Конспекты уроков
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Лавренюк Елена Васильевна

Лесико - грамматические разработки уроков по английскму языку для студентов НПО и СПО. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка в 5 классе

Тема: “Asking the Way”.


  • Обучающие:
  • ориентация в незнакомом городе с использованием знакомой лексики и модальных глаголов;
  • использование полученных знаний на практике (ролевые игры).
  • Развивающие:
  • развитие предметного внимания и зрительной памяти;
  • развитие умения ориентироваться в незнакомом городе, используя различные рисунки.
  • Воспитаельные:
  • воспитание умения слушать друг друга, исправлять и дополнять услышанное;
  • воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику во время выполнения ролевых игр.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Методы урока:

  • по источникам знаний:
  • словесный,
  • наглядный,
  • практический;
  • по степени взаимодействия учителя и учащихся:
  • беседа,
  • самостоятельная работа;
  • по характеру познавательной деятельности учащихся:
  • репродуктивный,
  • проблемный.

Учебные пособия: учебник с рисунками “Happy English-1”, автор Т.Клементьева.


I. Организационный момент. Приветствие

– Hello, boys and girls.
– Hello, our teacher.
– How are you?
– Fine, thanks.
– Are you ready for the lesson?
– Yes, we are.
– Sit down, please.
– Who is on duty today?
– I am.
– Who is away today?
– Thank you, sit down.

II. Обучение устной речи

1. Проверка знания лексики по теме “Asking the Way”, ex.2, р.133.

а) читаем знакомую лексику вместе со мной;
б) каждый ученик читает слово по цепочке и переводит его;
в) игра “snowball” (я называю слова, а учащиеся переводят их);
г) игра “snowball” наоборот (учитель и ученики меняются ролями);
д) запись лексики на доске (вызываю учеников по одному к доске, а остальные пишут в тетради).

2. Знакомство с новой лексикой.

а) Сначала я предлагаю ученикам посмотреть на новые слова и используя ассоциативные связи и опираясь на предыдущий опыт учащихся, предлагаю самим прочитать и перевести новую лексику.
б) Читаю новые слова, прошу учащихся читать их вместе со мной и предлагаю, используя данную иллюстрацию с номерами слов на английском языке, перевести их на русский язык.

3. Повторение модальных глаголов, используя упражнения учебника, ех.12, р.139.

4. Выполнение ех.7, р.136 (A memory game). Используя иллюстрацию № 2, учащиеся отвечают на вопросы из этого упражнения, находя нужные объекты на рисунке № 2. Затем это же задание выполняется по памяти.

5. Ролевая игра (“Role-playing”). Ролевая игра выполняется по ex.13 р.139. Условия игры: пара учащихся представляют незнакомца – “a stranger” и прохожего – “a passer-by”. Постоянно происходит смена ролей.
Вариант возможного ответа учащимися, которые при составлении диалога могут пользоваться
картинкой № 3.

– Where is the Queen street?
– Turn right at the cross roads.
– How can I get to the city church?
– Cross the road and go straight on, it is opposite the George Street.
– What is the best way to get to the Computer Centre?
– Go straight on, turn right at the corner of the street.
– How far is it?
– It’s not very far, take the bus turning on the left.
– Which bus should I take?
– You’d take bus No 26.
– Thanks.
– Good-bye.

III. Домашнее задание (предлагается всем учащимся)

1. Повторить лексику по теме “Asking Way”, ex.2, p.133.
2. Выучить новую лексику по той же теме.
3. Повторить модальный глагол can.
4. Ex.8, p.136. Самостоятельно прочитать текст из упражнения и согласно тексту показать маршрут заданного движения по рисунку.

Большую трудность при подготовке к урокам для учителя английского языка представляет планирование по домашнему чтению. Прежде всего потому, что отсутствуют методические разработки таких уроков. По собственному опыту я знаю, что подготовка к ним вызывает огромную трудность не только у молодых учителей, но и у педагогов с большим стажем работы. Поэтому считаю необходимым в качестве примера привести практическую разработку одного из таких занятий.

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка

По теме: The United States of America.

Задачи урока.


а). обогатить словарный запас учащихся;

в). научить учащихся получать основную информацию из прочитанного и услышанного текста.

С). Научить делать сообщение по теме


а). развивать навыки устной речи на уровне оформленного высказывания с опорой на наглядность;

в). развивать навыки чтения и аудирования;

с). обогащение содержания обучения особенно важным материалом.


а). воспитание творческого мышления;

в). воспитание умения работать в парах, группах, индивидуально.

с). Развивать познавательные интересы учащихся, воспитывать чувство уважения к чужим странам, их народам, обычаям и традициям.


Магнитофон, учебник Г,В,Рогова «Английский за два года.»,учебный комплект «Easy English» Г. Выборова, Е.А.Волгина «Английский язык для школьников и абитуриентов», John Flower “Build your vocabulary”, Ш. Г. Амамджян «Играя, учись!», Л. Н. Ханникова «Интенсивный курс английской разговорной речи.», раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

I Организация начала урока.


Glad to see you, children!

I’m fine today, how are you?

 Сообщение темы и цели урока.

II. Фонетическая и лексическая зарядка.

Today we are going to speak about The USA, its cities, towns. sights, customs and traditions. But before we start doing it I want you to make rhymes according to the model:

        Hello morning,

        Good-bye night!

        Hello spring,

        Good-bye win for !

The class is divided in two groups and the students work in groups. The winner is the group that has combined more rhymes in two minutes.

Let’s state our lesson by practicing reading drills and with our conversational warming up on the topic “The USA.”

Now repeat the words after me.


Country- страна

Beautiful- красивый

World- мир

To flow- впадать

To be situated- находиться

Town- город (маленький)

Continent- материк

City- город(большой)

Border- граница

Sea- море

Rich- богатый

Ocean- океан

Mountain- гора

Plant- растение

River- река

Animal- животное

Lake- озеро

To be rich in- быть богатым

Forest- лес

Symbol- символ

Flag- флаг

Stripe- полоса

People- люди

Motherland- Родина

Independence - независимость

III. Активизация лексических единиц в речи.

What adjectives connected with the topic “Russia” do you remember?

         Vocabulary. Adjectives.

Strong- сильный

Cheerful- бодрый

Quiet- спокойный

Beautiful- красивый

Favourite- любимый

Picturesque- живописный

Popular- популярный

Active- активный

Dynamic- активный

Weak- слабый

Interesting- интересный

Deftness- ловкий

Difficult- трудный

Worthy- достойный

Now, children! Create word-combinations or sentences, using these adjectives.

    IV. Развитие навыков чтения.

  And now let’s pass over to the reading of the text “The USA”. But before reading I’ll give some pupils a few words and word-combinations from the text.

They must create sentences or situations using the text.

The Geographical Position of the USA

The USA is composed of 50 states joined in a federal republic. In the north the US is bordered by Canada and in the south it borders on Mexico. It is washed by the Atlantic ocean in the east and by the Pacific ocean in the west. The main part of the US consists of several highlands and lowlands regions. The most big highlands are the Appalachians mountains in the east and the Rocky mountains in the west. The Rocky mountains extend from Mexico to Canada. The mountains are crossed by streams which flow through deep canyons and fall into the Pacific ocean. The largest of them are the Columbia and the Colorado rivers. The northern part of the USA embraces the regions of the Five Great Lakes. They are: Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Crossed by mountain ranges from north to south the country is unprotected from cold winds. On the whole the USA has a continental climate. The country is rich in coal, oil, iron and other minerals.

The Political System of the USA

The USA is a federal republic. The President is elected for four years, and is head of state and of the government. He names the Cabinet.

Congress (the legislature) consists of two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Elections to the House of Representatives are every two years, when the whole House of Representatives is replaced.

The Senate consists of two senators from each state, elected for six years. One third of the Senate is replaced every two years. A senator must be 30 years old, nine years a citizen and an inhabitant of the state which elects him. The president of the Senate is the Vice-president of the United States.

The two main political parties are the Republicans and the Democrats. There is little difference between their programs in national and international policies.

The American Flag

Lately I've visited the United States with a group of teachers and students from my school.

I was greatly surprised how Americans honour and treat their flag. The red-white-and-blue flag of the United States is known as "Old Glory " or the "Stars and Stripes."

In American schools the day begins with the solemn ceremony of raising the flag.

13 stripes represent the first original American colonies. The stars in the flag white on the deep blue background represent the number of states making up the United States. Today it has 50 stars, one for each state, and 13 stripes, one for each of the original states.

Red stands for courage, white for purity, and blue for justice.

V. Активизация навыков говорения. (работа в парах).

Let’s pass over to another kind of work.

     . Answer the questions.

  1. The USA is the biggest country in the world, isn't it?
  2. What mountains are there in the USA?
  3. The USA is a very rich country. What is it rich in?
  4. What river is the longest in the USA?
  5. What seas and oceans wash the USA?
  6. What can you tell your classmates about the American flag?
  7. What can you tell your classmates about American people?
  8. What other American symbols do you know?

                  Try and prove.

  • America is a very large and rich country.
  • American  people are very brave  and  devoted to their country.

       Speak about Washigton. Use the questions as a plan.

         How old is the city?

Who founded it?

When was this?

What are the famous places of interest there?

What do you know about these places?

VI.Активизация навыков диалогической речи.

(работа в парах)

Let’s pass over to another kind of work.

I’ll give you the task and four pupils will work at the blackboard.


  • I say, Mike, what are your plans for today?,
  • Nothing special. Why?

  • I want you to show me round. You have been living in New York for almost eight years, so you know better what is worth seeing.
  • All right. You'll come for a ride with me and I'll show you some of the sights.

—        It will be very kind of you.

  • So we can start from Washington Square and go along Fifth Avenue. We shall pass Greenwich Village and Union Square.
  • The only thing I know is that Fifth Avenue is the place where very rich people live.
  • That's right. Do you know what Times Square is famous for?

—        No idea.

—        It's famous for its theaters and movies. If you are interested in skyscrapers you should pay attention to the Empire State Building though it is not the tallest building any longer.

—        There must be your famous Central Park nearby.

—        Yes, it is a pleasure ground and besides there are a number of museums there.

—        We'll go to the museums tomorrow. Agreed?

  • Sure. Now I want you to see Park Avenue which is a fashionable residential section of the city. It's on the opposite side of Central Park from Broadway.
  • I hear the Frick Museum and the famous Metropolitan Museum are there.

  • That's right. Do you want to watch a game of baseball?
  • Yes, I do.

—        In that case I'll take you to the Stadium. Tomorrow I'll show you some other sights: Rockefeller Center Radio City, George Washington Bridge and Bronx Zoological Gardens.

—        I am looking forward to visiting those places.

Translate into English and Reproduce:

1.        — Послушай, Павел (Paul), чем знаменит the Tower?

  • Ask me another.
  • Мне бы хотелось пойти тупа. Не составишь ли мне компанию?
  • With great pleasure. When and where do we meet?
  • Давай встретимся на Trafalgar Square в половине второго завтра.
  • That's settled. Till tomorrow.
  • Увидимся завтра.

2.        — Если бы не было так поздно, мы могли бы пойти

  • Don't get upset about it. We'll visit the Trick Musei tomorrow.
  • Где он находится?
  • It is on the territory of Central Park, if I am not mistaken.
  • Там же находится и Metropolitan Museum, не т ли?
  • Именно так. You will be able to see Park Avenu
  • Чем знаменита Park Avenue?
  • It's a fashionable residential section of New Yoi
  • Я бы поехал туда вчера, если бы я об этом 31

3.        — Не обращай внимания на ее слова. Она очер

  • Ну и что? (So what of it?) If I were in her sh would be more polite.
  • Единственное, что я знаю, что она не хоте, обидеть (to hurt).
  • In that case she should apologize to me.
  • Именно это она собирается сделать.

V. Развитие навыков аудирования.

Now, lets run our tape-recording. A bit of advice to you, children. You must remember, that a tape-recorder always  helps to create a natural language .

 Listen and write down the verbs from the text.

. Would you like to know how Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day? Then read the text and say when and why people began to celebrate it.


(by Monica Vincent)

The last-Thursday in November, as you know, is a holiday in America. People call this holiday Thanksgiving Day. It is perhaps the most important day in the American year. People go to church, and families come together for the day. They decorate their houses with the fruits and flowers of autumn and prepare traditional American food: roast[1] turkey, potatoes and pumpkin.[2] It's rather like Christmas, but what are people celebrating? What are they giving thanks for?

Do you remember the first colonists in New England? In 1620 they came to America and began a new life there. It was a very hard life. The colonists started to farm the land. The work was difficult and full of danger. In New England, the place where they lived, there were many wild birds. They were like chickens but much bigger. They were turkeys. In the

autumn of 1621 the colonists- had their first harvest. It was rather good. The colonists decided to have a special dinner. They wanted to thank God — to give him their thanks for many -things. It was a difficult year, but the people still had food to eat. The colonists had a thanksgiving dinner for all the people. It lasted three days. For the whole1 three days they gave thanks for their good harvest and their happy year in a hew country.

Wild turkeys were on the table of this meal, and since then the turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day.

 Choose and point the sentences which are true to the text.

  1. Thanksgiving Day is a British holiday.
  2. Thanksgiving Day is the most important day in the American year.
  3. People celebrate this holiday in offices.
  4. They eat bacon and eggs to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.
  5. Thanksgiving Day is rather like Christmas.
  6. Since 1621 turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving


VI. Развитие навыков работы с текстом.

        Text 1

                                 NATIVE AMERICANS

(by Terry Tomsha)

Read the answers to the following questions from the text.

  1. Where did Native Americans come from?
  2. How did they travel?
  3. Where did they live? What did they eat?
  4. What did Native Americans believe in?
  5. Where do most Native Americans live now?

Native Americans came from Asia. Over 20000 years ago they travelled across the land between Siberia and Alaska . When English colonists came to the New World on board the "Mayflower" the Native Americans met them and were very friendly and helped them a lot. In those days people lived in small earth houses and grew their own food. Some Indians ate only grass, nuts and what fruit they could find. Other people were fishermen and lived in wooden houses. Most Native Americans were very peaceful. They wanted to live happily with nature and each other. They believed in many gods and thought that gods lived in trees, stones, water and fire. They believed their gods could bring success in hunting, farming and fishing. They often had special ceremonies with dances and music before they went hunting or fishing or when they began farming.

Native American songs and poems are a very important part of their traditions as they help them to keep their history and culture alive.[3]Another famous tradition was smoking of a peace pipe.[4] When they smoked this pipe together with people they didn't know, it meant friendship and peace.

Many years ago Native American tribes lived in all parts of the USA, and hunted and fished wherever they chose. Now most of them live in poor lands to the west of the Mississippi River. Many live on "reservations".[5]

 pipe [paip] — трубка

 "reservations" [-reza'veijnz] — резервации

Text 2


1. Words and expressions for the topic.

Continent, to have access, trade routes, higlilands, lowlands, valley, tributary, to border on, gulf, to stretch/westward, eastward, natural resources, deposits of coal, iron etc., coast, plain, population, immigrants, temperate, Federal Republic, independence, boundary peninsula, amendments, Federal Government, violations of law, government officials, Bill off Rights, to outline the policies.

2. Study the Geographie names.

The Atlantic Ocean

The Pacific Ocean

The Gulf of Mexico


the Hawaii

Lake Superior

Lake Michigan

Lake Huron

Lake Erie

Lake Ontarie

Niagara Falls

The Mississippi River

The Missouri

The Appalachian Mountains

The Rocky Mountains

The Cordilleran Highland


New York


San Francisco

Los Angeles


Boston ]

The Capitol

3. Practice the pronunciation of some American states and capitsls:

Alabama — Montgomery

Arizone — Phoenix

Arkansas — Little Rock

California — Sacramento

 Connecticut — Hartford

Delaware — Dover

Florida — Tallahassee

 Idaho — Boise

 Indiana — Indianapolis

 Massachusetts — Boston

South Carolina— Columbia

Pennsylvania — Hanisburg

Texas — Austin

 Utah — Salt lake City

Virginia — Richmond

Wyoming — Cheyenne

Wiscounsin — Madison

4. Read and translate the text. Answer the questions.


The USA is one of the world's largest countries both in territory and population. (It is the leading industrial power). Its total area is 3.554.000 square miles (9,4 mln sq. km). So it is the

'fourth largest country in the world. The population of the USA is about 223 mln people.

The USA is situated in the Central part of the North American continent. In the North the USA borders Canada and in the South Mexico. In the West the USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean, in the east — by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the South by the Gulf of Mexico. Thus situated between the two oceans the country has free access to the trade routes of the world. Alaska in the north-west of the continent and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean are also parts of the USA.

The continental part of the USA consists of two highland regions and two lowland regions. The Highlands are the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the Cordilleran Highland in the west. Between the Cordilleran and the Appalacliian Mountains lie the central lowlands which are called the prairie, and the eastern lowlands, or the Mississippi Valley, which stretches westward to the edge of the Rocky Mountains. It is chief agricultural section of the country. The Mississippi is one of the world's greatest rivers. Sometimes it is called «Father of the Water. Its length together with its tributary Missouri is almost 4.000 miles.

To the north of the country 5 famous lakes are situated: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Eric, Lake Ontario. Between the Erie and Ontario are the famous Niagara Falls, the waters of which fall from the height of 160 feet (50 meters).

The USA is very rich in natural resources. The country has rich deposits of coal and iron ore in and around the Appalachian range, oil and gas in Texas and California, and other basic minerals for modem industry.

The USA — apart from its two newest states, Alaska and Hawaii — lies (wholly) in the north temperate zone. But due to the size of the land and a great mountain barrier on the Pacific coast there is a great variety of climate from summer heat in Mississippi lowlands the frosts and snow in the Rockies and the North of Great Plains.

America was originally a group of colonies. For a long time the inhabitants of America (immigrants from Europe and their descendants) led the war for the independence of their country. It ended in America's victory and the people elected their first president G. Washington at the first Congress in 1789 in the city of New York. The Constitution of the USA the foundations of the law of the USA was adopted on September 17, 1787. So the USA is a Federal Republic.

5. Questions:

1. What is the USA? 2. What is its population? 3. What is its territory? 4. Is it one of the leading industrial countries? 5. Where is it situated? 6. What countries does it border with (on)? 7. What oceans wash the land of the USA? 8. How many states are there in the USA? 9. Is its geographical position a favourable one? 10. What is the relief off the country? 11. Which is the longest river of the USA? 12. What mountain ranges are situated on the territory of the USA? 13. What are the 5 famous lakes of the USA? 14. Where are the Niagara Falls? 15. Is the USA rich in natural resourses? 16 What is the climate of the USA like? 17. Is the USA an independent state? Was is originally an independent state? 18. When was the Constitution adopted? 19. Who became the first president of the USA? 20. The USA is a Federal Republic, isn't it?

VII. Закрепление навыков запоминания и          выразительного чтения.

Listen to the poem "Let's Remember Columbus". Then read and learn it.


In fourteen hundred and ninety-two

Columbus sailed the ocean blue...

Let's sing together this old song

About the voyage that took him long,

 About the sailors, those strong brave men.

Let's sing and remember them all again!

. Listen to the poem "My People. Then read and learn it.


(by Langston Hughes)

The night is beautiful,

So the faces of my people.

The stars are beautiful,

So the eyes of my people.

Beautiful also is the sun.

Beautiful also are the souls1 of my people


  VIII. Активизация грамматических навыков и умений.

The Article.

Как вы уже знаете, особенностью английских существительных является использование с ними артиклей (определенного и неопределенного).

1.Определенный артикль употребляется с именами существительными, обозначающими:

горы (горные цепи): the Urals, the Alps;

        океаны: the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean;

         моря: the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea; реки: the Volga, s;         озера: the Baikal, the Sevan.

Однако если перед названием озера стоит само слово lake, артикль отсутствует:

     Lake Baikal.

2. Без артикля употребляются названия: континентов: Europe, Asia, Central America, Africa; стран: Russia, England, Spain (но the USA); городов: Paris, London, Madrid, Moscow;

площадей: Red Square, Trafalgar Square; улиц: Broadway, Tverskaya Street; парков: Hyde Park, Gorky Park.

3.С  определенным   артиклем  используются  названия: театров: the Bolshoy Theatre, the Malyi Theatre; кинотеатров: the "Odeon", the "Rossia"; музеев: the Pushkin Museum, the British Museum; картинных галерей: the Metropolitan, the National Gallery; гостиниц: the Embassy Hotel, the Metropol Hotel.

4.Названия месяцев и дней недели обычно употребляются без артикля: on Tuesday, in January, last Friday, in April.

 5.С именами существительными bed, church, school, town, hospital, work артикль не употребляется в сочетаниях: to go to school, to go to bed, to go to church, to go to hospital, to be in hospital, to go to work, to be in town, to be out of town.

6.Неопределенный артикль употребляется с именами существительными в следующих выражениях: in a hurry, in а quiet voice, in a sad voice.

7. С именами существительными advice, work, weather, information, news, money неопределенный артикль не употребляется: It is good advice. It is bad news. It is important work.

Сказуемое в предложениях, где подлежащим является одно из этих существительных, всегда стоит в единственном числе.

The news is bad.— Новости плохие.

The money is on the table.— Деньги на столе.

The information was important.— Сведения были важными.

 8. Имена существительные police (полиция), clothes (одежда), potatoes (картофель), carrots (морковь) сочетаются с глаголом во множественном числе.

The police were in the street.— Полиция была на улице.



oceans: the Indian Ocean

continents: Europe

seas: the Black Sea

countries: Russia

(but: the USA)

rivers: the Volga

cities, towns: Washington DC

lakes: the Baikal

streets: Broadway

mountains: the Alps

squares: Red Square

                IX.Закрепление грамматического материала.

Учащиеся выполняют тренировочные дифференцированные упражнения .

  . Fill in the blanks with the articles. Translate into Russian..

  1. 1. Like ... Mississippi, all... rivers east of... Rockies finally reach ... Atlantic; all... waters to ... west of... Rockies finally arrive at ... Pacific. 2. ... two great rivers of... Pacific side are ... Colorado in ... south, and... Columbia, which rises in ... Canada and drains the north. 3. In ... dry western country, both river's very different in character, are vital sources of life. 4. ... Columbia, wild in prehistoric times, now flows with quiet dignity. 5. But... Colorado is still wild, restless and angry. 6. But even ... Furious Colorado has been dammed and put to work. 7. All ... forms and cities of... south-western comer of... country depend on its waters. 8. ... Rio Grande, about 3.200 km long, is the foremost river of... Southwest. 9. It forms ... natural boundary between ... Mexico and ... United States. 10. ... Mississippi is one of... world's great continental rivers, like ... Amazon in ... South America, Congo in Africa, ... Volga in ... Europe, or ... Ganges, ... Amur, and ... Yangtze in ... Asia.

В. 1. ... Rocky Mountains stretch all... way from ... Mexico to ... Arctic. 2. Like ... Alps, they are high, sharp and rugged.

  1. Compared to ... Appalachians in ... East, they are young.
  2. ... Detroit, heart of automobile industry began as a wagonmaking town, using wood from ... forests that covered ... peninsula between ... Lake Michigan and ... Lake Huron. 5. North of... Central Lowland are ... five Great Lakes which ... US shares with ... Canada. 6. West of ... Central Lowland are ... Great Plains. 7. They are stopped by ... Rocky Mountains, «... backbone of... continent*. 8. ... Rockies are considered young mountains: of the same age as ... Alps in ... Europe,... Himalayas on ... Asia, and ... Andes in ... South America. Like these ranges, they are high, rough and irregular in shape. 9. At ... boarder of ... Pacific Ocean lie ... Coast Ranges, relatively low mountains. 10. ... Cascade Mountains and ... Sierra Nevada Mountains, so close to ... west coast, catch ... largest share of the rains off ... Pacific Ocean before it can go further inland.

XI. Завершение урока.

Домашние задание, итоги, оценки.

You know that English is an international language. It is one of the most spoken language in the world.

You must practice your English whenever you have chance to. Remember, accuracy and fluency in speaking come with practice.

Your marks are…

Take down your home-lessons…

The lesson is over. Good-bye.

[1] roast [roust] — жареный

[2] pumpkin ['рлтркш] —тыква

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка

По теме: Открытия и открыватели.

Задачи урока.


а). введение и актуализация лексики темы в речевых упражнениях и грамматических структурах страдательного залога;

в). научить учащихся получать основную информацию из прочитанного и услышанного текста.


а). развивать навыки устной речи на уровне оформленного высказывания с опорой на наглядность;

в). развивать навыки чтения и аудирования;

с). обогащение содержания обучения особенно важным материалом.


а). формировать уважительное отношение к открытиям и открывателям англоязычных стран;

в). воспитание умения работать в парах, группах, индивидуально.


Магнитофон, учебник Т.В.Погарская «Английский язык»,практический курс английского языка Шах-Назарова (американский вариант), раздаточный материал, таблицы видо-временных форм глагола в страдательном залоге


Ход урока.

I Организация начала урока.


Glad to see you, children!

I’m fine today, how are you?

II. Введение в тему. Ознакомление с лексическими единицами и речевыми оборотами. Сообщение темы и задач урока.

Do you like watching TV? Do you know when, where and how TV was invented? The reason I asked you a second question is that today we are going to speak about inventions and inventors.

Let’s state our lesson by practicing reading drills and with our conversational warming up on the topic “Inventions”

Now repeat the words after me.


A camera- фотоаппарат

A sewing machine- швейная машинка

A microwave oven- микроволновая печь

A computer- компьютер

An electronic game- электронная игра

A solar powered calculator- калькулятор на солнечных батарейках

A mobile telephone-мобильный телефон

A TV remote-control unit- дистанционный пульт управления

A video recorder- видео магнитофон

A mower- сено-/ газоно- косилка

A TV set- телевизор

A body building machine- тренажер

A vacuum cleaner- пылесос

A fax machine- факс

A videophone- видеофон

Roller blades- коньки

A cordless phone – беспроводной телефон

A dishwasher- посудомоечная машина

A talking alarm clock- говорящий будильник

III. Активизация навыков письма (работа в парах).

Let’s pass over to another kind of work.

I’ll give you the task and four pupils will work at the blackboard.

Match the words given above with all these word combinations

 ( работают 4 группы, которые выбирают слова по своим заданиям).

Why do people use them?

-to cut and collect the grass

To wake up people and to tell the time

-to build up one’s strength

To watch pre-recorded videos

-to build up one’s strength

To record a programme even when watching another on a different channel

-to take the photographs

To have fun and to entertain

- to cook, defrost, reheat pre-prepared food

To send and receive urgent messages

To receive, to make calls around the home

To operate the TV set from a distance

To perform everyday cleaning tasks from vacuuming to cleaning up liquids, dust and waste and shampooing carpets

To write programmes , play games, find and use information, etc

To not only sew but do embroidery(вышивать) and appliqué and sew on buttons  

To do calculations in sunlight or daylight

IV. . Активизация лексических единиц в речи.

Grammar for revision

 V-ing FORM


Can we use it for cooking?

Is it used for grass cutting?

Some pupils ask questions and some answer them (using this grammar form).

V. Чтение,  работа с текстом, с целью расширения кругозора и познавательного интереса учащихся.

Read the text, find the main facts. Then choose the sentences in Passive Voice.

Henry Ford.


Henry Ford was born in 1863. He was a man who transformed the world. The car he built changed the lives of people everywhere. In 1896, Ford succeeded in building an automobile powered by a gasoline engine. He built this engine in his kitchen sink. In 1903, Henry Ford established the Henry Ford company and introduced the Model T. Ford.

Henry Ford wanted to make a car that everyone would be able to afford. He was able to lower the price of the Model T from 850 360 be introducing mass production assembly line techniques. On an assembly line each person has one specific job and, therefore, can do it faster and more efficiently.

Post- reading.(Этап проверки понимания текста.)

Now, children, answer my questions.

  1. When was Henry Ford born?
  2. What did H. Ford establish and produce?
  3. What kind of car did Ford want to make?
  4. What do you know about assembly line techniques?

Text 2

Here are some words:

  • the gate-ворота, калитка
  • in fact- на самом деле
  • a pump- насос
  • a well- колодец

The Useful Gate.

For a long time Edison’s guests wondered why the gate ti his garden was so difficult to open. A friend of his said : “ The gate to your garden is so heavy that I have to use all my strength to open it. I cannot understand the reason. You are such a brilliant man. I’m sure you could have invented something better.”

“The gate seems to be quite all right”, Edison answered with a smile .” In fact, it is quite a brilliant invention.”

  “You are joking, aren’t you?”

  “Not a bit. The gate is connected with a pump. Everybody who comes in pumps twenty litres of water out of the well.”

Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений на основе информации полученной из текстов.

(раздаточные листы с упражнениями)


VI.Практика аудирования.

Now, lets run our tape-recording. A bit of advice to you, children. You must remember, that a tape-recorder always  helps to create a natural language..

 Listen and write down the verbs from the text.

You have heard about Edison, of course. He is one of the most famous inventors.

Here are some words:

p.m- после полудня, днем, вечером

a.m- до полудня, утром

was about- намеревался, собирался

to catch sight- увидеть

to get busy- заработать, начинать действовать

to “fire” – выгнать

Edison’s First Inventions

When Edison was a boy of fifteen, he worked as a telegraph operator. He had to be on duty from 7 p.m to 7 a.m and give a signal every hour to prove that he didn’t sleep. The signals were made with astonishing exactness. One night an inspector arrived and saw Edison sleeping in a chair.

He was about to shake him when he caught sight of a mechanism on a table near the telegraph instrument. He waited to see what would happen. \when the hand of the clock pointed to the hour, the instrument got busy and one lever threw open the key while the other sent the signal over the wire.

The inspector seized the sleeping boy, roused him and “fired” him. That is why the first of Edison’s numerous inventions was never patented.

-Comprehension check.(Контроль понимания содержания текста.)

Which statements are true and which ones are false?


  1. Edison invented the telegraph..
  2. When a boy of 15 Edison worked as a telegraph operator.
  3. he worked from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  4. he worked at night.
  5. Edison sent signals with astonishing exactness.
  6. the inspector came because no signals were coming.
  7. Edison showed his invention to the inspector.
  8. the inspector did not wake the boy up to see how the mechanism worked.
  9. the inspector advised Edison to patent his invention.
  10. Edison was “fired” for sleeping on duty.


VII. Активизация навыков диалогической речи.

We have already read many different texts about inventions and inventors, learned interesting stories and done exercises about them.

  I think it’s high time to summerise our work and speak about the inventors and inventions.

Let’s try to make dialogues using this structures.



…                  easy

…     is          (un)pleasant     to operate.

…    are         difficult            to use.

…                  unusual    


              boring           without it.

Life is    easy              with it.



                  benefit                           the speed with which we can…  

The main                           is           the price. It’s reasonable, low, high.

                  disadvantage                 that it is expensive, cheap.

                                                        the design. It is modern, good, first- class.

                                                        that it needs batteries.

        I don’t worry about washing the dishes.

        My dishwasher can take care of that.

Using … leaves me more time to enjoy myself.

I can’t live without … .

… brightens my life.


VIII.Введение нового грамматического материала.

When we speak about the inventions and inventors we often use Passive structures, foe example : Computers are used everywhere.

  Where was your calculator made?

Введение правил образования страдательного залога.






S   is   Ved/3  



S         Ved/3


S will be Ved/3



S is    being Ved/3



S was being Ved/3





S         been Ved/3


S had been Ved/3

S will have been Ved/3


IX. Активизация грамматических навыков и умений.

Повторение трех форм неправильных глаголов.



Выполнение трансформационных упражнений.


R. Diesel




I. Sykorsky




S. F. B. Morse



Lego bricks

O.K. Christiansen



 Digital stereo

sound system


Great Britain


Instant coffee




Video cassette






To discover

To invent

Telegraph was invented by I Sykorsky in Russia in 1939.

XI. Завершение урока.

Домашние задание, итоги, оценки.

You know that English is an international language. It is one of the most spoken language in the world.

You must practice your English whenever you have chance to. Remember, accuracy and fluency in speaking come with practice.

Your marks are…

Take down your home-lessons…

The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка

По теме: Путешествие.

Задачи урока.


а).научить учащихся строить устные высказывания, используя лексический материал разговорной темы «Путешествие»

в).обогатить словарный запас учащихся;

с).научить учащихся получать основную информацию из прочитанного и услышанного текста.

d). практиковать учащихся в устных диалогических высказываниях.


а). развивать навыки устной речи на уровне оформленного высказывания с опорой на наглядность;

в). развивать навыки чтения и аудирования;

с). обогащение содержания обучения особенно важным материалом.


а). воспитание творческого мышления;

в). воспитание умения работать в парах, группах, индивидуально.

с). помогать развивать познавательные интересы учащихся.


Магнитофон, компьютер, учебник Г,В,Рогова «Английский за два года.»,учебный комплект «Easy English» Г. Выборова, Е.А.Волгина «Английский язык для школьников и абитуриентов», John Flower “Build your vocabulary”, Ш. Г. Амамджян «Играя, учись!», Л. Н. Ханникова «Интенсивный курс английской разговорной речи.», раздаточный материал.


Ход урока.

I Организация начала урока.

Сообщение темы и цели урока.


Glad to see you, children!

I’m fine today, how are you?

(беседа учителя с учащимися: день, число, погода, настроение.)

Do you like travelling? What is your favourite season for it? Why? So, let’s have talk about different ways of traveling, about their advantages and disadvantages.

II. Фонетическая и лексическая зарядка.

Let’s state our lesson by practicing reading drills and with our conversational warming up on the topic “Travelling.”

Now repeat the words after me.


Travelling - путешествие

Steamer- пароход

Air- воздух

Journey- путешествие

Car- машина

To be fond of – очень любить

Ship- корабль

Waterfall- водопад

Walking tour- путешествие пешком

View- вид

Comfortable- удобный

To take pictures of - фотографировать

To reach- достигать

Camera- фотоаппарат


City-dweller- горожанин

Cheap- дешево

Exotic- экзотический

Ancient- древний

To discover- открывать

Picturesque- живописный

Change of scene- перемена обстановки

Splendid- отличный

Sleeper- спальный вагон

Dining-car- вагон- ресторан

Deck- палуба

Wave- волна

Sea-gull- чайка

Hiking- пешеходный туризм

Hitch-hiking- путешествие «автостопом»

III. Активизация лексических единиц в речи.

What adjectives connected with the topic “Travelling” do you remember?

         Vocabulary. Adjectives.

Strong- сильный

Cheerful- бодрый

Quiet- спокойный

Ancient- древний

Favourite- любимый

Stout- толстый

Popular- популярный

Active- активный

Dynamic- активный

Weak- слабый

Interesting- интересный

Deftness- ловкий

Difficult- трудный

Worthy- достойный

Picturesque- живописный

Splendid- отличный

Now, children! Create word-combinations or sentences, using these adjectives.

IV. Активизация навыков письма (работа в парах).

Let’s pass over to another kind of work.

Look at the picture and say where and how Nick, Ann, Kate, Mike and Nelly are going.

   ( приложение 1)

And now let’s play and see how many things from this list you can take with you when you are going to travel.

   Memory game

Can you name all the things in the picture? Use each of these words once only:

alarm clock     comb        lighter        suitcase

ambulance      corkscrew        newspaper       teddy bear

banana        cup and saucer      parcel        toothbrush

dollar bill        postcard           top hat


cassette       train                 shoe                key

Later in the book, you will be asked how many of these words you can remember — without looking at the words again!

V. Развитие навыков чтения.


 And now let’s pass over to the reading of the text “Sports in our life”. But before reading I’ll give some pupils a few words and word-combinations from the text.

They must create sentences or situations using the text.

                                                Text 1


People began to travel many years ago. The very first travellers were explorers who went on trips to fin wealth, fame or something else. Their journeys were very dangerous but still people keep on going to the unknown lands.

Nowadays it is not as dangerous an much more convenient. Do you want to go somewhere? Hundreds of companies are there to help you. They will take care about your tickets and make all the reservations needed. You don’t speak the language of the country you go to? There are interpreters that will help you.

With modern services you can go around the world. You can choose the means of transport you like: plane, train, ship, bicycle, or you can travel hiking.

Tourism became a very profitable business because people are ready to spend their money for the great opportunity to have a great time learning about new countries, going sightseeing, resting and enjoying themselves.


  1. Who were the first travellers?
  2. Were their journeys safe?
  3. Why did they go on trip?
  4. Is it more convenient to travel now?
  5. What kinds of transport can you choose from?

                                                            Text 2



illions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.

Most travellers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them — the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, waterfalls, forests; different kinds of trees, flowers and plants, animals and birds.

Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had.

People travel by train, by plane, by boat and by car.

All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations.

If we are fond of travelling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand the people is to meet them in their own homes.

Vocabulary        ,

ruins ['ru:inz] — руины, развалины ;

ancient feinjant] — древний

 enjoy [in'd30i] — наслаждаться

picturesque [piktje'resk] — живописный

change of scene [si:n] — перемена обстановки о discover [dis'kAvo] — открывать, обнаруживать

rhythm [ridm] — ритм

art gallery [gaelari] — картинная галерея

exotic [igzotik] — экзотический

restaurant ['restront] — ресторан

city-dweller [dweio] — горожанин

bathe [bei3] —купаться

laze [leiz] in the sun - валяться на солнце

holiday-maker— отдыхающий, отпускник

camera [кзетэгэ] — фотоаппарат

 to take pictures of — фотографировать

 sight ['sait] — вид

castle [ka:sl] — замок

view [vju:] — вид

 valley ['vseli] — долина

plain [plein] — равнина

 waterfall ['wo:tafo:l] — водопад

 to remind [rimaind] — напоминать

 photo [foutou] — фотография

advantage [ad'va:ntid3] — преимущество disadvantage [,disadva:ntid3] — недостаток destination  [,desti neijn] —   место  назначения цель (путешествия, похода и т.п.)

VI. Активизация навыков диалогической речи.

We have already read many different texts about travelling, learned interesting stories and done exercises about travelling.

Dialogue 1

At the airport

Do these things happen?

Passenger: I have just missed the British airways flight to Paris. Can you book me a seat on the next plane.

Hans: It's hardly possible, sir. I'm afraid the plane is completely full, and there isn't another flight until 17.00 hours.

P. This is stupid. I left my hotel more than two hours ago in order to get here in time. And what happened? My taxi driver couldn't drive at more than 10 miles an hour because of the traffic. H. I'm sorry, sir. I'll try Air France for you ... I tried hard, but I'm afraid all their planes are fully booked too.

P. You English make me angry. Why can't you build better roads?

H. I agree with you, sir, English traffic is very bad. Now, if you will excuse me, there's another gentleman here...

P. It was the same yesterday: I flew from Liverpool to London. I spent one hour at the airport, three-quarters of an hour in the plane - and three and a half hours on the road. When I reached my hotel in Piccadilly, you can hardly believe it, but dinner was over. H. I'm sorry, sir. Now, if you don't mind ...

P. You English always do everything slowly. Now in my country ... H. So, we're slow, are we? Then it's because of people like you. You talk too much and take up too much of my time. I really must attend to this gentleman, sir. P. You English always stick together.

H. I must disappoint you, sir. I'm not English. I'm a foreigner - like you.

VII. Активизация навыков говорения.

Now we’ll have a competition.  You will look at the signs and try to label them. See whether you have problems at the airport or not.

Label each picture.

О        EXIT







О        TAXI


О        CAFE

О        BUS







О        FIRST AID




О        PORTERS



Put an -X- next to the question the man at Customs asked.

  • Where are you from?
  • May I see your passport?
  • Are you a student?
  • Are you traveling alone?
  • Do you have anything to declare?
  • Have you been here before?
  • What's the purpose of your visit?
  • Where are you going to go?
  • Where are you going to stay?
  • How long are you going to be here?
  • Open your luggage, please.

Now, children, using all these words and information try to make your own dialogues and sayings.

VIII. Развитие навыков аудирования.

Now, let’s run our tape-recording. A bit of advice to you, children. You must remember, that a tape-recorder always  helps to create a natural language.

Listen and write down the verbs from the text. 

A dialogue

- I’d like to have a double room with bath.

- How long are you planning to stay?

- We will stay for four days.

- I can give you an outside double room on the sixth floor.

- Is it very noisy?

- No, it is not. The street is very quiet. In front of the hotel you can find a big                               park.

- How much is the room?

- It is 50 dollars a day. The charge includes breakfast.

-Is there a bath?

- Yes, every room has a bath, telephone and a TV set

- All right I’ll take the room.


IX. Завершение урока.

Домашние задание, итоги, оценки.

You know that English is an international language. It is one of the most spoken language in the world.

You must practice your English whenever you have chance to. Remember, accuracy and fluency in speaking come with practice.

Your marks are…

Take down your home-task…

The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка

Тема: Еда. Продукты.

Цель: коммуникативно-речевое развитие учащихся через обобщение знаний о продуктах питания с использованием средств ИКТ и новаторских форм работы.

Задачи: 1)систематизировать материал по теме:" Продукты";

2) обобщить лексический и грамматический материал 2 полугодия;

3)закрепить знания по теме.

Оснащение:  кабинет, оснащённый компьютерами , мультимедийный проектор, магнитная доска с детскими рисунками по теме: "Food"; карточки с тематическими заданиями; выставка стенгазет от каждой команды; компьютер с тематической подборкой по теме: «Продукты»,  компьютеры для школьников с заранее заготовленными заданиями ,головоломки, кроссворды; магнитофон с записями диалогов по теме, мяч ,"Витаминный курс английского языка" для самых маленьких, детская обучающая игра на английском языке "Winny and His Friends".


1. Организационный момент.

Hello, boys and girls! We are very glad to see you now. Today we are going to speak about food. Do you like to eat tasty things? Are you good eaters? Winnie has a birthday party today and he wants to see us. Do you want to go to his birthday? (Ученики дают положительные ответы на поставленные вопросы и делятся на две группы, для того чтобы "кто- то помогал Вини готовить обед", а кто-то "пойдет выбирать подарки". Далее проводится конкурс с использованием компьютера и " Витаминного курса английского языка" . Выбирается раздел по теме : "Продукты" . Те ребята, которые быстрее всех справятся с заданием, угадав предложенное название  продуктов, становятся капитанами команд)  (Ученики выбирают представителя от каждой команды, который будет капитаном команды)

2. Основной этап урока.

Teacher: Let’s begin our game. We must know who can help Winnie to prepare  for his birthday party. Who wants to start?

Pupils: We do.

Teacher: Please, name your teams

Pupils: «Honey» and «Carrot.»

Teacher: Thank you. You task is: take the cards and name the pictures. Choose the food for Winnie and the food for Piglet.

Ученики выбирают правильные карточки и озвучивают их. Это можно сделать при помощи компьютеров. На каждом компьютере заготовлено по несколько карточек из" Витаминного курса английского языка" для учащихся. Карточки должны быть красочно оформлены с учётом возраста учащихся и должны привлекать их внимание, заинтересовать  и мотивировать на  успех.

Teacher: Thank you. I think the first group is our first winner.( Выбирается команда - победитель. выставляется количество баллов) . That is why you can start the game.  Look at the blackboard:

This is our Tasty Tree. Let’s decorate it! One by one!

(На магнитной доске изображено дерево, листья которого заменяют рисунки продуктов питания. Ребята из каждой команды по очереди подбегают и украшают дерево, называя продукты питания)

Teacher: Well done! «Honey» is the winner.

Your task is to read Winnie’s menu and choose what Winnie doesn’t like. Who wants to translate?

(Ученики получают конверты с названиями продуктов питания и отрабатывают структуру:  "He doesn’t  like" , читая письмо. Это задание также можно оформить на компьютере: получив конверты с заданием, ребята могут перенести правильные ответы на вопрос на свой компьютер. Один  участник из каждой команды работает в качестве переводчика, зарабатывая балл для своей команды).

Teacher: Thank you! Would you like to play with a ball?

Catch the ball one by one and name the food you know, don’t repeat one and the same.

(Учитель бросает мяч по очереди членом каждой команды, дети называют продукты питания. Выигрывает та команда, которая не ошиблась ни разу и назвала продукты быстрее.)

Teacher: OK! Now let’s work with the computer.

Some puzzles for you.

(Ученики садятся по двое и работают в парах, каждой команде подготовлено по 5 кроссвордов и загадок. Кроссворды подготавливаются заранее, красочно оформляются, учитывается быстрота исполнения и правильность. Например:

1)The rabbit likes.......

a) meat b)fish c) carrot

a) sweets

b) hen c) cabbage

3)The bear likes

a) honey b) lemon c) ice-cream

( Задание может быть таким : буквы перепутаны , помогите составить правильные слова по теме:" Продукты")

Teacher: «Carrot» is the winner. Now let’s listen to the tape -recorder, please! These are some dialogues for you. Listen, play and translate. The fist team will be the actors, but the second team will be the translators, then you must exchange your parts.

-The examples of the dialogues:

— Hello, Winnie! How are you!

— Hello, Piglet! I am OK! What about you?

— I am quite well, thank you! Would you like a cup of tea?

— Would you like a glass of milk?

— Yes, please! And some honey!

— Honey? I have not got any honey! But I have got some sweets! Would you like sweets?

— Oh, no! I don’t like sweets, but I like jam very much!

— Do you like jam?

— No, I don’t. I like potato, carrot, cabbage and apples. Do you

want this big nice red and yellow apple?

— Yes, please! With great pleasure.

(Учащиеся разыгрывают диалоги и переводят их. Выигрывает та команда, которая точнее воспроизведёт диалог и переведёт его.)

Teacher: Children, do you like to sing songs? I want to know who is the best singer. You must sing a song about food or about the birthday. (Дети поют по командам такие песни как: «Happy Birthday» и «Birthday song».

«Happy  Birthday»                                                                                                          «Birthday Song»

Нарpу Birthday to you!                                                                     1.How do you feel one year older

НарpуBirthday to you!                                                                                                                              

Нарpу Birthday Dear Winnie!                                                           How do you feel one year older,

Нарpу Birthday to you!                                                                                                                            

                                                                                                            How do you feel one year older,

May you birthday be bright!                                                               Than you are last night?

May you birthday be bright!

May you birthday be bright                                                               2.William Bell ’s one year older,

From morning till night!                                                                                                                        


                                                                                                                                                               William Bell’s one year

                                                                                                        Billious Willie’s one year older

                                                                                                        Than he was last night-o!

                                                                                                        3.Susie Jane is one year

                                                                                                         Susie Jane is one year older,

                                                                                                         Goofy Sue is one year older,

                                                                                                         Than she was last Monday!

                                                                                                         4.Stand up, hug you, kiss you,

                                                                                                          Hold hands, walk around you,

                                                                                                          Margery is one year older,

                                                                                                          Than she was last Tuesday!

                                                                                                           5. All hold hands and dance

                                                                                                                                       around you,

                                                                                                            All hold hands and dance

                                                                                                                                        around you,

                                                                                                           How do you feel one year older,

                                                                                                            Than you were last


                                                                                             6.Clap, clap hands to make your feel good,

                                                                                              Clap, clap hands to make your feel good;

                                                                                              Sweety  Switcher is one year older

                                                                                               Than she was last Thursday!

                                                                                               7.We’ll sit down, you can feed us,

                                                                                                We’ll sit down, you can feed us,

                                                                                                Your tea and cake is one year older

                                                                                                                That it was last Friday!

(После исполнения песен ребятам предлагается следующий конкурс, где по написанным нескольким буквам они должны угадать целое слово.)

Teacher: It was so nice. But if you want to go to the Winnie’s Birthday you need to choose some presents for him.  Guess what are they?

(Учащиеся по очереди называют слова, связанные с темой: "Подарки", что перекликается с темой «Food»).

(Такая форма работы очень интересна . Она помогает им выработать не только внимание, но и способствует развитию коммуникативной активности учащихся, навыков самоконтроля и ведёт к оптимизации урока).

Teacher: Now let’s check your home-task. Look at the blackboard and choose the best newspaper.( Проходит конкурс стенгазет по теме:" Food"

Teacher: This is the newspaper of the team «Carrot»! Who likes it? Please, up your hands.

Teacher: This is the newspaper of the team" Honey"!

What newspaper is the best?

(Определяется команда-победитель стенгазет, учащиеся получают дополнительные баллы).

(Ученики продолжают работу в группах. Задания предлагаются следующие: ученики должны рассказать о том, что традиционно едят в Великобритании, ответив на вопросы приведенные в карточках

Карточка № 1

1. What do the English like to eat for lunch?

2. Do they like to drink a lot of tea?

Карточка № 2

1. What do the English eat for Christmas?

2. Do they like vegetables?

Teacher: Good work. I see you have done you best. Let’s see the results. Our winner is the second group. Our best congratulation!

(Учитель подводит итоги конкурса, победители награждаются сладкими призами).

Teacher: I see you are prepared well for the Winnie’s birthday.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Презентация конспекта урока на немецком языке  в программе Power Point по теме "Немецкая пресса для подростков" и конспект в программе  Word показывают некоторые приёмы работы по теме "СМИ" ...

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Цель урока: Развитие новых умений и навыков при игре в баскетбол, воспитание  дисциплинированности.Задачи урока: 1. Совершенствование  техники выполнения  передачи  мяча ...