Викторина «Do you know England, Scotland and Wales?»
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Викторина «Do you know England, Scotland and Wales?» разработана для студентов 1 курсов.
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Викторина «Do you know England, Scotland and Wales?»
Цели и задачи викторины:
-расширение знаний о Великобритании
-формирование уважения и интереса к другой культуре
- развитие языковых способностей учащихся
- закрепление изученного материала
Оборудование: карта Великобритании, учебник английского языка
Good morning, dear pupils! I’m glad to see you. Do you like to travel? Let’s all together make a short journey to one of the European countries. I’m sure you already know a lot about it and its people, but some things are easily forgotten. Let’s brush up our knowledge and see who knows it better.
I want to divide you into 2 groups:
- “Flags”
На доске размещены флаги стран: the U.K., England, Scotland, Northern Ireland.
Вопросы участникам:
- What country does consist of four places?
- What country does lie to the north of England?
- What country does lie to the south of Scotland and to the east of Wales?
- What country does separate from Great Britain by the Irish Sea?
- Name the cities: (учащиеся должны из домино сложить названия городов)
Man, bris, lon, cam, liver, chester, bridge, don, pool, fast, tol.
- “London sights”
На доске(на экране) картинки с изображениями:
- Buckingham Palace
- The Tower of London
- Trafalgar Square
- The houses of Parliament
- Westminster Abbey
- St.Paul’s Cathedral
Answer the following questions:
- What building has Big Ben?
- It was built in the 11th century by William the lonqueror as a fortress and a royak palace, later it was a prison, now it is a museum.
- What is the home of the Queen?
- It is the royal church. There are tombs of many British Kings and Queens and other famous people. This is where the coronation takes place.
- “Symbols”
На экране эмблемы: a rose, a thistle, a shamrock, a daffodil.
What is the national symbol of Scotland(England, Wales, Ireland)
- Word-Wizard
Make as many words as you can but of the sportsmen.
- Конкурс: «Do you remember?»
Каждой команде предлагается по 8 вопросов, на которые следует быстро ответить. Учитывается как количество правильных ответов, так и затраченное время.
I Team
- Who is the head of Great Britain? What’s your name?
- What’s the population of the U.K?
- How are people, who live in England, called?
- What river is London situated on?
- What is the capital of Scotland?
- Who lives in Hollywood House sometimes?
- What is the national symbol of Wales?
- What a well-known Scottish poet do you know?
II Team
- What is the population of Wales?
- How are people, who live in Wales, called?
- What animal is pictured on the national flag of Wales?
- What is the capital of Wales?
- How many regions does England divide into? What are they?
- What is the national emblem of England?
- What is the Saint patron of Wales?
- What is the national game of Wales?
VII Crossword
Each team make up the crossword for another team (6 words).
Our travelling is over. I’m glad that you’re learned a lot about Great Britain.
Now we’ll count your scores. Who has more?
Thank you for your work.
Good bye.
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