Spotlight 10 контрольная работа 7
материал по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа по 7 модулю к учебнику Spotlight 10


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Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight  10 Control work 7

№1. Match two parts:

to book







in advance

















№2. Complete the sentences with the words: stalls, blaring,  admit,  predictable, usher, superstitious,  complexion, unwind

  1. I didn’t like the film - the storyline was … and boring.
  2. African skin tends to have a dark … .
  3. I’m fond of sitting in the … as you can see the stage very well.
  4. I prefer to … in front of TV.
  5. We have to … that he may be right this time.
  6. The … checked our tickets in the entrance of the cinema.
  7. He’s extremely … and believes in ghosts.
  8. I don’t go to karaoke – music is … there.

№3. Complete the sentences with: for (2), up,  into, down, over,  with, off

  1. I bumped … Steve in the mall.
  2. Don’t turn the computer … when you finish. Dad has to work.
  3. J. Depp is famous … his incredible acting.
  4. Kate turned … our invitation and didn’t come to the party.
  5. Please, turn the music …, I love this song!
  6. That actor is so much popular … teenagers!
  7. We mistook the woman … one of the most famous ballet dancers.
  8. Can you turn it … to the news, please?

№4. Write the sentences in Passive

  1. A. Bell invented the telephone 1876.
  2. She’ll send the letter tomorrow.
  3. They are decorating the street today.
  4. You can improve your health with more exercise.
  5. He hasn’t written the letters yet.
  6. People celebrate Easter in spring.
  7. He’d done all the work by  6 pm yesterday.
  8. They were discussing the problem the whole evening yesterday.

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