ОГЭ. Говорение. Часть 3
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Только усердная работа над собой приведёт к успеху!
Если бы было так легко, то мы уже давно все свободно говорили и не боялись. Тут предстоит очень трудная и долгая работа со стороны обоих участников.
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Предварительный просмотр:
You are going to give a talk about TV in your life.
Remember to say:
- how often you and your family travel;
- what you like/dislike in travelling;
- what was your most exciting trip
I’m going to give a talk about travelling.
My family and I don’t travel a lot, because it’s expensive for us. We can go to the south once a year when my parents have vacation.
I like going to new places, as we see some interesting sites and meet new people there. We usually take lot of funny pictures. I like eating tasty ice-cream and fruit in the south. What I hate about travelling is packing my thing. I also dislike travelling by train for two or more days when it’s hot and stuffy in the coach.
I had the most exciting trip to the Crimea last summer. We went there by plane so we didn’t spend much time on the road. We swam in the sea a lot, ate tasty things and went shopping for souvenirs.
In conclusion I should say that it’s always good to change paces for some time.
That’s all I wanted to tell.
You are going to give a talk about TV in your life.
Remember to say:
- how often you and your family travel;
- what you like/dislike in travelling;
- what was your most exciting trip
I’m going to give a talk about travelling.
My family and I don’t travel a lot, because it’s expensive for us. We can go to the south once a year when my parents have vacation.
I like going to new places, as we see some interesting sites and meet new people there. We usually take lot of funny pictures. I like eating tasty ice-cream and fruit in the south. What I hate about travelling is packing my thing. I also dislike travelling by train for two or more days when it’s hot and stuffy in the coach.
I had the most exciting trip to the Crimea last summer. We went there by plane so we didn’t spend much time on the road. We swam in the sea a lot, ate tasty things and went shopping for souvenirs.
In conclusion I should say that it’s always good to change paces for some time.
That’s all I wanted to tell.
You are going to give a talk about TV in your life.
Remember to say:
- how often you and your family travel;
- what you like/dislike in travelling;
- what was your most exciting trip
I’m going to give a talk about travelling.
My family and I don’t travel a lot, because it’s expensive for us. We can go to the south once a year when my parents have vacation.
I like going to new places, as we see some interesting sites and meet new people there. We usually take lot of funny pictures. I like eating tasty ice-cream and fruit in the south. What I hate about travelling is packing my thing. I also dislike travelling by train for two or more days when it’s hot and stuffy in the coach.
I had the most exciting trip to the Crimea last summer. We went there by plane so we didn’t spend much time on the road. We swam in the sea a lot, ate tasty things and went shopping for souvenirs.
In conclusion I should say that it’s always good to change paces for some time.
That’s all I wanted to tell.
Summer holidays
General Phrases / Общие фразы
- be on holiday (on vacation) — быть в отпуске
- make friends — подружиться
- have a wonderful time — замечательно провести время
- take pictures of — фотографировать
- enjoy … — наслаждаться …
- visit — посещать
* * *
A. Sightseeing Holidays / Путешествия в каникулы
- travel round Europe (Russia, Great Britain) — путешествовать по Европе (России, Великобритании)
- travel by car (plane, train, bus) — путешествовать на машине (самолётом, поездом, автобусом)
- go abroad — ездить за границу
- go on a trip — совершить короткую поездку
- take pictures of … — фотографировать …
- walk the streets of … — гулять по улицам …
- visit some places on the way to… — посетить … по дороге в …
- see interesting places — осматривать достопримечательности
- meet different people — встречать разных людей
- visit museums and art galleries — посещать музеи и художественные галереи
- stay at a hotel — останавливаться в отеле
- enjoy the beauty of the scenery (countryside) — наслаждаться красотой пейзажа (окрестностей)
* * *
B. Seaside Holidays / Каникулы на побережье
- go to the beach — ходить на пляж
- go to the seaside — ездить на побережье
- sit on the sand — сидеть на песке
- look at the sea — смотреть на море
- look at the clouds floating in the sky — смотреть на облака, плывущие по небу
- spend a lot of time on the beach — проводить много времени на пляже
- bathe in the river — купаться в реке
- lie in the sun — загорать
- play football, volleyball — играть в футбол (волейбол)
- fly a kite – запускать воздушного змея
- build sand castles — строить замки из пески
- play about (dig) in the sand — играть в песке
- look for shells — искать ракушки
* * *
С. Holidays at my Grandparents’ / Каникулы на даче у бабушки с дедушкой
- go for a walk in the forest — ходить в лес на прогулку
- pick up berries (mushrooms) — собирать ягоды (грибы)
- ride a horse — кататься верхом на лошади
- ride a bicycle — кататься на велосипеде
- go boating — кататься на лодке
- go fishing – ходить на рыбалку
- catch fish — поймать рыбу
- sit on a bench under a tree and read a book — сидеть на скамейке под деревом и читать книгу
- take long walks with my friends — совершать длительные прогулки с друзьями
- help my grandparents in the garden — помогать бабушке и дедушке
- dig the ground — копать землю
- pull out the weeds — выпалывать сорняки
- pick up fruit — собирать фрукты
- take care of domestic animals — ухаживать за домашними животными
- eat healthy food — есть здоровую пищу
- spend a lot of time outdoors — проводить много времени на свежем воздухе
* * *
D. Camping Holidays/ Каникулы в лагере
- go to a summer camp in … — поехать в лагерь в …
- go camping — ходить в поход
- go boating — кататься на лодке
- climb the mountains — подниматься в горы
- fish by the river — ловить рыбу у реки
- make a campfire – разжигать большой костер
- sit round the fire – сидеть вокруг костра
- roast sausages on the open fire – жарить сосиски на костре
- swim in the river (in the lake) – плавать в реке (в озере)
- pick up mushrooms – собирать грибы
- pack my rucksack — собрать рюкзак
- go camping — идти в поход на байдарках
- camp / make a camp — расположиться лагерем
- put up a tent — ставить палатку
- make a fire — разжечь костер
- make a meal on the open fire — готовить еду на огне
- use a compass — пользоваться компасом
- sleep in a sleeping bag
- catch fish — ловить рыбу
- pick up berries and mushroms — собирать грибы и ягоды
- lose the way — потеряться
- find the way — найти дорогу
- bite — кусать
- equipment — снаряжение
- tent — палатка
- torch — фонарик
- matches — спички
- campfire — большой костер
- sleeping bag — спальный мешок
- map -карта
- compass — компас
- rucksack — рюкзак
- walking boots — походные ботинки
- canoe — байдарка
- paddle — весло
- life jacket — спасательный жилет
- helmet — шлем
- mosquitoes — комары
My summer holidays
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your summer holidays.
Remember to say:
- where you usually spend your summer holidays;
- who you spend your holidays with;
- what activities you usually have.
I’d like to tell you about my summer holidays.
I usually spend them at home or in a summer camp, but sometimes my family and I go to the seaside or to the country.
I spend my holidays with my family (mum, dad, sister, brother…) and my friends. We like staying together and having fun.
When I stay at home for the summer, I usually hang out with my friends. We take long walks, take pictures of ourselves, visit each other, watch films and play computer games. When I go to the seaside with my family, I go to the beach every day, sit on the sand and look at the sea. My sister/brother likes building sand castles and I often help her/him. But most of all I like going to the country to help my grandparents, pick up berries and mushrooms in the forest. My grandpa likes going fishing and we always fish by the river together. It’s a great feeling to catch a fish by yourself.
That’s all I wanted to tell.
My hobbies. Free time activities.
Free time activities
to laze around – бездельничать
to waste something – тратить впустую
to surf the Net/the channels – «бродить» по сети/ТВ каналам
a blog – блог(сетевой журнал, дневник событий)
read blogs – читать блоги
to Instagram – вести блог в Инстаграме
to post comments – размещать комментарии
go to the gym – ходить в спортзал
clean the flat – прибирать квартиру
hang out with friends – «тусоваться» с друзьями
visit relatives – посещать родственников
do the e-mails – отвечать на сообщения
go to the cinema – ходить в кино
read books – читать книги
go through my collection of something – просматривать коллекцию
shop for something – ходить по магазинам
talk on the cell phone – болтать по телефону
go camping – ходить в поход
go fishing – ходить на рыбалку
go for a bike ride – ездить на прогулку на велосипеде
go for a walk - гулять
go out for dinner – ходить куда-то на обед
go to a concert – ходить на концерт
go to a party – ходить на вечеринку
go to the beach – ходить на пляж
go to the park – ходить в парк
listen to music – слушать музыку
play computer games – играть в комп. игры
play sport – заниматься спортом
visit a museum – ходить в музей
visit an art gallery - ходить в галерею
visit friends - ходить в гости к друзьям
watch a movie – смотреть фильм
watch a sporting match – смотреть спортивный матч
watch sport on TV – смотреть спорт по тв
watch TV – смотреть ТВ
spend time with family – проводить время с семьей
play a musical instrument – играть на муз. инструменте
write poems(short stories, letters, novels…) – писать стихи(короткие рассказы, письма,романы…)
cook (tasty food) – готовить(вкусную еду)
study (English, French…) – изучать что-то
take a dog for a walk – гулять с собакой
stay with little brother/sister – нянчиться с младшим братом/сестрой
Англо-русский глоссарий по теме «Хобби» (Hobbies)
aerography | аэрография |
aircraft modeling | авиамоделизм |
anime | аниме |
aquaria | аквариумистика |
backgammon | нарды |
ballroom dancing | бальные танцы |
basejumping | бейсджампинг |
basketball | баскетбол |
beading | бисероплетение |
billiards | бильярд |
bowling | боулинг |
break dance | брейк данс |
breeding animals | разводить животных |
cards | карты |
carving | резьба по дереву |
cinema | кино |
circus | цирк |
chat | общение в чате |
checkers | шашки |
playing chess | шахматы |
computer games | компьютерные игры |
crosswords | кроссворды |
collecting antiques | коллекционирование предметов старины |
collecting antique wine | коллекционирование антикварного вина |
collecting knives | коллекционирование ножей |
collecting pens | коллекционирование ручек |
collecting stamps | коллекционирование марок |
collecting vintage cars | коллекционирование ретро автомобилей |
crosswords | кроссворды |
cycling | кататься на велосипеде |
decoupage | декупаж |
diving | дайвинг |
domino | домино |
draw | рисовать |
embroidery | вышивание |
equestrian sport | конный спорт |
feng shui | фэншуй |
fiddle | играть на скрипке |
fishing | рыбалка |
fitness | фитнес |
football | футбол |
gardening | заниматься садоводством |
go to restaurants | ходить в рестораны |
graffiti | граффити |
hockey | хоккей |
hunting | охота |
ikebana | икебана |
karting | картинг |
kitesurfing | кайтсёрфинг |
knitting | вязание |
latin american dances | латиноамериканские танцы |
learning foreign languages | изучение иностранных языков |
motorcycle racing | гонки на мотоцикле |
mountaineering | альпинизм |
mushrooming | собирать грибы |
music | музыка |
new acquaintances | новые знакомства |
oriental dance | восточные танцы |
origami | оригами |
paraplanerism | парапланеризм |
parkour | паркур |
photo | фотография |
play the guitar | играть на гитаре |
play the piano | играть на пианино |
play the accordion | играть на баяне |
reading | чтение |
rock climbing | скалолазание |
rollers | ролики |
running | бег |
Russian folk dances | русские народные танцы |
sing | петь |
scanwords | сканворды |
sculpture | скульптура |
shopping | шоппинг |
skateboarding | скейтбординг |
skiing | лыжи |
skydiving | прыжки с парашютом |
sledge | санки |
snowboarding | сноубординг |
snowmobile | снегоход |
steam-bath | баня |
swimming | плавание |
talking on telephone | разговаривать по телефону |
tattoo | татуировка |
tennis | теннис |
theatre | театр |
tourism | туризм |
volleyball | волейбол |
watch TV | Смотреть телевизор |
windsurfing | виндсёрфинг |
winemaking | виноделие |
writing poetry | писать стихи |
yoga | йога |
Подробнее на сайте: http://study-english.info/vocabulary-hobbies.php#ixzz4StsomqxO
I’m fond of …
I’m keen on …
I get pleasure from…
I’m crazy about…
It’s relaxing.
It’s a change from…
It’s amusing.
It’s a waste of time.
Task 2. You are going to give a talk about your hobbies.
Remember to say:
- what you do in your free time;
- why you like your hobby;
- what interesting/useful things you can learn from your hobby.
1) I’m going to tell you about my hobbies.
I study at school and I don’t have much free time. But I still have some things I like doing, for example, reading books, watching films on the Internet, writing my blog about everything important for me, writing short stories and dancing.
I like writing short stories because it helps me to express myself. I’m fond of dancing because it’s beautiful and it helps me to keep fit. I’m crazy about reading books as it’s very interesting for me.
My hobbies are very useful. Dancing helps me to find new friends and to become less shy. With the help of reading I get new ideas for my short stories and reviews in my blog. Reading makes me literate and I have no problems with Russian language.
Hobbies help people to develop themselves.
That’s all I wanted to tell.
2) I’m going to tell you about my hobbies.
In my free time I like relaxing and creative activities. That’s why my hobby is handwork. I like knitting, embroidery, kanzashi (a kind of handwork that has come from Japan) and making toys.
I like these things because I can express myself in handwork. I have no examples to follow and I use my imagination. I like shopping for the things I need. There is a wonderful atmosphere in handwork shops. The things that I make are unique and beautiful.
My hobby helps me to find new friends all over the world as I get some ideas from blogs. I can learn different ways of handwork and become more creative. Besides, I can sell some of my works or give unusual presents to my friends and relatives.
That’s all I wanted to tell.
Music in my life
lyrics – текст песни
melody – мелодия
rhythm –ритм
out of tune – не в тон
headphones –наушники
MP3 player –мп3 плейер
blues – блюз
classical – классическая музыка
country – кантри
dance – танцевальная
easy listening – лёгкая музыка
electronic – электронная
folk – народная
heavy metal – тяжелый металл
hip hop – хип-хоп
jazz – джаз
Latin – латино
opera – опера
pop – поп
rap –рэп
reggae – регги
rock – рок
techno – техно
band – муз группа
choir – хор
orchestra – оркестр
pop group – поп группа
rock band – рок группа
composer – композитор
musician – музыкант
performer – исполнитель
guitarist – гитарист
pianist – пианист
pop star – поп звезда
rapper – рэпер
singer – певец
to listen to music – слушать музыку
to play an instrument – играть на инструменте
to sing – петь
audience – аудитория
concert – концерт
Music in my life
Task 2. You are going to give a talk about music in your life.
Remember to say:
- how often you listen to music;
- what kind of music you prefer;
- how often you go to concerts.
I’m going to give a talk about music in my life.
I’m a teenager and I can’t imagine my life without music. I listen to music while I have breakfast and it makes my day. I also listen to the songs on my MP3 player on my way to and from school.
I like listening to Europe Plus radio station as it has different music genres, such as pop, rock and dance music. My choice of music depends on my mood: when I’m happy I prefer pop or dance music, when I’m sad I listen to rock or rap. Beside this easy listening I sometimes listen to classical music, when I need to concentrate on something.
I live in a small town and we don’t have many concerts. Some famous pop singers come to the town not far from us, but I haven’t been to a big concert yet. I watch concerts of my favourite performers on TV from time to time.
In conclusion I should say that music plays important role in our life.
That’s all I wanted to tell.
My shopping habits
market | рынок |
shop | магазин |
store (Am.) | магазин |
department store | универмаг |
department | отдел |
supermarket | универсам |
food store | гастроном |
baker’s | булочная |
cake shop/confectioner’s/pastry shop | кондитерский магазин |
dairy | молочный |
butcher’s | мясной |
fishmonger’s | рыбный |
greengrocer’s | овощной |
fruit shop | фруктовый |
grocery | бакалея, продукты |
draper/dry good store | галантерейный магазин |
antique shop | антикварный |
jeweller’s | ювелирный |
second-hand shop | комиссионный |
to go shopping | ходить за покупками |
to do (the) shopping | делать покупки |
to sell | продавать |
to buy | покупать |
to buy on a credit | покупать в кредит |
buyer/customer/shopper | покупатель |
counter | прилавок |
shop-window | витрина |
to do/(go) (the) window-shopping | рассматривать витрины, не делая покупок |
shopping list | список покупок |
shopping bag | авоська, мешок |
trolley | тележка для покупок |
basket | корзина |
to join a queue | встать в очередь |
receipt | чек |
total | сумма |
change | сдача |
What do you want to buy? | Что вы хотите купить? |
I’d like to buy… — Я бы хотел(а) | купить… |
What is the price? | Сколько стоит? |
florist’s | цветочный |
bookseller | продавец книг |
bookshop/bookseller’s | книжный магазин |
newsstand/bookstall | газетный киоск/книжный лоток |
souvenir shop | магазин сувениров |
toy shop | магазин игрушек |
furniture stores | мебельный |
furrier’s | магазин меховых изделий |
hat shop | магазин головных уборов |
shoe shop | обувной |
ready-made clothes | готовая одежда |
perfumery | парфюмерия |
electrical goods shop | магазин электротоваров |
sporting goods | спорттовары |
salesman, saleswoman, shop-assistant | продавец |
cashier, teller (Am.) | кассир |
cash | касса |
My shopping habits
You are going to give a talk about your shopping habits.
Remember to say:
- what your favourite shopping places are;
- what things you buy most often/like to buy most of all;
- who you prefer shopping with, why.
I’m going to give a talk about my shopping habits.
We used to have a lot of small shops some years ago, but there are a lot of supermarkets now. My favourite shopping places are big supermarkets and department stores. You can walk freely from one department to the other and take goods in your hands. You don’t have to stand in a queue for the shop assistant to help you.
I like shopping for clothes and shoes. I usually go shopping in August and buy everything for school. I buy dresses and black flats most often. And, of course, I buy a new dress for every school party.
I prefer going shopping with my mum, because she has good taste in clothes and she can give me some useful advice. Besides she pays for everything.
In conclusion I should say that teenagers usually have the same shopping habits as their parents as the go to the same shops.
That’s all I wanted to tell.
Relationship with friends
You are going to give a talk about your relationship with friends.
Remember to say:
- how you like to spend time together;
- what interests you share;
- what you do to help and support each other.
I’m going to give a talk about my relationship with friends.
I’m an active person and I have a lot of friends not only at school. We like going to the cinema all year round. In winter we usually go to the skating rink or we go skiing in the forest. In summer we often go to the beach, swim and lie in the sun. We also go for a walk almost every day.
Friends usually have some common interests. My friends and I share the same opinion about books, films, computer games and sport events.
Of course, every teenager has some problems in his or her life. My friends are always there with me to support me when I have problems with my parents or at school. We even do some difficult school tasks together.
In conclusion I should say that friends play an important part in my life and I’m never alone.
That’s all I wanted to tell.
Relationship with friends
Task 3. You’re going to give a talk about your relationship with friends.
Remember to say:
- how you like to spend time together;
- what interests you share;
- what you do to help and support each other.
I’m going to give a talk about my relationship with friends.
I’m an active person and I have a lot of friends. We like going to the cinema together all year round. In winter we also like going to the skating-rink or skiing in the forest. And, of course, we go for a walk around our town almost every day.
Friends always have some common interests. My friends and I are interested in the same books, films, sport events. For example, last summer we watched the Olympic games together. We were shocked because of some Russian sportsmen who were not allowed to go to the Olympics.
Except some sad events in the world we sometimes have problems at home or at school. We support each other by helping with the difficult school tasks. We discuss relationship at our families and give each other some pieces of advice.
In conclusion I should say that a friend in need is a friend indeed, and I hope that my friends will always be there for me when I need their help.
Relationship with friends
You are going to give a talk about your relationship with friends.
Remember to say:
- how you like to spend time together;
- what interests you share;
- what you do to help and support each other.
I’m going to give a talk about my relationship with friends.
I’m an active person and I have a lot of friends not only at school. We like going to the cinema all year round. In winter we usually go to the skating rink or we go skiing in the forest. In summer we often go to the beach, swim and lie in the sun. We also go for a walk almost every day.
Friends usually have some common interests. My friends and I share the same opinion about books, films, computer games and sport events.
Of course, every teenager has some problems in his or her life. My friends are always there with me to support me when I have problems with my parents or at school. We even do some difficult school tasks together.
In conclusion I should say that friends play an important part in my life and I’m never alone.
That’s all I wanted to tell.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Учебно-методическое пособие по подготовке учащихся к ГИА по иностранному (английскому) языку в части раздела «Говорение»
Учебно-методическое пособие содержит теоретический и практический материал, с помощью которого ведется целенаправленная работа по подготовке обучающихся к ГИА по английскому языку раздела «Говор...
Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Устная часть. Задание С4. Стратегия выполнения данного задания в разделе ГОВОРЕНИЕ
Полная инструкция по выполнению задания С4 в устной части ЕГЭ. В презентации представлены образцы заданий и вопросов....
Материалы для подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку(говорение ) с образцами ответов на задания С-4,С-5,С-6
Материалы для подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку(говорение ) с образцами ответов на задания С-4,С-5,С-6...
Совершенствование навыков говорения для подготовки к ЕГЭ часть С (Говорение)
Система упражнений для подготвки к устной части ЕГЭ...
Методические рекомендации по подготовке к ЕГЭ (устная часть). Говорение. Задание 44
Образец выполнения задания 44 ЕГЭ (устная честь). Говорение....
Шпаргалка к ЕГЭ- задание №2 к устной части говорения
Рзаработка содержит возможные образцы вопросов к заданию № 2 в устной части говорения на ЕГЭ по английскому языку....
ОГЭ. Говорение. Часть 2
Заключительная часть экзамена, которая проводится отдельно от письменной части. Говорение занимает 15 минут и сдаётся на компьютере. В первой части ученик должен прочитат...