Сценарий театрализованной постановки «Волонтеры»
материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Данная постановка - авторское произведение Кууликовой О.В., созданное для участия в окружном конкурсе постановок на английском языке "Жигулевская Нимфея"
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Сценарий представления «Волонтеры из 13 школы»
Дейст лица: Группа волонтеров –трое (V1, V2, V3) Англ. королева (Q) и с ней 2 посла (A1, A2) В помещение входят группа волонтеров Вместе: Hello! Dear friends! We are glad to see you! Let’s introduce ourselves! We are volunteers from our school! (n13) V2: We are helpful and creative We are young and energetic! We are sporty, we are wise We are cool and very nice V1: We are kind and beautiful Open-minded, sociable If you are brave and prosperous Would you like to follow us? V3: We admire our wonderful nature National Park Samarskaya Luka We are surrounded by picturesque landscapes And the Volga River which flows far… V2: Let’s make our outdoors cleaner Fresh air and public health Traffic safety and recreation Are our urgent case! V1: We are there to help people A significant event? Either President’s (presidential) elections, Or the world’s Championship. Organize? Make presentation? We are here with a programme Expressive, qualitive and quick! Звучит музыка, входит посол. A1: Meet the Queen! Волонтеры: We are the champions, my friends! (поют припев) A1: Oh, sorry, you misunderstand! A real Queen! V1: A real? A queen of Great Britain! Oh no! V2: Don’t worry. It’s appealing and challenging! V1: But I’m not ready to meet so important guests. V3: Just remember everything you’ve learned on English lessons. V1: What about going to… (собирается уйти) Навстречу входит королева V1 к королеве: Hello! What is your name? (растерянно) Королева:Good morning. I’m glad to see you. I’m Elizabeth II V1: Lisa? (обращается к волонтерам) My English is not well and I’m afraid I can’t… V2: You know, you can. V1: У королевы: Do you speak English? Q: She is crazy (Шепетом своим послам) – Yes, I do(гррмко). V1: Sit! Q: ???? V1: Sit down… (неуверенно) V3: Take a sit over here, please. Q: Thank you, very much. Good, I’m very glad to see you. I have an opportunity to represent our country… A2: Your majesty, They are preparing to Presidential elections! A1: And the world’s football championship! Q: Oh, we can’t stay indifferent! We must do our best to help our Russian friends… V2: Are you going to become a volunteer? Q: Oh, no thank you. A2: We are Europian observers. V3: How do you know we need your help? A1: If you wish we can make your elections clear and transparent, fair and independent… V2: But our people are independent enough to A2: It’s not an easy matter. Don’t worry. We are here to help you V1: But we don’t need any help! A1: Oh, yes, you need. A2: Do you know what are you going to vote for? V1: Yes. Of course! V2:We vote for sport and joy of life! We vote for happiness and clear mind! V1: We vote for our country’s beauty and strong! And for everybody would not be alone. V3: We choose active and interesting life And we seek to perfection sublime Q: I’ve heard Russians are very unpredictable people. V1: It’s not true. V2: Yes, we are going to elect our President again and again. V3: And we fail football matches regularly. V1: And what about English? Q: What do you mean? English people are very conservative and permanent. V2: It is very obvious! V3: Yes, we have already noticed it … V1: While learning pronunciation rules Let me tell you a poem «English is a tough stuff». When the English tongue we speak Why is «break» not rhymed with «weak» Won’t you tell me why it’s true We say «sew», but also «few» And the maker of a verse Cannot rhyme his «horse» with «worse» «Beard» is not the same as «heard» «Cord» is different from «word» «Cow» is «cow», but «low» is «low» «Shoe» is never rhymed with «toe» Think of «hose» and «dose» and «lose» And think of «goose» and yet of «choose» Think of «comb» and « tomb» and «bomb» «Doll» and «roll» and «home» and «some» And since «pay» is rhymed with «say» Why not «paid» with «said», I pray? Think of «blood» and «food» and «good» «Mould» is not pronounced like «could» Why is it «done», but «gone» and «lone» Is there any reason known? To sum it up, it seems to me That sounds and letters don’t agree! Q: Oh, thank you! It’s really wonderful. V1: Do you like it? Really? Q: Yes, of course. And I’ve got an excellent proposal! Все:??? As you see, the rules of pronunciation in English are not so constant and permanent… It’s historically an influence of other languages on English. It’s a compromise. And it’s very important to live in peace with all our neighbours and friends. Все хлопают Q: Russia and Great Britain must live in peace! (Восхищенно) Все хлопают A1: Can I become a volunteer in your country? V2: Are you helpful and creative? A1, A2: Yes, we are V3: Are you brave and energetic? A1, A2: Yes, we are V1: Are you kind and sociable? A1, A2: Yes, we are V2: Are you smart and prosperous? A1, A2: Yes, we are V: So if you are, please, join us! You are welcome! A1: Thank you, you are very gracious! A2: but, Your Majesty, It’s time to say goodbye. We should help other nations! Q: Oh, yes. I agree. Everything is fine here in Russia. Thank you, dear friends, for having an opportunity to see how inventive, smart, open-minded, reliable and attractive Russian people are. It was a great pleasure to meet you. V1: Thank you, dear queen. You make me sure in myself. Now I’m ready to study English better to have an opportunity to tell our foreign friends more about our country! V2: It is a great honour for us to have a conversation with you. We hope we’ll be seeing you soon… Thank you for attention! | Фото школы Фото учащихся в неформальной обстановке (на природе, на конях, спорт и прочее) Фото Катя с конкурса стихов Фото с природой Самарской луки и Волги Живописные пейзажи, Волга Чистая планета Развивающийся флаг России С футбольным мячом Звучит музыка из Шерлока холмса Звучит музыка we are the champions Картинка Великобритании с короной Россиийский Флаг Эмблема выборов 2018 Фото с олимпиады Красота России (родные просторы) Совершенство «English is a tough stuff». Россия дружит с Великобританией Peace on Earth Фото волонтеров |
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