план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
План урока, кроссворд и шаблон написания "страшилки"
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Предварительный просмотр:
I. Организационный момент
— Good morning, children! Date, day of the week, weather.
Today we shall begin to discuss the topic "Superstitions"'. We shall find out what superstitions you and your classmates believe in.
Введение и фонетическая отработка лексики по теме «Суеверия»
You can see two columns of words on the blackboard. (слайд 3) Will you read them aloud, in a whisper? Can you match the words from the first column and the second one to make up the word combinations?
Введение страноведческой информации. Тренировка навыков чтения.(слайд 4)
Different people have different superstitions. Do you want to know the British superstitions? Let's read the information from exercise 51, page 20 and decide if we have the same superstitions or not.
Ученики по очереди зачитывают вслух суеверия из упр. 51стр. 20.
Учащиеся обсуждают: существуют ли такие же или похожие суеверия в России.
Listen to my statements, please. If you agree with me, repeat my sentence. If you disagree, correct it please.
- You always sit silently beside your suitcase for a minute with your friends or family before a trip.
- You never give sharp objects, handkerchiefs or mirrors as gifts.
- You always celebrate your birthday early.
- Bus tickets with the sum of the left three numbers equal the sum of the right three numbers are lucky, so you always eat them.
- It's good luck to walk under a ladder.
- You think that Friday 13th is unlucky.
- Breaking mirrors brings 7 years of bad luck.
- You never open an umbrella in the house.
- Black cats are evil and can bring misfortune when they cross the road in front of you.
Ex 55 in pairs
It's time to find out what superstitions you and your friends believe and don't believe in.
Ученики делятся на 3 группы. Работа в каждой группе организуется следующим образом: сначала ученики обсуждают суеверия, которые существуют в России, а затем каждый ученик задает вопросы всем членам своей группы и заносит их ответы в таблицу.
Your time is up. Finish your work, please. I will ask you some questions and you will answer them.
Примерные вопросы учителя:
I How many pupils in your group think that it is bad to kill a spider? (Two pupils in my group think that it is bad to kill a spider.)
2. Who never walks under a ladder in your group? (Victor never walks under a ladder.)
3 Does anybody catch falling leaves in autumn? (Nick and Kate catch falling leaves in autumn.)
4. How many pupils always wear a charm? (Nobody wears a charm in m у group.)
5. Who has horseshoe over the door? (Helen and Alex have)
II способ - ученики рассказывают информацию на карточке
Примерный рассказ:
Nobody wears a charm in my group. Helen and Mike catch falling leaves in autumn. Victor doesn't think it is good to walk under a ladder. Kate and I have horseshoe over the door.
Crossword puzzle
The secret word? What do you know about Halloween?
Match the words (slide 8)
Ex. 58
Вопросы по тексту
- When do british people celebrate Halloween?
- Wht does this festival celebrate?
- How do people dress up?
- Are the houses decorated?
- What do you know about th American custom trick or treat?
- What do children do if you don’t give them any money or sweets?
Ex. 59 (written)
Do you like scary stories? Work in pairs and finish the sent-s to make up a story.
Story (in pairs) + illustration
Предварительный просмотр:
1. A _____hung over a door brings good luck if it's hung the right way. 2. Wearing a lucky _____ brings you luck. 3. A four-leaf _____ can bring you luck - if you can find one! 4. Toss this over your left shoulder if you spill any at the table. 5. Breaking a _____brings 7 years of bad luck. 6. What do you knock if the evil eye gives you a look? 7. Don't open this object inside a house. 8. Walking under a _____ is bad luck. 9. The most unlucky number.
1. A _____hung over a door brings good luck if it's hung the right way. 2. Wearing a lucky _____ brings you luck. 3. A four-leaf _____ can bring you luck - if you can find one! 4. Toss this over your left shoulder if you spill any at the table. 5. Breaking a _____brings 7 years of bad luck. 6. What do you knock if the evil eye gives you a look? 7. Don't open this object inside a house. 8. Walking under a _____ is bad luck. 9. The most unlucky number.
1. A _____hung over a door brings good luck if it's hung the right way. 2. Wearing a lucky _____ brings you luck. 3. A four-leaf _____ can bring you luck - if you can find one! 4. Toss this over your left shoulder if you spill any at the table. 5. Breaking a _____brings 7 years of bad luck. 6. What do you knock if the evil eye gives you a look? 7. Don't open this object inside a house. 8. Walking under a _____ is bad luck. 9. The most unlucky number.
1. A _____hung over a door brings good luck if it's hung the right way. 2. Wearing a lucky _____ brings you luck. 3. A four-leaf _____ can bring you luck - if you can find one! 4. Toss this over your left shoulder if you spill any at the table. 5. Breaking a _____brings 7 years of bad luck. 6. What do you knock if the evil eye gives you a look? 7. Don't open this object inside a house. 8. Walking under a _____ is bad luck. 9. The most unlucky number.
1. A _____hung over a door brings good luck if it's hung the right way. 2. Wearing a lucky _____ brings you luck. 3. A four-leaf _____ can bring you luck - if you can find one! 4. Toss this over your left shoulder if you spill any at the table. 5. Breaking a _____brings 7 years of bad luck. 6. What do you knock if the evil eye gives you a look? 7. Don't open this object inside a house. 8. Walking under a _____ is bad luck. 9. The most unlucky number.
1. A _____hung over a door brings good luck if it's hung the right way. 2. Wearing a lucky _____ brings you luck. 3. A four-leaf _____ can bring you luck - if you can find one! 4. Toss this over your left shoulder if you spill any at the table. 5. Breaking a _____brings 7 years of bad luck. 6. What do you knock if the evil eye gives you a look? 7. Don't open this object inside a house. 8. Walking under a _____ is bad luck. 9. The most unlucky number.
Предварительный просмотр:
1.Susie was walking all alone past a haunted[1] _______________.
2.Suddenly a _______________ ran in front of her.
3.She heard a blood chilling[2] screech[3] that sounded like it was made by a _______________.
4.Susie was running as fast as she could, when she tripped over[4] a _______________.
5.When she got home, Susie hid[5] in the _______________.
[1] посещаемый привидениями
[2] страшный, ужасный
[3] визг
[4] Trip over - споткнуться
[5] Hide – hid - hidden
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Do You Have Any Superstitions?...
Презентация к уроку "Superstitions in Britain"
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презентация к уроку в 7 классе Do you have any superstitions?
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Superstitions. Spotlight 9. Module 1
В данной презентации: лексические упражнения и текст о шотландском Новом годе, в котором нужно вставить пропущенные слова...
Конспект урока "Superstitions in Britain"
Данная работа была создана для участия в конкурсе "Золотые уроки России-2011. АНглийский язык".Урок является заключительным в теме "Традиции Великобритании", УМК М. З. Биболетова, Enjoy English-7...