Входной мониторинг по английскому языку для 7 класса
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему


Входной мониторинг по английскому языку в формате тестирования


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ENTRY TEST                                                                                SPT 7

Name ______________________________________        Class _____________________________

Date _______________________________________        Mark _____________________________

A        Choose the correct item.

  1. 1 She likes to                  sports.

A have                В play                C go

  1. It’s time to                  to bed.

A make                В        take        C go

  1. He often                  the shopping.

A        doing                В does                C do

  1. What time do you                  dinner?

A have                В go                C do

  1. She                  mathematics.

A        teaching                В teaches        C teach

  1. They                  to work by train.

A going                В goes                C go

  1. She’s                  late for class. She’s always on time.

A often                В never        C always

  1. Are you                  tonight?

A free                В empty        C open

  1. Classical music is not really my                 .

A concert                В thing        C cup

  1. I’d love to come.                          me in.

A Count                В Take                C Join

  1. I go to school                  bus.

A by                В on                C in

  1. We like                  wreaths with flowers.

A doing                В picking        C making

  1. That looks like a fun game. Can I                  in?

A join                В run                C enter

  1. Brian is not                  to the party.

A        come                В coming        C comes

  1. He                          like playing monopoly.

A don’t                В isn’t                C doesn’t

  1. She is always                  her mobile phone!

A lose                В losing        C loses

  1. What a                  town! There’s no mess anywhere.
  2. They                  in a factory in 1978.

A work                В worked        C working

  1. The town                          a busy place, today.

A were                В was                C is

  1. You                  have a party here. It’s not allowed.

A can’t                В must                C can

  1. I must return this book to the                 .

A cinema                В library        C theatre

  1. I think she is                  beautiful than her sister.

A the most                В most                C more

  1. Let’s                  a picnic!

A have                В eat                C go

  1. Desmond is the                  musician in the world.

A worse                В worst        C bad

  1. Look out! He                  fall!

A is                В is going to        C will

  1. It’s going to be a                  day, so take your umbrella.

A wet                В sunny        C hot

  1. He does not                  any warm clothes.

A has                В having        C have

  1. He was a                  man before he lost all his money.

A        deserted                В wealthy

C crowded

  1. Wear your                 . It’s raining.

A dress                В raincoat        C skirt

  1. She put on her                  to keep her hands warm.

A trousers                В boots        C gloves

A dirty                В polluted        C clean

B        Choose the correct response.

  1. A: Can you cook?

B:        a Yes, I can.

b That’s right.

  1. A: Where’s the driving school?

B:        a Next to the bank.

b Stop at the traffic lights.

  1. A: Are you ready?

В:        a I see.

b Yes, let’s go.

  1. A: How about Thursday then?

B:        a I’m OK.

b I’m afraid I can’t.

  1. A: Would you like anything to drink?

B:         a A glass of juice, please.

        b Yes. I’d like a fruit salad, please.

C        Read the email and mark the sentences T (true), or F (false).

The cat and the mice

Once upon a time ten mice lived in a house. A cat also lived in the same house. The mice weren’t happy. The cat wasn’t happy either. The mice wanted to eat cheese at the kitchen, the cat wanted to eat these mice. They weren’t friends. You know that cats don’t like mice.

One day the mice decided to do something about it. They had many plans and ideas but no one of these plans was good. They didn’t want to kill the cat, they just wanted to have cheese for dinner every day.

At last they decided: “We must hang a bell around the cat’s neck. If the cat comes, we can run away because we can hear the cat” The mice were happy. But one very old mouse asked: “Who can put the bell on the cat’s neck?” Nobody answered. No mouse was brave enough to do that.

  1. The mice and the cat lived in the same house.                                         
  2. The mice and the cat were not happy.                                                 
  3. The mice decided to hang a bell around the cat’s neck.                                 
  4. An old mouse was brave enough to hang a bell around the cat’s neck.                 
  5. The mice were not brave enough to hang a bell around the cat’s neck.                 

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