Открытый урок "Живопись", 10 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Ход урока "Живопись" в 10 классе к учебнику английского языка Афанасьевой
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Ход урока:
(слайд 1)
- Good morning! Sit down, please! Glad to see you! Today we’re going to focus on art, painting in particular. We’ll try to understand & evaluate the works of art. We’ll generalize our knowledge on the topic “Painting”. We shall practice our skills in describing pictures. So, relax, please & enjoy our lesson. We have some English-speaking guests today & we tell our guests “Welcome!”
-So, painting… painting deals with feelings and emotions by means of colours. Colours often have different meanings in different languages. Moreover, different colours have different effects on people.
What are your favourite colours? (ответы учеников)
(слайды 2-5)
- Do you know that colours can indicate our feelings and our mood?
- What colour is happy/ sad/ angry for you?
- What colour are you feeling today? Why?
On your desks you can see colourful cards. I’ll ask you to choose the card with the colour that indicates your feelings, your mood at the beginning of the lesson. Stick it to the blackboard just near your name.
- So, answer my question, please.
- What are your associations when you hear the word “Painting”?
Really when something is beautiful or has great cultural value, we say: “It’s art”. But…
- Please, now look at the screen. What are your ideas of these quotations. Discuss them, please:
- “The object of art is to give life a shape.”
Jean Anouilh
- “Love art. Of all lies, it is the least untrue.”
Gustave Flaubert
- “There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and intelligence, transform a spot into sun.”
Pablo Picasso
- That’ll do. Thank you.
Now I’d like to divide you into two groups. Those who have green circles go to this table, those who have blue ones go here. Take a circle from the box, please. Thank you!
- Teacher:
- So as for painting it has different genres. What are they?
- That’ll do. Thank you. Now you work in your groups. The task is to determine the genres of these paintings. You have only 1 minute. When your time is up you choose one person, a speaker, & he or she will answer. The winner will be that group, who will do it correctly. Understand? Keep to business! It’s game time.
The time is out. Let’s check. Speaker 1 & speaker 2.
P – Picture 1 is Picture 2 is
Thank you! Take your seats.
Well done! The Green group gets … points & the Blue group gets… points.
- And now styles of painting. Will you name them, please.
- That’s right. & now Natalia your project, please.
- Natalia (project).
- Teacher:
-Thank you! Any questions? Or your opinions, please.
- Teacher:
-Thank you! Sit down, please! Now Dima with his interesting task.
Guess what style it is
- It’s the art that doesn’t represent recognizable objects.
- It promotes accurate, detailed depiction of nature or contemporary life. It rejects imaginative idealization in favour of close observation.
- It’s the conception of art as imitation of nature. Its subject included landscapes, tress, houses, street scenes. The artists paid attention to effects of light and movement.
- The key concept of this style is that essence of the object can only be shown from different points of view at once. Its works reject perspective in favour of geometric forms.
- The art in which common objects (such as comic strips, soup cans, road signs, and hamburgers) were used as subject matter.
- Abstract
- Realism
- Impressionism
- Cubism
- Pop Art
- Teacher:
-Thank you! Take your seat, please.
- Teacher:
- Now you work in your groups again. The task is to determine the style of these paintings. You have only 1 minute. & don’t forget to choose your speakers. Keep to business! It’s game time.
- The time is out. Let’s check. Speaker 1 & speaker 2.
- Speaker 1…………………………………………………
- & speaker 2………………………………………………
- P – Picture 1 is whereas picture 2 is
- Teacher:
- Thank you! Take your seats.
Well done! The Green group gets … points & the Blue group gets… points.
- Teacher:
- By the way, what style of painting do you prefer?
- Teacher:
- Now your projects about your favourite style .
- -Yana (Impressionism)
- Teacher:
- Any additions? May be, questions? Then your opinions.
- P,P,P……………………………………………………………
- Teacher:
- Thank you! Sit down, please!
-Katya (Abstract)
- Teacher:
- Any additions? May be, questions? Then your opinions.
- P,P,P……………………………………………………………
- Teacher:
- Thank you! Sit down, please!
- Teacher:
- I think we can say how many countries how many artists. Let’s remember some of them.
- P,P,P………………………………………………………………
- Teacher:
- I’m sure every person has his or her own favourite artist. As for me it’s Alexander Shilov. Have a look at the screen, please. You see his landscapes are very beautiful & full of life. But especially I like his portraits. Pay attention to the eyes of his characters. And what do you think about these pictures?
- P,P,P………………………………………………………………
- Teacher:
- I recommend you to visit the exhibition of this great master, the more so as Alexander Shilov is our contemporary.
- So, Tanya, will you tell us about your favourite artist?
- Tanya (Pablo Picasso)
- Teacher:
- Thank you! Sit down, please! Your opinions, please.
- Teacher:
- I think some of you heard about one more picture of Picasso “A Child with a Dove”. It was created in 1901. It is situated at the National Gallery in London.
- Teacher:
- Now you work in your groups. The task is to paint this scetch & then to describe the picture, using such plans.
The Plan of the Description:
- The subject (what is represented in the picture).
- The composition (how the space of the picture is used).
- The colour scheme (how different colours are handled).
- The details (what details the artist introduces and how they are related to the subject).
- The general impression the picture makes.
- Don’t forget about your speakers.
- The time is out. Let’s check. So, please, show us your pictures & describe them, please. So, speaker 1
- Speaker 1
- Thank you! & speaker 2.
- Speaker 2.
- Teacher:
- Thank you! Take your seats.
Now have a look at the screen. You see this picture. During the Blue period Picasso often had plots where the Weak protected the Weakest. The painter saw a hope and safety and the only opportunity to survive in this severe world. A small child is holding a dove with love and care, protecting and warming it.
So, the first group gets … points & the second group gets… points.
- Teacher:
- Vika, what about your project? Will you?
- Vika (Mark Shagal) (project)
- Teacher:
- Any questions? Opinions? Thank you! Sit down!
- Teacher:
Now you are to read the parts of the text “ Marc Chagall”. Then choose one “expert” in you group that will collect the information from other group and present it to you. Fill in the charts while asking for information. Try to find out the most important and essential facts.
(The first fragment)
Moisey (Marc) Chagall was born into a family of a poor merchant in Vitebsk in 1887. In 1907 he entered the art school of Ieguda Pen.
In 1909 he met Bella (Berta) Rosenfeld, a daughter of a rich jeweler from Vitebsk, and fell in love with her. His love inspired him to create splendid pictures and it started to bring fame to him. Then Marc went to Paris. A.Akhmatova wrote, “He took his magic Vitebsk to Paris”. In Paris Chagall lived and worked alongside with other young artists who had come from different countries to master painting. In 1914 Chagall came back to Russia. He started to work at the so-called “Vitebsk’s series” which consisted of 60 pictures on cardboard and paper. In 1915 Chagall married Bella Rosenfeld. He realized that his wife’s relatives were against their marriage. That’s why they went to Petrograd.
(The second fragment)
He realized that his wife’s relatives were against their marriage. That’s why they went to Petrograd. There he made friends with A. Block, B.Pasternak, B. Bonch-Bruevich, V.Mayakovsky, S.Esenin and other celebrities. He organized his first personal exhibition which was a great success. In 1916 his daughter Ida was born. He wrote, “I want the children of poor town dwellers to study art and not to waste paper at home”. In 1919 the first State Exhibition was organized in Vitebsk and Chagall took part in it. In 1920 Chagall left Vitebsk for Moscow and then he went to Paris. He explained, “I left my Motherland because I had come to the conclusion that I needed Paris. Paris is necessary for my life as water for a tree”. He died in 1985 in Sen-Pol-de-Vense.
The museum, named after Chagall, was opened in Vitebsk only in 1991. We must admit that until that time, few people took the risk of publishing books or organizing exhibitions of Chagall’s works in the former Soviet Union.
Fill in the chart with the main events from Chagall’s life:
- Teacher:
- Ready? Please, exchange your information.
- Teacher:
- Teacher:
- I see you’ve already exchanged the information. Then now we’ll check the charts you were fulfilling. Please, the “Green Group” gives their chart to the “Blue Group”, and the “Blue Group” to the “Greens”. The right variant of the chart is on the screen.
(слайд 9)
- Teacher:
- Correct the mistakes, please.
(Учащиеся осуществляют взаимопроверку выполненных заданий в группах, сверяясь с правильным вариантом на экране, и выбирают человека, который выступает с отчётом о допущенных ошибках.)
- Teacher:
- So, the Blue group………………………………………….
- & the Green group
Well done! The Green group gets … points & the Blue group gets… points.
- Teacher:
- I want to draw your attention to this corner. What objects can you see in an artist’s studio?
- Teacher:
- Right you are. & Sergey has designed this artist’s corner for you. So, Sergey, please.
- Sergey
- Teacher:
- Thank you! Your questions or may be your opinions. Take your seats, please.
- Teacher:
- Now let’s speak about a strong impression a particular picture once made on you. Describe the picture, please, using our plan:
- Teacher:
-Your task was to make up dialogues about painting. So,
Kostya & Natulia…………………………………………………………………………
- Teacher:
-Thank you! Sit down, please!
- Teacher:
-We can’t be indifferent to the masterpiece “Mona Liza” by Leonardo de Vinchi. Kostya & Dima, will you recite a poem “Mona Liza” by Brenda Weber.
- Kostya & Dima ( a poem “Mona Liza” by Brenda Weber).
-Thank you! Take your seats, please!
- We started our lesson with the colours and their meanings for you. Look at the screen.
(слайд 26)
- You can see different colours there and their meanings. Think what colour you feel after the lesson. You can come up to the blackboard & change your colour according to your mood now.
Compare it with the colour of the card at the beginning of the lesson. What has changed? (Дети оценивают свою работу на уроке, учитель конкретизирует и выставляет отметки.)
- Thank you. So our lesson is coming to an end. We’ve spoken about different styles in painting, about artists. Thank you, you’ve done your work perfectly. So, the Greens have … points & the Blues have … points. I’m satisfied with the results of our lesson. Everybody gets “a five” today. It’s impossible to imagine our life without art. Art teaches us to understand beauty, to appreciate our life, to be kinder and wiser. Other words” Art serves life and as beauty it’ll save the world”. Your homework …
- I would like to finish our lesson with the words of a famous English poet John Keats (1795 – 1821):
- (слайд 28)
A thing of beauty is joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases: it will never
Pass into nothingness.
And remember that “Life is short, art is long”.
& this song is for you.
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