Future in the past
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Курышкина Ольга Сергеевна

It will be useful for English teachers when revising Future in the past (Intermediate students).


Microsoft Office document icon 2_lesson_plan_procedure_sheet.doc46 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Stage

  1. Stage Aims

  1. Timing

  1. Procedure

Interaction Pattern

Tutor’s comments on the Lesson Procedure


To generate interest in plans and activate grammatical structures from the previous lesson


T:  Hi guys! Glad to see you. What weekday is it totay?

S: Thursday

T: So, tomorrow is Friday and then... weekend!

I have a lot of plans for the weekend.

I'm going to meet my friend Julie on Saturday. I'm visiting a dentist on Sunday.(It is fixed). I am supposed to write two lesson plans at the weekend.

What are your plans for this weekend? Discuss in pairs. 2 minutes

I'm going to have dinner with my parents.

I'm going to my sister.....

T: Natalia, what are your plans? Anna, what are you plans?

Ss: I'm going to have dinner with my parents.

I'm going to my sister.....






To pre-teach meaning of words necessary for the task to be set.


Suggest,  decide


Present text

(listening ) with a gist


To orientate students to the overall content of the text


T: Meet Maggie and her husband. (Slide 4), folded handouts.  It's Maggie's husband's 40th birthday. Look at the pictures. What were her plans for the evening?

S: (She was going to cook dinner, they were going to they were going to the theatre, to listen to music etc.

T: Good job! But sth went wrong. Listen and say what went wrong .  (1.49)

S: she did't cook chicken, she did't make a cake, she did't have the keys


On the board:What went wrong?

ICQs:Are you going to tell me what happened or didn't happen?(did't happpen)

Guided discovery


To guide students to the meaning, pronunciation and form of target language using an inductive approach


1.Unfold your sheets. There is a text we've just listened  and here are some questions, the text will help you. Answer them individually. You have  7 min.

2. Check in groups of three. You have 5 minutes.



ICQs :Are you going to write?(Yes)

Are you going to work individually?(Yes) How many minutes do you have&(7). Are you going to read the text?

Arrange students so that every group has a strong student

Feedback /



To elicit and confirm answers and clarify problem areas on meaning, pronunciation and form where necessary


Stop. Let's check together.






Check the meaning, then  turn on  slide 5

(with sentences)

write on the board under sentences/ negative/interrogative

Turn off the board

turn on

Controlled practice

To provide students with practice at using target language in a controlled way


Show handouts. (handout 2)

1.You are going to fill in  was/were going to/ was/were supposed to. You have 2 minutes.

2.And now check in pairs. 2 min

3.Let's check together




ICQs: Are you going to use Past Continuous ?(No)

Freer practice

To provide students with practice at using target language in a freer way


I was supposed to go to Brasil with my friends in May  but I didn't have enough money.

Now think about you plans you've had which changed . Use these or your own ideas. 1 min

Now in pairs ask questions What were you planning to do? / What went wrong? 3 min



On the board: meeting friends, going on holiday, going on a business trip, planning an event (Slide 6)

If we have time, ss change their partners

Content feedback

To summarise the task


Mary, what were you planning to do?

Natalia, what was Anna going to do?

(I was, She was......)


Language feedback

To reflect on how ss used the new language


Delayed error correction

Good job, guys!


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