Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия для 5-6 классов по теме "Рождество"
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Разработка сценария на английском языке
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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия для 5-6 классов по теме «Рождество»
Child 1: (looking sad), "Mom, we can't have Christmas this year"
Mom: (looking puzzled), "Why not dear?"
Child 2: "Because it makes me sad that we get to have Christmas and people in Sochi don't"
Mom: (suppressing a giggle), "Um, why wouldn't people in Sochi get to have Christmas?"
Children together (at the same time), "Because they don't have any snow!"
Mom: "You don't need snow to have Christmas!" In fact, there was no snow where Baby Jesus was born!
... Children come on the stage and dance with the following music playing: !!!
Children remain at table
Child 2: "That was AWESOME!
Dad: "So we can have Christmas now?"
The two children look at each other and shake their heads slowly
Child 1: "No, I still don't think it's fair..."
Dad: "How come?"
Child 3: "...because people in Indlia can't have Christmas"
Mom (startled): "Whatever made you think that!"
Child3: "It's really hot there in India you know! The reindeer couldn't stand the heat!"
Children (at the same time): "You can't have Christmas without Reindeer!"
Mom: "You don't need Reindeer to have Christmas!"
Dad then say: 'You can have Cows!!!'
Cow is dancing
Mom: "Wonderful! (with a bit of frustration in her voice) NOW we can have Christmas, right?" (emphasize right)
Children think for a second and then Child 2 looks sad
Child 2: "No... I don't think so" (big sigh)
Mom: "Now why not!!"
Child 2: "Think of all the people who don't speak English... You can't have Christmas if you can't speak English!"
Mom: "And why can't people have Christmas if they can't speak English?"
Child 2: "well... You couldn't say Merry Christmas"
Child1: "or happy New year"
Child 3: 'You couldn't sing Christmas Carols without English"
Child 1: "Yeah! you couldn't even sing Silent Night. What would Christmas be without Silent Night!?"
Child 3: "You can't have Christmas without Christmas Carols!"
Mom: "You can sing Christmas Carols in any language!"
Silent Night (Russian,English,German)
All Children (look at each other with a really happy expression): "Wow!!!"
Child 1: "So people don't need snow, reindeer or English to celebrate Christmas?"
Dad: "Nope, I think people no matter what country they're from, just need a bit of love, faith in Jesus Christ and appreciation of what his birth is all about."
All sing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"
Mom: 'Speaking of angels, I see one up on the stage ready to play us a Christmas tune.'
Dad: 'That's right, not all angels have wings!'
Someone plays a Сhristmas song
Child 1: (looking at mother with a look of shear happiness) 'Now I know what Christmas is all about. It is about the celebration of the birth of our savior Jesus Christ!'
Child 2 'Snow and reindeer and Santa Claus don't make Christmas! Jesus Christ is the reason for the season- no matter where you live!'
Dad, children, mom: "MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!!!"
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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