of that happy day will remain with me all my life
Why you decided to show the picture to your friend I decided to show this picture to you because you’ve never seen my family before and asked me how we usually spend our free time (holiday etc ) because I wanted you to see how close and happy our family is so as to share my emotions (experience) with you , as it was really an exciting and unforgettable day
Useful phrases Conclusion Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you about this photo. I hope you like it as much as I do. Well, it’s time to wind it up. Thank you for your attention.
When students have a certain algorithm to follow while doing the task, they have more chances to succeed in passing the oral exam .
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