Урок английского языка По теме:My future profession.
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Нацелить студентов на оптимальную оценку своих возможностей при выборе своей будущей профессии. Воспитание умения работать в парах, группах, индивидуально. Привить осознание важности выбора будущей профессии.
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Урок английского языка
По теме:My future profession.
Задачи урока.
а) провести вводную беседу о важности выбора жизненного пути;
в) научить учащихся получать основную информацию из прочитанного и услышанного текста.
с) ознакомить с названиями профессий, тренировать учащихся в описании их.
а) развивать навыки устной речи на уровне оформленного высказывания с опорой на наглядность;
в) развивать навыки чтения и аудирования;
с) обогащение содержания обучения особенно важным материалом.
а) нацелить учащихся на оптимальную оценку своих возможностей при выборе своей будущей профессии.
в) воспитание умения работать в парах, группах, индивидуально.
с) привить осознание важности выбора будущей профессии..
Д. Флауэр «Изучаем английские слова»,
учебник И.П. Агабекян «Английский язык», раздаточный материал, текст для аудирования, анкета.
Ход урока.
I . Организация начала урока
Glad to see you, students!
I’m fine today, how are you?
(день, число, температура, погода)
Сообщение темы и задач урока.
Today we are going to discuss the importance of choosing one’s road in the life and speaking about some of your rights and duties. There are hundreds of trades and professions. What are advantages and disadvantages of some of them? These are the things we are going to concentrate on.
II. Фонетическая и лексическая зарядка
Let’s state our lesson with our conversational warming up on the topic “My future profession.
Do you know what we call a person who looks after an office or a block of flats? (caretaker, janitor). Now, we are going to play a game to see how attentive you are. Break into teams: Team A (the 1st row). Team B (the 2nd one). While listening to the story “In the Hospital”, Team A must stand up on hearing the word “doctor”. Team B must stand up when they hear the word
In the Hospital
It … (1) in a big hospital.
One man … (2) to see a doctor for an annual check-up. He … (3) into the waiting room of the hospital, but there …(4) no one in . He …(5) for a couple of minutes and since the doctor never …(6)him in, he …(7) to enter his examination room himself. This room …(8) also empty. Suddenly a young man …(9) in the door, he …(10) a white frock and a white doctor’s cap.
“Hello”, …(11) the man.
“Hello”, …(12) the young one.
“May I stay in here?”
“Sure, …(13) the young man, this hospital is for everybody”.
“O.K. then. I’d like to talk about my headaches”.
“I’m sorry, headaches are not my business”.
“Ah, all right, then what would you advise me if I don’t hear well?”
“I’m awfully sorry, ears are not my business”.
“O.K. In this case, give a prescription for these pills!”
“I’m sorry, pills are not my area in the hospital”.
“Goodness, then what is YOURS?”
“You see, I’m a janitor”.
-Put all these words into the gaps.
(Said, happened, answered, came, wanted, said, was, decided, came, waited, asked, was wore)
Key:1) happened, 2) wanted, 3) came, 4) was, 5) waited, 6) asked, 7) decided, 8)was, 9) came, 10) wore, 11) said, 12) answered, 13) said.
III. Ознакомление с лексическим материалом
When you were younger you used to sing a song “When I was a sailor, a sailor, a sailor. When I was a sailor, a sailor was I”.
You showed what you did when you were a sailor. The song was rather long because you substituted the word sailor to teacher, builder, soldier and so on. This was perhaps your first acquaintance with the list of professions. Today we are going to add quite a few words to the list.
Artist- художник | Operator-оператор | Hairdresser- парикмахер |
Baker- пекарь | Painter- маляр | Porter-носильщик, грузчик |
Cashier-кассир | Photographer- фотограф | Astronomer- астроном |
Cleaner- уборщик | Pianist- пианист | Clown- клоун |
Dancer- танцор | Sailor- моряк | Dentist- стоматолог |
Driver- водитель | Typist- машинистка | Diplomat- дипломат |
Drummer-барабанщик | Barber- парикмахер | Florist- цветочник |
Electrician- электрик | Writer- писатель | Jockey- |
Engineer-инженер | Farmer- фермер | Keeper- сторож, хранитель |
Gardener- садовник | Postman- почтальон | Mechanic- механик |
Inspector-инспектор | Butcher- мясник | Referee- рефери |
Librarian- библиотекарь | Surgeon- хирург | Teacher- учитель |
Manager- управляющий | Coach-тренер, репетитор | Waiter\waitress-официант |
Musician- музыкант | Optician- Lawyer- юрист | Telephone operator-телефонистка. |
Now repeat the words after me.
Put each word under the correct picture.
VI. Активизация лексических единиц в речи
Vocabulary Practice.
-Choose professions you like (dislike). Explain why.
Say which of the professions in the list are popular nowadays. What do you think is the reason of their popularity?
Discuss some advantages and disadvantages of certain professions. Which of the jobs wouldn’t you like to do? Say why not
e.g. I wouldn’t like to be a nurse. Nurses have to work very long hours and don’t earn much.
Use the model:
Politicians Postmen women Teaches Nurses Air hostesses Factory workers | have to don’t have to | work in shifts. do some work at home. wear a uniform. make speeches. get up early. work outside. be good at their profession. use their hands. |
Vocabulary Practice
- Now, children, choose the best word to complete the sentence.
Look up any word you don’t know.
Which person is it?
Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Look up any words you don't know.
1. Every in this army should know how to use the new gun.
a. sailor b. porter c. soldier d. joker
2. He left his job because his didn't pay him enough
a. employee b. employer c. conductor d. architect
3. The arrested him for stealing the diamonds.
a. dentist b. electrician c. politician d. policeman
4. A famous operated on her.
a. surgeon b. coach c. driver d. carpenter
5. The made a lot of noise as they left the party in their
a. thieves b. characters c. pedestrians d. guests
6. It's difficult to be a of this club.
a. travel agent b. member c. clown d. bachelor
7. I can hear my next-door playing his trumpet.
a. thief b. customer c. neighbour d. champion
8. He hates marriage. He wants to stay a
a. passenger b. bachelor c. customer d. widow
9. Who is the of this book?
a. author b. surgeon c. journalist d. orphan
10. If she beats her, she'll be the new tennis
a. character b. host c. champion d. passenger
11. The made this door badly. I can't close it.
a. orphan b. carpenter c. artist d. pedestrian
12. After his parents died, the young went to live with his
a. clown b. farmer c. orphan d. lawyer
13. Sherlock Holmes is an important in detective fiction.
a. employer b. character c. manager d. writer
14. I hope they find the who stole my money.
a. thief b. orphan c. champion d. contestant
Which job is it?
Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Look up any words you don't know.
1. Ask the shop where the washing powder is.
a. nurse b. assistant c. barber d. conductor
2. That sells very good meat.
a. baker b. dentist c. architect d. butcher
3. If my tooth doesn't stop hurting, I'll go and see my
a. actor b. dentist c. writer d. jockey
4. Not many buses have a You usually pay the driver.
a. manager b. farmer c. conductor d. porter
5. Look! The is feeding the lions.
a. keeper b. pianist c. postman d. engineer
6. The is showing them his plans of the new building.
a. optician b. nurse c. architect d. dancer
7. She wants the to make a special cake for her daughter's
a. inspector b. baker c. cashier d. mechanic
8. My always comes early so I get my letters before I go to work.
a. postman b. chemist c. butcher d. porter
9. The boss wants her to take some dictation.
a. secretary b. novelist c. conductor d. journalist
10. The gives the patient his medicine twice a day.
a. butcher b. nurse c. operator d. pianist
11. I hope the can repair our car quickly.
a. mechanic b. reporter c. surgeon d. coach
12. After your eye test, the will tell you if you need glasses
or not.
a. engineer b. mechanic c. clown d. optician
13. The wanted to write an article about me in the paper.
a. agent b. musician c. journalist d. hairdresser
14. The will take your suitcases to your room.
a. porter b. author c. engineer d. jockey
V. Активизация навыков устной речи с целью определения отношения учащихся к разным профессиям.
Discussing grammar
Повторение основных правил словообразования
er (or) — book-keeper, hairdresser, editor, lawyer,
ist — geologist, typist, technologist,
an — electrician, technician, musician,
man — serviceman, salesman, policeman,
ent (ant) — correspondent, accountant, assistant,
Nouns for people
When you look up a word in a dictionary, notice what other words can be formed from it, for example:
act action active activity actor actress
Sometimes you find these extra words with the definition of the original word and sometimes they have their own definition. This means it is a good idea to check the words before and after every new word you look up.
Form the word for the person by putting an ending to the word in brackets
for example:
She's a very good worker . (WORK)
- That speaks too quickly. (ANNOUNCE)
- He's a good He wins all his fights. (BOX)
- The police are looking for a dangerous (CRIME)
- The wants to interview all of us. (DETECT)
- I try to speak clearly when I meet a (FOREIGN)
- Our makes us practise a lot. (INSTRUCT)
- She's the of this machine. (INVENT)
- Who is the of that group? (LEAD)
- Can I have a at my party? (MAGIC)
- Do you know the of this book? (WRITE)
- Are you the of this car? (OWN)
- He talks so much because he's a (POLITICS)
- The wants to know everything about me. (REPORT)
- That is going very fast! (RIDE)
- Do you think that man with a gun is a ? (ROB)
- If you're a , you have to work hard. (SCIENCE)
- She's a at the same college as me. (STUDY)
- She's a so you must be polite. (VISIT)
Form the word for the person doing the job by putting an ending to the word in brackets for example:
Bill is a teacher at my school. (TEACH)
- That paints beautiful pictures. (ART)
- Your makes wonderful bread. (BAKE)
- You pay the She's that lady over there. (CASH)
- The new cleans my room very well. (CLEAN)
- He's a famous ballet (DANCE)
- On most buses you pay the (DRIVE)
- He's a in a pop group. (DRUM)
- Phone the if the lights don't work. (ELECTRIC)
- If the machine goes wrong, tell the (ENGINE)
- We have a who comes twice a week. (GARDEN)
- The wants to look at your ticket. (INSPECT)
- Ask the if you can borrow this book. (LIBRARY)
- He's the of a clothes shop in town. (MANAGE)
- That plays a lot of different instruments. (MUSIC)
- Ask the to get the number for you. (OPERATE)
- Do you know a good to paint my house? (PAINT)
- The only had a small camera, but three HUGE lenses!
- That plays very well. (PIANO)
- I'm a on that ship. (SAIL)
20. Ask a to type your application form for you. (TYPE)
Things used at work
Match each person with the thing she/he uses.
Use each item once only. | |||
1. | artist | a. | camera |
2. | baker | b. | cash register |
3. | cashier | c. | drill |
4. | cleaner | d. | ladder |
5. | dentist | e. | microphone |
6. | farmer | f. | oven |
7. | hairdresser | g- | paint brush |
8. | librarian | h. | rifle |
9. | nurse | i. | scissors |
10. | photographer | J- | card index |
11. | referee | k. | thermometer |
12. | singer | 1. | tractor |
13. | soldier | m. tray | |
14. | typist | n. | typewriter |
15. | waiter | o. | vacuum cleaner |
16. | window cleaner | p | whistle |
Write your answers here:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Can you think of any more things these people use?
VI. Развитие навыков чтения
And now let’s pass over to the reading of the text “My profession”. But before reading I’ll give some pupils a few words and word-combinations from the text.
They must create sentences or situations using the text.
Opportunity- возможность
Choice- выбор
To spend- проводить
To learn- учить
School- leaver- выпускник
Relationship- отношение
Lawyer- юрист
My profession.
Most young people have many opportunities open to them when they leave school. Here are some of them. They can leave school at sixteen and take a low-paid job, often a manual one, such as working in a shop or a factory. They can leave school at sixteen, take a job but spend one day a week at a college of Further Education learning more about the theory and practice of their work.
There is also another choice for a school leaver. He can go to any college or university. If he goes to a Technical College, he can get a qualification in a practical skill such as engineering, art and design, secretarial work, business studies or child care. He can go to a College of Education and train to be a teacher. He can go to a Medical School or hospital and learn to become a doctor. These training courses take from two to seven years. If a student has very good results on finishing school he can go to a university and get a degree in a subject like languages, Math, Philosophy, Literature, Law and Science. This normally takes five years.
I am going to apply to the Rostov State University and get a degree in law. I believe that the profession of a lawyer is one of the most important nowadays. Lawyers have to solve a lot of problems that still exist in our society. Like it or not. Law controls our life, both to protect us and to protect others. It is very important to know the law regulating relationships of the people or state. So, the great duty of lawyers is to do their beat to help citizens become more effective through a better understanding of the law and society, to protect human rights and legal interests of citizens, institutions and the state.
After graduating from the university I can work as a lawyer.
I personally decided to train to be a solicitor. I’ll find to take a five-year course of studies. After that I’ll be able to work hard especially at the beginning of my law career but this job promises good promotion and personal development prospects and good pay.
-Post-reading exercises.
Дифференцированные задания.
- Give the Russian equivalents to the following:
To leave school, to graduate from the university, a low-paid job, to take a junior job, to get a qualification, a practical skill, to get a degree, it takes five years, to apply to, nowadays, to solve problems, to do one’s beat, a law career, promotion prospects, good pay.
-Make up sentences using the following words:
To choose a profession, to make a choice, to finish school, to enter the university, to be important, to protect, human rights, to realize my dream.
-Give the English equivalents to the following:
Профессия, выбирать, возможность, квалификация, заканчивать школу ( университет), продвижение по работе, хорошая оплата, интересоваться, учеба занимает 5 лет, поступить в университет, стать адвокатом.
-Answer the questions:
1. Are there many opportunities to choose a profession?
2. What prospects open before the school-leaver?
3. Can people choose any profession they like?
4. What professions can you get in the university?
5. Who had influenced your choice of profession?
6. Do you find this profession interesting (important)?
7. What was your favourite subject at school?
8. What is a role of a lawyer in modern society?
9. Do you know much about your future profession?
10. What other professions do you know?
- Complete the following sentences using the words from the text:
- A lot of young people have …
- He can get a qualification of an engineer if …
- If one wants to become a doctor he must go …
- If a student has very good results on finishing school …
- I am going to apply to the State University and …
- The lawyer have to do their best to …
- After graduating from the University I can work as …
- I decided to train to be …
- This work promises …
VII. Развитие навыков аудирования.
Now, lets run our tape-recording. A bit of advice to you, students. You must remember, that a tape-recorder always helps to create a natural language.
Listen and write down the verbs from the text.
Rosy loved the cinema and wanted to become a film-star. When she was twelve she said to her parents, “I want to be a film-star.”
But it was not easy. After she left school, she got into films – not as a star – she became one of the people in a crowd scene.
One evening the man at the agency called her and said, “There is a job for you tomorrow, Rosy. Come at eight o’clock. You’ll be a secretary”.
Rosy reached the studios at a quarter to eight. She waited three hours before they came to her scene.
The scene was very short: the star, a famous American actor, came and stopped in front of where Rosy was sitting.
“I want you to look at Harry when he comes in, explained the director, and say, “Mr. Marlow, there is a call for you!” Can you say that?”
Rosy said she could and did everything the director told her to do.
The director was very pleased, and the star smiled at her.
“That’s great”, said the director. “ Thanks”.
Rosy was very happy that evening.
Some months later she booked two seats for the premiere and went to see her film with Michael, her boy- friend.
It was a good film but there was no Rosy in it. Her scene together with many other unimportant scenes had been cut out.
-Comprehension check. (Проверка понимания текста с помощью вопросов.)
1. Did she get into films?
2. What parts did she play?
3. Who phoned her one evening?
4. What did the man say?
5. Who was her partner?
6. Was the director pleased with her acting?
7. Did Rosy see herself in the film? Why?
8. Did Rosy have enough talent to become a film-star? What do you think?
IX. Активизация навыков работы с анкетой.
Индивидуальная работа.
Let’s speak about estimating your physical abilities in choosing a profession. But it is important to consider one’s features of character too. Now we’ll try to find out how ambitious you are.
How Ambitious Are You
1. In 10 years do you hope to
a). to be married with a family?
b). have an interesting but not very well-paid job?
c). have a well-o-paid job that is not very interesting?
2. In 20 years’ time do you hope to
a). have enough money to pay your bills?
b). have quite a lot of money?
c). have a lot of money?
3. Here is a list of 10 jobs. Which would you like to do? Put 1 next to your favourite, 2 next to your favourite, etc.
Nurse, accountant, teacher, politician, policeman | woman, actor | actress, pop- star, builder, journalist, artist, engineer.
4.Is improving your standard of leaving important to you?
5. Do you think people who have money should help those who don’t have it?
6. How old do you want to be when you have children?
a). 18-22; b). 23-26; c). 27-30; d). over 30
7. When you are playing a game, do you always want to win?
8. Can you tell a white lie?
9. Do you think that rich people are happier and more interesting than other people?
10. Do you work hard because you want to be successful?
11. If you have a lob to do, do you do it immediately, or do you wait until the last moment?
12. Would you like to have more money than your parents?
13. Do you agree with the philosophy “Every man for himself”?
14. Do you like hard work?
15. Which of the following is the most important to you?
Love, happiness, money, health.
Answers: 1. a) 0, b) 5, c) 10;
2. a) 0, b) 5, c) 10;
3. 0 – nurse, artist; 2 – builder, policeman, teacher, journalist; 3 – engineer, actor, pop-star; 10 – politician, accountant;
4. Yes – 10, No – 0;
5. Yea – 0, No – 10;
6. a) 0, b) 2, c) 5, d) 10;
7. Yes – 10, No – 0;
8. Yes – 10, No – 0;
9. Yes – 10, No – 0;
10. Yes – 10, No – 0;
11. Immediately – 10, until the last moment – 0;
12. Yes – 10, No – 0;
13. Yes – 10, No – 0;
14 Yes – 10, No – 0;
15. Love, health – 0, happiness – 5, money – 10.
0 -50 You are ambitious! You are happy with a quiet life.
50 – 100 You are quite ambitious, but you don’t work too hard.
Over 100 You are very ambitious! Good luck, and try to be nice to people.
Making conclusions. Учащиеся комментируют результаты, например: I score 60(105 …) points. It means I am quite ambitious (not ambitious, very ambitious). I agree ( disagree ). I think.
XI. Завершение урока.
Домашние задание, итоги, оценки.
Now that you have practiced answering the question: “ What would you like to be?” it won’t be difficult for you to do ex. …
And to crown our topic about professions let us play the game “Guess their job”,
- This person delivers letters. ( a postman)
- He serves you at the restaurant ( a waiter).
- A person who makes bread is called … ( a baker)
- One who dances on the stage is … (a dancer).
- A person who looks after your teeth is …(a dentist).
Your marks are…
Thank you very much for your work.
The lesson is over. Good-bye.
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