Merry Christmas
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Christmas Eve December 24 is traditionally the day for decorating churches and homes. Night time on Christmas Eve is a very exciting time for young children. It is the time when Father Christmas (Santa) comes.
The children leave mince pies and brandy for Father Christmas, and a carrot for the reindeer. From 1870 children have hung up Christmas stockings at the ends of their beds or along the mantelpiece above the fireplace. Today, children still hang Christmas stockings or bags up ready for Father Christmas, who will hopefully fill them up with presents, if the children have been good.
Why do the children in England hang up Christmas stockings? Father Christmas once dropped some gold coins while coming down the chimney. The coins would have fallen through the ash grate and been lost if they hadn't landed in a stocking that had been hung out to dry. Since that time children have continued to hang out stockings in hopes of finding them filled with gifts.
Who is Father Christmas? Father Christmas is our version of Santa Claus. He is an old jolly man with white hair, a beard and a moustache. He is dressed in a red* suit outlined in white. Father Christmas and his elves make all the toys for Christmas in his home in the North Pole. *The red coat is 'new'. In 1880 most pictures showed him with a green coat. The red became the most popular colour after the US introduction by Coca Cola during the 1930s.
History of Father Christmas in England Father Christmas was originally part of an old English midwinter festival, normally dressed in green, a sign of the returning spring. He was known as Sir Christmas.
How do children write to Father Christmas? Children write letters to Father Christmas to tell him what they would like for Christmas. Some children will send their letters by post or e-mail but the more traditional way is to throw the letters into the back of the fireplace. The draught then carries the letters up the chimney to Father Christmas.
What happens on Christmas Eve? On Christmas eve Father Christmas piles all of the toys onto his sleigh and rides across the sky with his reindeers. The most famous one is Rudolf, the reindeer at the front who leads the way with his red nose.
Who was the real Father Christmas? Father Christmas is based on a real person, St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas, or Sinter Klaas in Dutch, was a very shy man and wanted to give money to poor people without them knowing about it. It is said that one day, he climbed the roof of a house and dropped a purse of money down the chimney. It landed in the stocking which a girl had put to dry by the fire! This may explain the belief that Father Christmas comes down the chimney and places gifts in children's stockings.
What are the different names of Father Christmas? The most popular name now-a-days is Santa Claus. Austria: Christkind ("Christ child") Belgium: Sinterklaas Canada: Santa Claus; Père Noël ("Father Christmas") Denmark: Julemanden Finland: Joulupukki France: Père Noël ("Father Christmas"); Germany: Weihnachtsmann ("Christmas Man"); Christkind in southern Germany Hungary: Mikulás ("Nicholas"); Jézuska or Kis Jézus ("child Jesus") Italy: Babbo Natale ("Father Christmas"); La Befana Netherlands & Flanders: Sinterklaas Norway: Julenissen Poland: Swiety Mikolaj Portugal: Pai Natal ("Father Christmas") Russia: Ded Moroz, "Grandfather Frost Spain: Papa Noel Sweden: Jultomten Switzerland: Christkind United Kingdom: Father Christmas; Santa Claus United States: Santa Claus
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