План-конспект урока "Экологические проблемы"
статья по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
План-конспект урока "Экологические проблемы"
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Урок по теме "Экологические проблемы"
Бальжанова Сахьяна Николаевна, учитель английского языка
Разделы: Иностранные языки
Один из разделов учебника английского языка для 9-го класса «Английский язык нового тысячелетия» (авторы: О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая, Н.Ю. Казырбаева и др.) посвящен проблемам экологии и называется «Our fragile world». В конце изучения данной темы я провожу итоговый урок , который позволяет выявить в какой мере ученики овладели разговорными клише, умениями высказываться по теме «экологические проблемы».
Итоговый урок проводится в виде пресс-конференции, на которой ученики обсуждают не только глобальные проблемы экологии, но и экологические проблемы района, в котором они живут.
Задачи урока:
- Практическая: Проконтролировать умения учащихся высказываться по теме (монологическая и диалогическая).
- Воспитательная: Формирование экологической грамотности, чувства любви к природе и ответственности за ее сохранение.
- Развивающая: Развивать память, умение обобщать, делать выводы.
- Образовательная: Обобщить знания по теме.
Оснащение урока: компьютер-презентация слайдов, фото, стенгазета на экологические темы, карта Республики Бурятия со специальными значками (заповедник, заказник, охраняемая территория), рисунки с экологическими знаками на упаковке, проспекты зоопарков США, таблички с надписями Mass Media, Wildlife specialists, ватман, тексты, клей, фломастеры, фотографии и картинки с изображением экологических проблем.
Ход урока
1. Речевая подготовка.
Организационный момент – приветствие и введение учащихся в ситуацию.
Учащиеся делятся на группы и занимают места согласно табличкам: «Специалисты-экологи» и «Журналисты».
Good morning, everybody! Today at our lesson we are going to talk about the problems of Earth. We’ll discuss what we can do to keep our country, city, village clean and beautiful. At the end of our lesson you should answer the question: Can you help to save the planet? First, let’s sing the song about the Earth!
2. Фонзарядка.
Исполнение детьми песни «Nothing is forever»
Речевая зарядка
T: I wonder, what ecological problems do you know about?
PP: (варианты ответов)
Pollution, flood, litter, fire, acid rain, deforestation, the greenhouse effect, earthquake, global warming.
T: What are the reasons for pollution?
PP: (варианты ответов)
Most cities produce a lot of waste every day. If it is thrown away or even dug up, it may be around for decades. It could even release dangerous chemicals into the soil.
The result of human activities: releasing poisonous chemicals, car fumes. The number of cars on our planet has doubled in the course of the last 30 years.
Throwing litter, oil spills.
Cutting down forest damages the land every day.
T: What ideas for solving eco problems can you suggest?
PP: (варианты ответов)
Read about problem.
Stop dropping litter.
Understand you personal responsibility
Fine those who drop litter
Start a poster campaign
Spread leaflets
Send letters
Organize a demonstration.
Provide more garbage bins.
Create a website to let everybody know.
T: Now try to use our new words and phrases in short dialogues.
На слайде написаны разговорные клише I’m concerned/I’m worried/I’m afraid.
3. Основной этап.
Ученики выступают с подготовленными заранее сообщениями и отвечают на вопросы одноклассников.
T: Now imagine that we are at a press-conference. We have some wildlife specialists to the right.
To the left there are mass media reporters.
Will you introduce yourself? Please, specialists first.
Учащиеся представляет себя как специалиста или репортера, указывая ту область деятельности, которой он занимается.
– My name is Sergey. I’m an animal specialist. I work at the institute of environmental research. I’m interested in endangered animals.
– Me name is Andrey. I work for the Kurumkansky district administration. My duty is to monitor the environment in our district.
– My name is Helen. I’m the reporter for the newspaper “Inform-Police”. I’d like to know about ecological problems in our region.
T: I see that our mass media reporters have a lot of questions. But first allow our specialists to speak and they’ll tell us about their work. After that you may ask them any questions you want.
На уроке выступили 7-10 учеников со следующими темами: Air pollution; Deforestation; Water pollution; Endangered animals; Eco signs, Protecting animals; Ecoproblems in Kurumkansky district. Объем рассказа не превышал 12-15 предложений.
Для подготовки сообщений использовались проспекты зоопарков, тексты учебника. Для примера привожу ответы по темам «Eco problems in Kurumkansky district».
Eco problems in Kurumkansky district
1. Kurumkansky district is located in the north-east of Buryatia and covers the territory of 12450 km.It takes over 7 hours to reach from Ulan-Ude to Kurumkan by car as it is 415 km between them. One of the most attractive areas with a vast wilderness of unspoiled thickly wooden mountains, deep and clear rivers with ice cold water, picturesque coniferous forests abundant with different kinds of berries. The district possesses about 50 mineral and thermal springs. Almost all illnesses can be cured there as it is the best place for rest and healing.
There are some eco problems in Kurumkanskiy district, such as:
- litter is not reused or recycled;
- the air is poisoned by car;
- there is less pure water.
I think that litter is the most complicated problem. In our region there are not enough special litter stations to reuse and recycle it. In Ulan-Ude there are few litter bins. That is why you can see a lot of litter everywhere.
2. Forests are called “the lungs” of the planet because trees can transform carbon dioxide into oxygen to breathe. Every day forests and woods are cut down, it is necessary to protect and conserve them. Cutting down forests damages thousands of acres of land. The soil can easily be blown away and there is less soil. Even if new trees are planted they cannot bring back the old forest that was part of a complex ecosystem that cleaned the air, trapped flood water, and made a home for much wildlife.
All the forest visitors should keep to these rules to protect forests and woods:
- don’t cut young trees;
- don’t break the branches of trees and bushes;
- don’t drop litter or leave it in the forest;
- don’t make noise because animals are damaged by it.
Look at the screen. You can see Baikal. Close your eyes. Relax.
I am ready to rest.
I want to be quite.
All my muscles are relaxed.
My breast muscles are relaxed.
My body is resting.
Nothing can trouble me.
Изготовление постеров.
T: There will be a mass meeting, devoted to eco problems. Make posters, which you would take to the meeting, and answer the most important questions of our press-conference: Can we help to save the planet? What should we do to help our planet? Use the structures (эти структуры записаны на слайде)
We should+V1
We shouldn’t + V1
Групповая работа. Учащиеся изготовляют постеры.
T: Ok, come up here and present your posters.
Презентация постеров.
Group 1, group 2, group 3
Thank you very much. Our discussion is over. I’ sure that you are real friends of our planet. It is very important to save it for all forms of life.
4. Завершающий этап.
Подведение итогов
Оценивание работы учащихся на уроке.
Домашнее задание. At home write down an appeal to the local newspaper «The lights of Kurumkan » about eco problems of Kurumkan and how we can take care of our village.
Список литературы:
- Гроза О.Л. Английский язык нового тысячелетия 9 кл. общеобразов.шк./О.Л Гроза. – British Council: Титул, 2009.-с.18,26.
- Королева Л.А. Итоговое занятие по теме «Eco problems» в классе.// Иностранные языки в школе, 2006, -№2.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Preparations The future of the Earth Relaxation London Kurumcan
Acid rain Deforestation Air pollution Litter Ecoproblems Water pollution Fire Flood Earthquake
Litter is left The air polluted Flowers are pulled out Animals frightened Trees painted Birds caught Animals hurt Fires started
Keep Take flowers and trees Put the country tidy Water pavements Grow litter home Clean litter away
Model: As for me I’m worried about birds. As for me I’m worried about
I’m worried about… We must take litter home.
Write an appeal to the local newspaper “Kurumcan lights”. Write about the ecoproblems of Kurumcan and how we can take care of it.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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