Банк презентаций по грамматике английского языка
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему
В банке презентаций включены 9 презентаций, широко раскрывающих основные явления англйиской грамматики.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Mr. Peep Dear Mr. Peep, Your knowledge is deep, Your advice is wise, Your news is nice, Your hair is fair, Your money is there, Your watch is wrong, Your will is strong.
Disagree with Mr. Peep Dear Mr. Reep, My knowledge ………. deep, My advice …………….. wise, My news ……………….. nice, My hair …………………. fair, My money ……………. there, My watch …………… wrong, My will ……………….. strong.
Ask Mr.Lead Dear Mr. Lead, …… your knowledge …? …… your advice ………? …… your news ………..? …… your hair ……….? …… your money ………? …… your watch ……….? …… your will …………..?
Am, is, are, have got, has got? Dear Kelly, Hi! How …you? How……your new school? I ….in Year Six at school now. I…a new teacher, Mr. Finn. He….38 years old. He….fair hair and glasses. … .you….any new friends in Moscow? Write and tell me. Amy
PRONOUNS I can climb a tree. Look at … me …. He can swim. Look at … him …. She can sweep the floor. Look at … her …. It can sleep. Look at … it …. We can dance. Look at … us …. They like cherry jam. Look at … them ….
Can or can’t? Can – могу, умею Са nnot (can’t) – не могу, не умею С an I ……? - просим разрешения что-то сделать No, you can’t – запрещаем ( ex. 15,16 p.10 Round-Up 2)
Must or mustn’t? Must – должен, обязан Mustn’t - запрет!нельзя! … .go to bed late … .chat at the lessons … .play loud music (Do ex.2 p.79 in Round-Up 2)
May or may not? Просим разрешения что-то сделать May I open the door, please?-Yes, you may . (No, you may not ) …… . play ………., please? Yes, you…. …… . take your ……, please? No, you… …… . have some……, please? Yes, you.. …… ..go to………, please? No, you …… (Do ex. 6 p.83 in Round – Up 2)
Have to or don’t have to? Have to… – необходимо сделать что-то (нет другого выхода) Don’t have to…. – нет необходимости что-то делать …… .. clean the room …… ..help my sister …… ..cook meals ( Do ex. 4 p. 81 in Round- Up 2 )
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
in on at time
in on at time month, year, etc. day hour
examples He saw her ___ May. in He saw her ___ Tuesday. He saw her ___ 2 p.m. on at
practice Can you come ___ Saturday? 2. Can you come ___ December?
3. Can you come __ six o’clock? 4. I will go ___ Monday. 5. He was born ___ the 20 th century.
6. They go to church ___ Sundays. 7. We go to school ___ the morning. 8. We rest ___ night.
9. I go to school ___ eight. 10. I come home ___ the afternoon.
in on at place
place in on at city, country, etc. street number
examples He saw her ___ Seattle. in He saw her ___ Jay Street. He saw her ___ 623 Jay St. on at
practice 11. He lives ___ my street. 12. He lives ___ 2054 Main Street.
13. Can you meet me ___ the corner? 14. The apartment is ___ the fifth floor. 15. The security man was ___ the gate.
16. The desk is ___ the front. 17. When will you be ___ California? 18. They visited friends ___ Rome.
19. The game started after the players were ___ the field. 20. When she came home, her father was ___ the door.
mixed practice 21. They go home ___ the afternoon. 22. She saw him ___ school.
23. Everyone is happy ___ Friday. 24. The book was ___ the sidewalk. 25. The date changes ___ midnight.
26. What do teachers do ___ summer? 27. It is nice ___ home. 28. They eat lunch ___ noon every day.
29. It’s cold ___ winter. 30. School ends ___ 3:15.
in on at time month, year, etc. day hour
place in on at city, country, etc. street number
in on at
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Падеж личных мест. Именительный (кто?) I he s he i t y ou w e they Объектный (все падежи) m e him her it you us them
Притяжательный падеж Чей? Чья? Чьи? +сущ. my cat h is h er i ts y our o ur t heir I he s he i t y ou we they н ет сущ. m ine his hers its yours ours theirs + s + s + s + s ! ! !
Возвратные местоимения - c я(- сь )сам(а) I he s he i t y ou we they my self him self her self it self your self your sel o ur sel them sel f ves ves ves f f She defended herself bravely. The cat is washing itself .
личные Ип личные все падежи притяжател . + сущ. притяжател . без сущ. возвратные сам ся ( сь ) I me my mine myself he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its its itself you you your yours yourself yourselves we us our ours ourselves they them their their themselves
Указательные местоимения this these that those
Неопределенные местоимения s ome/ any, no, every, much/ many, little/ few, other/ another, either/ neither, each, all, one/ none
some немного, несколько any + просьба / предложение I see some wolves. Would you like some coffee? - ? + (в значении любой) I can not find any cheese. Did you buy any cheese ? I like any kind of cheese!
Их производные some thing что-то anyt hing что-нибудь n o thing ничего ничто е very thing все Give me something to read . Дай мне что-нибудь почитать. Can you tell me anything about this film? Ты можешь рассказать мне что-нибудь об этом фильме? I don’t know anything about it. Я ничего об этом не знаю. Everything is OK. Все хорошо.
s ome body /someone кто-то a ny body/ anyone кто-нибудь n o body/ none никто е very body все каждый Somebody has taken my book. Кто-то взял мою книгу. Is there anybody in the room now? Есть кто-нибудь в комнате сейчас ? Everybody’ s here. Все здесь. I saw nobody in the park. Я никого не встретил в парке.
s omewhere где-то где-нибудь anywhere куда-то куда-нибудь n owhere никуда нигде е verywhere везде
a lot of/ lots of/ plenty of «много » much many отрицат . вопросит . предлож . в утвердит . в роли подлеж . неисчил . исчисл . существительные much juice many bird s неисчил . и исчисл . сущ . a lot of juice/ bird s в утвердит . предлож .
«мало» few little a few a little исчисл . неичисл . исчисл . неичисл . «мало» «почти нет» «немного» «несколько»
none of никто из but nobody/ no one of all + the c ущ . all + притяж . указат . all is/ are по смыслу But all of us/you/them But we all / you all / they all мест. c ущ .
each « каждый» + исчисл . сущ . Each boy in our group got a present. each of + мест.( О.п ) Each of us received a postcard. every «каждый, все» + сущ. ед.ч . He remembered every word of her letter.
an other the other другой того же качества I don’t like this coffee. Give me another one. другой другого качества I don’t like this coffee. Give me the other cup.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Когда мы хотим сказать о наличии или отсутствии предмета или предметов в определённом месте, мы используем оборот There is или there are
There is Оборот ” THERE IS” употребляется для того , чтобы сказать о нахождении одного предмета или лица. Например: There is a school in my village В моей деревне есть школа
There are Оборот “THERE ARE” употребляется для того , чтобы сказать о нахождении двух и более предметов или лиц. Например: There are shops in my city. В моём городе есть магазины .
Когда нам необходимо спросить о наличии или отсутствии предмета или предметов, мы ставим глагол TO BE (am, is, are) на первое место в предложении. Например: Is there a park in your village? В твоей деревне есть парк? Yes, there is. Да, есть No, there is not. Нет.
Первичное закрепление оборота There is/ there are Вставьте глагол is или are . There … a in the house. There … many in the street. There … some s in the yard. … there any butter on the plate? … there any children in the classroom?
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
She is a doctor. Mary is 7. He is a boy. We are children They are wonderful.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
www.themegallery.com Company Logo Указательные местоимения those these that this
www.themegallery.com Company Logo this This is a fridge This is a clock This is an apple
www.themegallery.com Company Logo that That is a TV-set That is a book
www.themegallery.com Company Logo these These are cats These are frogs These are frogs
www.themegallery.com Company Logo those Those are clocks Those are bananas
www.themegallery.com Company Logo this that Remember
www.themegallery.com Company Logo these those Remember
www.themegallery.com Company Logo T his is a cap and that’s a hat. This is a cat and that’s a bag. This is a map and that’s a flag. This is a plate and that’s a lamp.
www.themegallery.com Company Logo ____ are caps and ____ are hats. ____ are cats and ____ are bags. ____ are maps and ____ are flags. ____ are plates and ____are lamps. These These These These those those those those
www.themegallery.com Company Logo
www.themegallery.com Company Logo
Thank You !
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
COUNTABLE NOUNS -s (book-book s ) -es after –s, -ss,-sh,-ch,-x,-o (bus-bus es ) but radios, pianos, photos, videos -(i)es after –y (baby-bab ies ) but after a,e,o,u –s (toys,days) -(ve)s after -f, -fe (wife-wi ves ) but roof s , chief s , handkerchief s , proof s
REMEMBER Tooth- teeth deer- deer Foot- feet fish- fish Goose- geese ox- oxen Man- men Woman- women Child- children Mouse- mice
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS food, drinks ( butter, bread, fish, salt, etc .) materials ( wood, silver, paper, iron, etc .) abstract nouns ( peace, anger, love, etc .) others ( money, snow, soap, furniture, petrol, oil, information, news, knowledge , etc .)
A/ AN/ SOME? a / some gold a / an orange an / some oil a / some furniture a / an chair a / some children a / some water a /an umbrella a / some butter an / some apples a / an piano a / some leaves
CHECK YOURSELF An orange Some gold Some oil Some furniture A chair Some children Some water An umbrella Some butter Some apples A piano Some leaves
LIFESTYLES Unhealthy lifestyle Heavy traffic Noise and pollution Public transport Shops, cinemas, theatres Crowded streets High cost of living Low rate of unemployment
LIFESTYLES High quality lifestyle Fresh air Peace and quiet Friendly, helpful people Beautiful landscapes High rate of unemployment
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Present Simple Простое настоящее время Действие происходит в настоящем времени , постоянно, регулярно
Может обозначать действие в будущем: В придаточных места ( when) и условия ( if) If it rains , we will stay at home. – Если пойдет дождь, мы останемся дома. We will call you, when we come . – Мы позвоним тебе, когда придем. 2. С глаголами, обозначающими движение – to come, to leave, to arrive, to go и др. The train leaves at 6 o’clock. – Поезд отправится в 6 часов. Nick arrives tomorrow in the morning. – Ник приедет завтра утром .
Signal words HOW OFTEN? always often usually sometimes WHEN? today every morning every week every year on Sundays in the evening in summer сегодня всегда обычно летом иногда по воскресеньям часто каждую неделю вечером каждый год каждое утро
Глагол в Present Simple Начальная форма глагола Для всех подлежащих, кроме 3го лица ед.ч . Начальная форма глагола + окончание – s- Для 3го лица, ед.ч. His mother My father parents sisters dogs women he she Kate you they we I
READING RULES -S [ S ] после ГЛУХИХ СОГЛАСНЫХ [ Z ] после звонких согласных и гласных [ IZ ] после звуков [ s ], [ ʃ ], [ ʧ ], [ z ] lives works watches goes keeps dances visits listens does teaches rushes sleeps
Утвердительные пр. ( + ) Глагол V 1 V 1 + -s Where? Подлежащее HOW OFTEN? always often usually sometimes When? Дополнение They often go on picnics . He goes for a walk every morning. On Sundays we always prepare tasty dishes . My sister always listens to music at home in the evening.
Отрицательные пр. ( - ) Глагол do does not They often go on picnics . They do not often go on picnics . On Sundays she always prepar es tasty dishes . She do es n’t always prepare tasty dishes on Sundays. do not = don’t does not = doesn’t
Общий вопрос ( ? ) Do Does подлежащее Yes, PP do/does. No, PP don’t/doesn’t . PP – личное местоимение They often go on picnics . Do they often go on picnics ? Yes, they do . No, they do n’t. On Sundays mother always prepar es tasty dishes . Does mother always prepare tasty dishes on Sundays? Yes, she does . No, she does n’t.
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Вопрос к подлежащему
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