Урок в 3 классе "Любимая еда" (английский язык)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
Английский язык. Brilliant: учебник для 3 класса общеобразовательных учреждений/ Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, Ж.Перретт. – 2-е изд. – М.: ООО «Русское слово – русский учебник»: Макмиллан 2014. – 120 с.: ил.
Unit 7 I Like……
Subject Favourite Food Grammar Present Simple Chunks Do you like…….?\Does he\she like…..?
Lesson 1
Aim: By the end of the lesson the children will be able to read a short story and act out this story
Skills: to develop reading skills
Subskill: to scan
New Language:
- biscuits, chicken, party, pizza, spaghetti;
-chunk: I like\I dislike;
Revision: the reading rule of the letter Ii in the open syllable.
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Lesson Plan
Английский язык. Brilliant: учебник для 3 класса общеобразовательных учреждений/ Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, Ж.Перретт. – 2-е изд. – М.: ООО «Русское слово – русский учебник»: Макмиллан 2014. – 120 с.: ил.
Unit 7 I Like……
Subject Favourite Food Grammar Present Simple Chunks Do you like…….?\Does he\she like…..?
Lesson 1
Aim: By the end of the lesson the children will be able to read a short story and act out this story
Skills: to develop reading skills
Subskill: to scan
New Language:
- biscuits, chicken, party, pizza, spaghetti;
-chunk: I like\I dislike;
Revision: the reading rule of the letter Ii in the open syllable.
Activity\Time | Aim | Procedure | Comments | |
Teacher Does\Says | Pupils Say\Do | |||
Warming –up 7 minutes | To revise the reading rule of the letter Ii in the open syllable. To distinguish [ei] and [ai] by listening to the speaker. To teach reading using phonics approach | Makes the pupils listen to Brill. He pronounces the diphthong [ai] and gives the opportunity to compare two diphtonghes [ai] and [ei] in the words Mike and make. Says: Will you open your student books at page 59. Look at the task 1. Listen and repeat. Says: Look at the task 2. Could you listen to the pairs of words and try to guess what word is pronounced in each pair. Make the pupils look at the picture which is given to the funny sentence in the SB and talk about it. -What are they? -What colour are they? -What tigers are they? -What do they like? (Что они любят?) Reads the sentence, ask the children what common sound they hear [ai]. Ask children to name the highlighted letter. Reads the sentence slowly and invite pupils to join the teacher. Then raises the tempo and reads the sentence together with children as quick as possible, but minds the pronunciation. Invites pupils to make some movements by reading this sentence. Nice white tigers– Hands on hips Like – Hands on shoulders biscuits with milk – Hands up | Listen to the recording with the diphthong [ai] and compare with [ei]. Listen and read the words with Ii. Try to understand what word is spoken by the speaker and then to read it. -They are tigers. - They are white. -They are nice. - The tigers like buscuits with milk.
Read the sentence with the teacher. Do the same as the teachers does. Move the hands quicker and quicker saying the rhyme and have fun. | Brill is one of the main characters of Student Books stories. These two words are written on the blackboard. [ai] rice, like, nice, bike, nine, white
Nice white tigers like biscuits with milk. The funny sentences develop children’s awareness of the relations between specific alphabet letters and specific spoken sounds |
8 min Pre-story | To introduce the topic To introduce the words: biscuit, chicken, pizza, spaghetti; | Puts the pictures with objects on the board. Shows a picture of an ice-cream (children know this word) and asks: What’s this? Asks the same questions about the other pictures: What’s this? And answers right now: It’s a biscuit. What’s this? – It’s a chicken. What’s this? – It’s a pizza. What’s this? - It’s spaghetty. Explains that spaghetty is used without any article. Writes these words with transcription and translation on the board and ask the pupils to put down them in the vocabularies. Makes the pupils listen to the recording with these words and repeat them. | Answer: It’s an ice-cream. Listen to the teacher and repeat new words in sentences. It’s a biscuit. It’s a chicken. It’s a pizza. It’s spaghetty. Put down new words in the vocabularies (4 words). Listen to these words and repeat them. | Work with new words with the help of pictures using the following procedure: -illustrate the word using the pictures; -say the word and ask the class to repeat ; -check pronunciation; -say it again if necessary; -ask individual pupils to repeat the word and then the whole class again (drilling); -introduce the written form if needed; |
To predict the story | Makes the pupils remember what happened in the previous story episode. Puts the pictures of episode №7 on the board. Asks to suggest in L1 what is happening. Makes a conclusion in L2 what children have discussed. On the ship board the pirates are celebrating Rob’s birthday. But Bertie is feeling bad. There is a lot of tasty food on the table. But pirates are giving him only a dry biscuit and a glass of dirty water. He’s waiting for his friends. They are near.(L2) | Say in L1 what was in the episode №6. Try to suggest what is happening in L1. | ||
While-story 15 minutes | To develop reading skills: -for gist (skim) -for detail To read for specific information (to scan) | Makes the pupils open their SBs at pages 60-61 and gives 39 seconds to study the pictures. Says that the pupils are going to listen to the recording of episode №7. Reads aloud a story slowly and clearly making a pause after each phrase. Asks the pupils how well they understand each sentence and the word “party” Asks the pupils to listen to the story once more time and to repeat each phrase after the teacher. Turns on the recording and make the pupils listen to the story again. Says: Will you find out what Bertie likes! Reads the first word “water” pointing the picture 4 with this object. Says: Bertie likes water. Elicits the understanding of this phrase. Makes one of the students read the other word with food what Bertie likes. Writes the right variants on the blackboard: Bertie likes water (P4). Bertie likes chicken ( (P4). Bertie likes spaghetti (P5). | Open their SBs and study the pictures. Listen to the story watching the pictures. Listen to the teacher reading a story following the pictures. Try to guess the word “party”. Listen to the story once again and repeat after the teacher each phrase with appropriate pronunciation and intonation. Listen to the story. Try to explain in L1 what this phrase means. Look at the picture 4 and repeat the sentence after the teacher. Find the words in the pictures and read them aloud. Look at the blackboard and read them for themselves. | Bertie: Are you eating? Bob: Yes, we are! Bertie: What are you eating? Bob: Chicken and spaghetty and pizza and ice cream. Rob: It’s my birthday! Are you hungry? Bertie: Yes, I am. And I’m thirsty! I like chicken and spaghetti. Rob: Ha ha! Say “Happy Birthday”, boy! Bertie: No! I don’t like you! Bob: Do you like biscuits? Bertie: No, I don’t! Rob: Do you like water? Bertie: Yes I do. I like water, but I don’t like fish! What are you doing? Bob: We’re having a party! Fred: Come on! I can see Bertie! |
Post-story 10 minutes | To develop speaking skills | Says: Now you are going to play the roles. Choose your roles of Bertie, Rob or Bob and come out to the front of your class. | Act out the story before the class according to the picture story |
Post-lesson reflection note
This lesson is based on developing reading skills
- My students are 8-9 years old. They study at the ordinary comprehensive school and have 2 lessons a week. The children are very different: some prefer to draw, to built (visual type); others like singing, listening to music (auditory type); some enjoy moving around, touching things and body language (kinaesthetic type); some like to communicate with the other children (interpersonal) but the other pupils prefer to work alone. And I try to find an appropriate approach to each pupil. The most pupils enjoy the English lessons very much because of some interesting activities during the lesson. Our student book is “Brilliant” («Русское слово»). Besides, I use printable materials from the books such as Primary Activity Box, Primary Reading Box, Primary Vocabulary Box, Primary Communication Box, Primary Pronunciation Box with CD by Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael (Cambridge); Graham C. Grammarchants - More Jazz Chants: a Review of Basic Structures of Spoken American English (OUP);
- In the class I used a short story in pictures for reading. Each Unit has its story. These stories are connected with each other through one plot and the same characters. On the ship board the pirates are celebrating Rob’s birthday. But Bertie is feeling bad. There is a lot of tasty food on the table. But pirates are giving him only a dry biscuit and a glass of dirty water. He’s waiting for his friends. They are near.
- I think all the activities during pre-stage are suitable according to the aim of the lesson:
- introducing the words: biscuit, chicken, pizza, spaghetti;
- prediction the story;
4. The pupils coped with while-stage tasks successfully.
5. They liked the post –stage activities because they are always interested in role-play.
6. I think that pupils liked the lesson because they worked with great interest, they were very active and don’t distract their attention from the activities;
7. I’m quite satisfied with the lesson but next time I will take more activities with elements of TPR.
From my point of view your lectures were very useful for me because they were very informative and were given in L2.
Thank you very much.
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