"Spotlight -8" Контрольный тест по 3 модулю.
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Опубликовано 26.09.2018 - 22:28 - Мишина Любовь Михайловна
Контрольный тест является одним из видов контроля качества знаний учащихся. В данном материале представлен пример контрольной работы для учеников 8 класса, обучающися по программе авторов О. Подоляко, Ю. Ваулиной, В. Эванс и Дж. Дули "Spotlight 8".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Control test №3
Variant 1.
- Fill the gaps with the past perfect or the past perfect continuous.
- You were out of breath when you came in this morning. You …..(run)?
- Leonard was exhausted because he …………..(work) in his lab all night.
- When mother got home she found that little Kitty ………(paint) her room.
- Patty …………(already/leave) the party when Jim arrived.
- Garry ……….. (teach) in Manchester for 12 years before he got a post in Oxford.
- Underline the correct item.
- Raise/Lift your hand if you know the correct answer.
- I promise Dan will have a brilliant career in/by law.
- Dr. John has to attend a lecture so he swapped/altered shifts with Dr. Smith.
- Paul reads the newspaper by/at the beginning of the day.
- There is a park nearby/upwards where we can fly our kites.
- Abraham Lincoln began his political career at/in the young age of twenty-three.
- Patty went/had gone out with her friends after she had finished her homework.
- This is the fourth medal he`s earned/won this season.
- I always get good grades in History/Physics. I like Science a lot!
- Mike invented/found out the device, but it was his brother who put it on the market.
- Her husband`s new job brings around/in an extra 200 pounds a week.
- What`s the English for:
- Получить прибавку к зарплате;
- Представлять что-либо (делать презентацию);
- Экономика;
- Изучать социологию;
- Прийти к выводу;
- Быть частным предпринимателем.
- Осуществлять;
- Выпускать на продажу;
- Напоминать, вспоминать.
- Listen to some people talking about their jobs. Match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (1-6). One statement is odd.
Sp. 1 | Sp.2 | Sp.3 | Sp.4 | Sp.5 |
- The speaker turned his/her hobby into a career.
- The speaker`s job involves a lot of travelling.
- The speaker has a part-time job.
- The speaker finds it difficult to meet deadlines.
- The speaker wants to become famous.
- The speaker is thinking about doing a different job.
Control test №3
Variant 2.
- Fill the gaps with the past perfect or the past perfect continuous.
- They …………(wait) for two hours before Ann finally arrived.
- Was Anny upset that I called her so late? – No, she ……..(not/go) to bed yet.
- Did Sally help you with the dinner party last night? – No, we …….. (prepare) everything by the time she got home.
- It … (rain) for several days before the wind changed.
5.They ………(live) in London for ten years before they moved to Paris.
- Underline the correct item.
- I lost my keys as I was walking/ had been walking home.
- After many years of hard work, Sean finally succeeded/ managed to get his degree in Astronomy.
- Jamie is such a cute toddler/infant! He`s just learning to walk and he keeps falling down all the time.
- A hot-air balloon uses smoke/heat to go up in the air.
- Sean took her father to hospital while/during the night.
- Everyone congratulated him in/at the end of his lecture.
- While/ As soon as Mike sold his first invention, he started working on some ideas about a new one.
- The great scientist Alexander Fleming died by/of heart problems.
- Alex is studying Earth/Health Science because he wants to know everything about our planet.
- If Jane gets the promotion, it will add an extra four thousand pounds to her annual salary/wage.
- She started her career in/at teaching when she was twenty-two years old.
- What`s the English for:
- Носить форму;
- Иметь хорошие успехи в физике;
- Цел и невредим;
- Проводить эксперименты;
- Прикладные науки;
- Естественные науки;
- Растить, воспитывать;
- Приводить в сознание, в чувство;
- Приносить деньги, привносить.
- Listen to some people talking about their jobs. Match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (1-6). One statement is odd.
Sp. 1 | Sp.2 | Sp.3 | Sp.4 | Sp.5 |
- The speaker turned his/her hobby into a career.
- The speaker`s job involves a lot of travelling.
- The speaker has a part-time job.
- The speaker finds it difficult to meet deadlines.
- The speaker wants to become famous.
- The speaker is thinking about doing a different job.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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