Spotlight 5 тест к Модулю 3
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 3 A
1. Прослушай запись и выбери правильный вариант ответа.
1. Katie’s bedroom is on the A second floor B first floor C third floor
2. Katie’s got a desk next to A the window B her bed C her wardrobe
3. Bob has got A three posters on the walls B a computer on his desk C trainers under his bed
4. Katie’s bedroom is next to A her sister’s bedroom B her brother’s bedroom C the bathroom
5. Bob has the same room as A his brother B his sister C no one
2. Соедини две части, чтобы получилось слово, напиши перевод.
3. Дополни предложение нужным словом.
bedroom block books cooker first garage lamp mirror sink wardrobe
1. There is a … in the kitchen. 2. I have got a bookcase in my … . 3. His living room is on the … floor. 4. Amy has got a … in her bathroom. 5. I read my … in the bedroom. 6. Joy lives in a … of flats. 7. Dad’s car is in the … . 8. Mike has got a … on his desk. 9. Ann’s clothes are in the … . 10. Mum washes dishes in the … .
4. Выбери нужный предлог.
1. Dave’s trainers are … the bed. A in B under C on
2. The armchair is … the fireplace. A next to B behind C on
3. Wendy has got a painting … the wall. A on B in C in front of
4. There’s a computer … the desk. A next to B in front of C on
5. My bed is … the window. A behind B in C under
6. The desk is … the bed. A next to B on C under
5. Дополни предложения оборотами: There is a… There isn’t a… There are… There aren’t any…
1. … chairs in the living room. 2. … lamp in the room. 3. … books on the table. 4. … mirror on the wall. 5. … sofa in the living room. 6. … window behind the sofa. 7. … wardrobe in the living room. 8. … paintings on the wall. 9. … a bookcase in the room. 10. … a table in the room.
6. К каждому вопросу подбери подходящий ответ.
1. Where is the kitchen? 2. Have you got a bookcase? 3. Have you got paintings in the room? 4. What floor is it on? 5. Is there a coffee table in your living room?
A Yes, there are five on the wall. B Yes, it’s in front of the sofa. C It’s next to the dining room. D It’s on the first floor. E Yes, and it has got many books.
Test 3 B
1. Прослушай запись и выбери правильный вариант ответа.
1. Katie’s bedroom is on the A second floor B first floor C third floor
2. Katie’s got a desk next to A the window B her bed C her wardrobe
3. Bob has got A three posters on the walls B a computer on his desk C trainers under his bed
4. Katie’s bedroom is next to A her sister’s bedroom B her brother’s bedroom C the bathroom
5. Bob has the same room as A his brother B his sister C no one
2. Соедини две части, чтобы получилось слово, напиши перевод.
3. Дополни предложение нужным словом.
bedroom block books cooker first garage lamp mirror sink wardrobe
1. Her living room is on the … floor. 2. Dave lives in a … of flats. 3. My sister reads her … in the bedroom. 4. There is a … in the kitchen. 5. She washes dishes in the … . 6. Mark has got a … in his bathroom. 7. I have got a bookcase in my … . 8. Tom’s clothes are in his … . 9. Wendy has got a … on her desk. 10. My car is in the … .
4. Выбери нужный предлог.
1. Dan has got a poster … the wall. A on B in C in front of
2. The desk is … the bed. A on B next to C under
3. There is a lamp … the desk. A next to B in front of C on
4. His bed is … the window. A behind B in C under
5. Mary’s trainers are … the bed. A in B on C under
6. The sofa is … the fireplace. A next to B behind C on
5. Дополни предложения оборотами: There is a… There isn’t a… There are… There aren’t any…
1. … painting in the bedroom. 2. … computer on the desk. 3. … books in the bookcase. 4. … mirror on the wall. 5. … lamp in the bedroom. 6. … chair in the bedroom. 7. … poster on the wall. 8. … wardrobe in the room. 9. … bed in front of the window. 10. … radio on the bed.
6. К каждому вопросу подбери подходящий ответ.
1. Where is the bathroom? 2. Have you got a bookcase? 3. Has Dave got any posters? 4. What floor is it on? 5. Is there a coffee table in your living room?
A Yes, he has five on the wall. B Yes, it’s in front of the sofa. C It’s next to the kitchen. D It’s on the second floor.
E Yes, and it has got many books.
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