Тест 6 класс
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Марутян Соня Карленовна

6 класс тест


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                                             6th  Form Exam

1.Complete the sentences  with Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  1.                  (you/like)    your school?
  2. We  usually            (do )  a lot of sport.
  3. I                               (work)     hard   at the moment.
  4. James always               (go) to theatre rehearsals at school on Tuesdays.
  5. He never                 (sing) because he is not very good at it.
  6. What              you          (do)       now?
  7. I                         ( rehearse)  a musical now.
  8. Sarah                   (do/not/gymnastics) on Saturdays.
  9. What           (do)  Tom do after school?
  10. Students  from  Scotland                               ( come ) to our school in May.

2.Complete the sentences with Past Simple or Past Continuous.

  1. Tom                               (not/know) about the test,so he was surprised when I told him.
  2. We                                      (wait) to buy our tickets when the train                 ( leave )
  3. Where                            (buy,you )your jeans?
  4. I                              ( not/buy) them.My sister gave them to me.
  5. Ornaldo Bloom and Jonny Depp               ( be)  in some popular films last year.
  6. When you                     ( leave)   school,                            (it/rain)?
  7. Tim                                 (find) a good website about Hamlet while he                  ( look)

for information about William Shakespeare.

  1.                           ( you /have)dinner when I                          (phone) you?
  2. When  I                            ( see) Terry she                          (not/play) volleyball.She was in the gym.
  3. Who                           (you/meet) while you                               ( travel) in Spain?

3.Put  the sentences into 1st Conditional.

  1. What           we  ( do)  if we               (  miss) the bus?
  2. These animals                               (survive)  if we                     (protect) them.
  3. If  he             (  be) unhappy,I                    ( try) to help him.
  4. I               ( be) very upset  if we                   (lose) this match.
  5. If    you               (be)  interested in animals ,you         ( love) this programme.
  6. These children                  ( learn/not) to read and write ,if they                  (go/not) to school.
  7. Jack’s parents                   ( send ) him to a brat camp ,if he                        (behave) well this term.
  8. If  I                          ( not/see) you  when                        I         ( see)   you?
  9. If  she                                  ( arrive)  late ,   she                       ( miss) the train.
  10. If    we                  (win) the game, we                                 ( have) a celebration.

4. Complete the sentences with Future Simple or to be going to ( +infinitive)

  1. She                                             (to be going/to recycle) her old    clothes.
  2. Kate                         ( not/  use ) plastic bottles.
  3.                           Adam  (go)  on a demonstration tomorrow?
  4.  Where                                      they  ( build) a new hospital?
  5. How                        you                             (to be going/to improve) your English?
  6. I                                                    (to be going/to study) at an English Grammar School in London.
  7. We                              ( catch) a train to Berlin  tomorrow.
  8. I                              (not/put) up posters about the meeting.
  9. What                  you                              (to be going/to do) this evening?
  10. I                                                      (to be going/to ask) the mayor for more rubbish bins on the beach.

5. Complete the sentences with some,any,a, an.

  1. I haven’t got                          homework today.
  2. We    bought                      food.
  3. Have you got                            water?
  4. Dan wants            new  football  for his birthday.
  5. We gave the school                             money    for books.
  6. I usually meet my friends in         internet café.
  7. We haven’t got                  paper   for our  project.
  8. Did you put up                    posters?
  9. Is there                 escalator near here?
  10. There are                 hilarious reality shows on TV.

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