Открытый урок "Shopping. At the Market”" (для студентов 2-ого курса технологии продукции общественного питания)
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Открытый урок
“Shopping. At the Market”
Тема: Покупки
Подтема: На рынке
а) сформировать навыки распознавания и понимания лексических единиц; развивать навыки аудирования и диалогической речи;
б) развивать способности и готовность вступать в иноязычное общение;
развивать различные виды памяти (вербальной, образной), внимания, коммуникативности, воображения; развивать умение переноса знаний в новую ситуацию; развивать языковую догадку;
г) воспитывать коммуникативно-речевой такт, коммуникабельность в общении со сверстниками и взрослыми
Оборудование: рабочая тетрадь, , раздаточный материал, проектор.
Тип урока: урок совершенствования речевых навыков.
I. Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи.
1. Приветствие.
2. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.
1) Фонетическая разминка
I like honey, I like cheese
I like bread, but I don't like peas
I like food, anyway you cook it
I like food, anyway you look at it
I like food, cold or hot
I like food, I like it a lot
I like chocolate, I like potatoes,
I like sausage, I like tomatoes
I like ice-cream, I like toast
3. Сообщение темы и цели урока.
Т: Today we'll continue to speak about food and shopping. But what is today's topic?
1. It is yellow and long. It is very tasty. (Banana)
2. It is red and round. We make salad from it. (Tomato)
and so on/
Where do we buy all products? – In the shop
T: So the topic of our today's lesson is "At the market".
II. Основная часть урока.
1. Активизация лексических единиц по теме "Food", "Containers".
1) Работа с песней "At the Supermarket" (раздаточный материал)
Студенты cлушают и заполняют пропуски, названные в песне.
2) Matching
Студенты соединяют названия тары с продуктами.
Отработка - Yes, I would. No, I wouldn't.
Teacher: Let me introduce myself. My name is Missis Brown. I live in America. I have a shop. This is my shop. I'd like you to buy some food in my shop, will you? If you agree to buy my food, please say: Yes, I would. If you don't agree, say: No, I wouldn't. Start working.
Teacher: Would you like a cartoon of milk?
Student: Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn't.
Teacher: Would you like a bottle of lemonade?
Would you like a bar of chocolate?
Would you like a bunch of grapes?
and others
Teacher: Now, tell me please, what you would like to buy in my food shop.
Отработка - I'd like…
Teacher: what would you like to buy in my food shop?
Student: I'd like a bottle of lemonade….
2. Развитие монологической речи "WE CAN BUY…. AT THE…."
1) Введение новых лексических единиц (развитие языковой догадки):
Where do we buy food? Of course, in the shop. But do we buy all products in one shop or department? That’s it. In different departments. And do you know the names of these departments in English?
Look at the screen, please (изображение кондитерского магазина) Can you see what is there on it? And how do we call this shop? Absolutely so and in English it is called "sweet shop
What can we buy here? Quite right.
We can buy sweets at the sweet shop.
Look at the screen once again and say the name of this shop in Russian first (изображение хлебного магазина). In English it will sound "the baker’s” What can we buy here? Absolutely so. We can buy some bread.Now it’s your turn to say what we can buy here.
3. Аудирование (диалог "At the Market")
Студенты отвечают на вопросы преподавателя, проверяют правильность
5. Развитие диалогической речи.
А) Подготовка к диалогической речи, отработка реплик
And what about you? Do you often go to the market?
What do we usually say in the shop when we want to buy something? (Студенты предлагают варианты ответов: "Я хочу купить…", "Сколько стоит…?") Let’s learn these phrases. Look at the board, please.("I’d like to buy… ", "How much does it cost?"). Repeat after me, please and then translate.
These are the phrases which we say and what about the phrases the salespersons say? (Студенты называют типичные фразы продавца). You are absolutely right. And here are they in English ( "OK" "It will cost you…"). Repeat after me, please and then translate. Now we can make the whole dialogue.
Б) Составление диалогов
T: Act out the situation "At the Market". Use the shopping lists you’ve got on your desks.
Let’s practice it. Imagine that you are at the market. Your task is make up the dialogue. Студенты рассказывают диалог.
III. Заключительная часть урока.
1. Домашнее задание.
Составить рецепт из списка продуктов на экране.
2. Подведение итогов урока.
Great! Now I am sure that you won’t be hungry in a foreign country. Thank you for your work, you were very active, it was such a pleasure to work with you. Especially I like the way… work today. Your home task will be to put all new words in your vocabularies and to create your own dialogues. Thank you once again. Have a nice day. Goodbye.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок
“Shopping. At the Market”
Тема: Покупки
Подтема: На рынке
а) сформировать навыки распознавания и понимания лексических единиц; развивать навыки аудирования и диалогической речи;
б) развивать способности и готовность вступать в иноязычное общение;
развивать различные виды памяти (вербальной, образной), внимания, коммуникативности, воображения; развивать умение переноса знаний в новую ситуацию; развивать языковую догадку;
г) воспитывать коммуникативно-речевой такт, коммуникабельность в общении со сверстниками и взрослыми
Оборудование: рабочая тетрадь, , раздаточный материал, проектор.
Тип урока: урок совершенствования речевых навыков.
I. Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи.
1. Приветствие.
2. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.
1) Фонетическая разминка
I like honey, I like cheese
I like bread, but I don't like peas
I like food, anyway you cook it
I like food, anyway you look at it
I like food, cold or hot
I like food, I like it a lot
I like chocolate, I like potatoes,
I like sausage, I like tomatoes
I like ice-cream, I like toast
3. Сообщение темы и цели урока.
Т: Today we'll continue to speak about food and shopping. But what is today's topic?
1. It is yellow and long. It is very tasty. (Banana)
2. It is red and round. We make salad from it. (Tomato)
3. What has lots of eyes, but never sees? (Potato)
4. You smile when you name it. The mouse likes it very much. (Cheese)
5. It is white outside and yellow inside. (Egg)
6. It is white. Little children usually drink it. (Milk)
7. It has very many shirts. It is white and round. (Cabbage)
8. Clean, but not water; white, but not snow; sweet, but not ice-cream. What is it? (Sugar)
9. Tea, milk, coffee, water, juice are….. (drinks)
10. It is white, sweet and cold. It is very tasty and all the children like it very much. (Ice-cream)
Where do we buy all products? – In the shop
T: So the topic of our today's lesson is "At the market".
II. Основная часть урока.
1. Активизация лексических единиц по теме "Food", "Containers".
1) Работа с песней "At the Supermarket" (раздаточный материал)
Студенты cлушают и заполняют пропуски, названные в песне.
2) Matching
Студенты соединяют названия тары с продуктами.
Отработка - Yes, I would. No, I wouldn't.
Teacher: Let me introduce myself. My name is Missis Brown. I live in America. I have a shop. This is my shop. I'd like you to buy some food in my shop, will you? If you agree to buy my food, please say: Yes, I would. If you don't agree, say: No, I wouldn't. Start working.
Teacher: Would you like a cartoon of milk?
Student: Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn't.
Teacher: Would you like a bottle of lemonade?
Would you like a bar of chocolate?
Would you like a bunch of grapes?
Would you like a kilo of beef?
Would you like a kilo of rice?
Would you like a kilo of apples?
Would you like a kilo of rice?
Would you like a loaf of white bread?
Would you like a loaf of brown bread?
Would you like a pound of cheese?
Would you like a packet of chips?
Would you like a bottle of mineral water?
Teacher: Now, tell me please, what you would like to buy in my food shop.
Отработка - I'd like…
Teacher: what would you like to buy in my food shop?
Student: I'd like a bottle of lemonade….
2. Развитие монологической речи "WE CAN BUY…. AT THE…."
1) Введение новых лексических единиц (развитие языковой догадки):
Where do we buy food? Of course, in the shop. But do we buy all products in one shop or department? That’s it. In different departments. And do you know the names of these departments in English?
Look at the screen, please (изображение кондитерского магазина) Can you see what is there on it? And how do we call this shop? Absolutely so and in English it is called "sweet shop
What can we buy here? Quite right.
We can buy sweets at the sweet shop.
Look at the screen once again and say the name of this shop in Russian first (изображение хлебного магазина). In English it will sound "the baker’s” What can we buy here? Absolutely so. We can buy some bread.Now it’s your turn to say what we can buy here.
Our next shop will be the following: Сan you guess the kind of this shop? Quite right. And in English it will be "The butcher’s" .
What can we buy at the butcher’s? That’s it! Let’s say it in English: some ham, sausage, bacon, meat .
So, this is our third shop. Tell me once again what we can buy here. For example: We can buy some meat at the butcher’s (ученики проговаривают предложения с опорой на наглядность).
Now let’s go to the next shop (на экране появляется изображение овощного магазина). Can you guess the kind of this shop? Quite right. And in English it will be "The Green grocery’s" .
What can we buy at the green grocery’s? That’s it! Let’s say it in English: some potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, apples and other fruit (Tell me once again what we can buy here. (ученики по одному проговаривают, что можно купить в овощном отделе).
Now let’s repeat all these names once again(ученики еще раз повторяют названия магазинов для закрепления навыков произношения). And now I will check how well you’ve remembered the names.
3. Аудирование (диалог "At the Market")
Студенты отвечают на вопросы преподавателя, проверяют правильность
5. Развитие диалогической речи.
А) Подготовка к диалогической речи, отработка реплик
And what about you? Do you often go to the market?
What do we usually say in the shop when we want to buy something? (Студенты предлагают варианты ответов: "Я хочу купить…", "Сколько стоит…?") Let’s learn these phrases. Look at the board, please.("I’d like to buy… ", "How much does it cost?"). Repeat after me, please and then translate.
These are the phrases which we say and what about the phrases the salespersons say? (Студенты называют типичные фразы продавца). You are absolutely right. And here are they in English ( "OK" "It will cost you…"). Repeat after me, please and then translate. Now we can make the whole dialogue.
Б) Составление диалогов
T: Act out the situation "At the Market". Use the shopping lists you’ve got on your desks.
Let’s practice it. Imagine that you are at the market. Your task is make up the dialogue. Студенты рассказывают диалог.
III. Заключительная часть урока.
1. Домашнее задание.
Составить рецепт из списка продуктов на экране.
2. Подведение итогов урока.
Great! Now I am sure that you won’t be hungry in a foreign country. Thank you for your work, you were very active, it was such a pleasure to work with you. Especially I like the way… work today. Your home task will be to put all new words in your vocabularies and to create your own dialogues. Thank you once again. Have a nice day. Goodbye.
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