Викторина об Америке. American Quiz.
тест по английскому языку (8, 9, 10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
1.There are three American men: Tom, Sam and Mike. Try to guess where they live and their professions.
Tom doesn’t live in Boston and New York; he isn’t a manager.
Mike doesn’t live in New York, he isn’t a doctor and manager.
Sam doesn’t live in San Francisco; he isn’t a doctor.
Tom | Mike | Sam | |
Boston | |||
San Francisco | |||
New York | |||
Manager | |||
Policeman | |||
Doctor |
1. Washington DC | a. the home city of United Nations |
2. Hollywood | b. automobile capital of the country |
3. Las Vegas | c. the entertainment capital of the world |
4. Salt Lake City | d. the capital of the country |
5. New York | e. a “movie-making factory” |
6.Los Angeles | f. casinos, bars, hotels and a lot of advertisement |
7. Detroit | g. the city of Olympic Games in 2002 |
1. Washington DC | a. the home city of United Nations |
2. Hollywood | b. automobile capital of the country |
3. Las Vegas | c. the entertainment capital of the world |
4. Salt Lake City | d. the capital of the country |
5. New York | e. a “movie-making factory” |
6.Los Angeles | f. casinos, bars, hotels and a lot of advertisement |
7. Detroit | g. the city of Olympic Games in 2002 |
1 | Valentine’s Day | A Americans celebrate this holiday on the fourth Thursday in November. This is family holiday. Americans make a big turkey dinner | |
2 | Halloween | B Americans celebrate this holiday on the 31st of October. The children wear masks and colorful costumes. The most popular costumes are ghosts, withes, and skeletons. | |
3 | Christmas | C It is a biggest national holiday in the USA. On this day was proclaimed the Declaration of Independence. | |
4 | Independence Day | D It is a religious holiday and one of the happiest holidays of the year. Americans decorate a tree with toys and lights. | |
5 | Thanksgiving Day | E This holiday is celebrated on a Sunday in April or May. Before this holiday the people color eggs. | |
6 | Easter | F It is a day of love and friendship. Americans send greeting cards to their sweethearts. |
Найди 10 слов, относящихся к теме «США» и запиши их.
1____________ 2____________ 3_____________ 4_____________ 5______________
6____________ 7____________ 8_____________ 9_____________ 10_____________
Найди 10 слов, относящихся к теме «США» и запиши их.
1____________ 2____________ 3_____________ 4_____________ 5______________
6____________ 7____________ 8_____________ 9_____________ 10_____________
5. Соотнеси картинки.
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