"Рождество. Merry Christmas"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия может быть использованапри изучении тем "Времена года", "Праздники".
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Попова И.В. ГБОУ школа № 90. Методические материалы
Сценарий праздника “Merry Christmas”- «Рождество»
для учащихся 4-5 классов
Цель мероприятия: Привить учащимся интерес к изучению английского языка, повысить их мотивации. Продолжить развитие кросс культурной компетенции, создать условия для формирования у обучающихся интереса к культуре и традициям изучаемого языка
Оборудование: компьютерная презентация Power Point
Речевой материал: тексты, стихи, песни, игры
Ведущий: Dear children and guests! On 25th of December people celebrate Christmas- a beautiful holiday which is loved by children and adults; when everything is decorated with lights and toys; we see Christmas trees everywhere; people buy presents and cook special foods, send cards and have parties.
And we are going to celebrate this holiday now! Today we’ll have a short presentation how Christmas is celebrated in different countries, an English contest- all the tasks are connected with Christmas! We’ll play games, sing songs, recite poems- so I hope we’ll enjoy this holiday and we have a good time!
So we wish you good luck!
Ведущий: Let’s watch and listen how Christmas is celebrated in different countries. (презентация).[1]
Свет выключен. Звучит музыка. Музыка смолкает. На сцене ведущие:
ребята, вы уже знаете, что в Странах Европы и в Америке отмечать Рождество - веселая традиция. Знаете ли вы как зовут американского Деда Мороза?
( Дети отвечают: Санта Клаус)
Ведущий: В течение всего года Санта Клаус и его помощники очень заняты: они читают письма детей, готовят подарки и готовятся к Рождеству. Дел у них очень много! Дети очень ждут этого светлого праздника и пишут записки и письма Санта Клаусу.
Ведущие: Давайте заглянем в семью Смитов. [2]
(Дети сидят за столом и сочиняют записки Сана Клаусу)
John: I’ve got a lot of wishes Mary, now many ones can I write about?
Mary: Oh, John you’re stupid. Of course about only one. There are so many children all over the world, and all of them want to get presents for Christmas. And Santa has got only one sack. See?
John: Right you are, Mary. Only one…
(оба пишут записочки)
John: Where shall we put our notes?
Mary: Certainly, on the window-still. It is light here and Santa will see them.
John: Oh, no. Santa will come through the chimney, won’t he? So let’s put them in the flue.
Mary: A very good idea!
(кладут записки в дымоход)
John, Mary: How clever of us!
Ведущий: А сейчас 24 декабря - канун Рождества. Самым важным событием этого дня является церемония «святочного полена» (“Christmas log”)
И мы опять у Смитов. [3]
( мамa с дочерью украшают елку. Звучит мелодия “Jingle Bells”
Mary: mum, shall I hang this toy? It’s very unusual.
Mum: Let me have a look. Oh, darling, it was made by my granny many-many years ago. I liked it very much.
Mary: Did you? Well, it will be on our Christmas tree. Perfect!
(отец с сыном вносят «святочное полено», несут его к камину).
Mum: Tom, what’s the matter?
Dad: It’s our Christmas surprise!
Mary: Is it?
John: I was talked about this old tradition.
Mary: What tradition?
John: Christmas log. It should burn for two days: today and tomorrow. The ash of the log is considered to be magic. And Christmas is rich in miracle!
Ведущий: Вот наступает волшебная ночь, когда все ждут чуда и помогают ему свершиться.
(Ночь. Тишина. Дети на цыпочках подходят к елке и кладут под нее подарки своим родителям) [4]
Mary: It’s to Mum.
John: It’s to Dad.
John, Mary: We love them very much!
(Дети убегают. Появляются родители со свечой, сладостями и подарками)
Mum: It’s to John. He wants to have a good football.
Dad: It’s to Mary. She is fond of the Beatles. I will please her.
Both: Oh. My God! We want our children to be happy!
3. Ведущий: Tss…! Listen! What is it? Who is it? (сценка c Санта Клаусом). [5]
Narrator: This is Mr Claus, a carpenter. He lives in the cold North with his wife, Mrs Claus. They love children very much, but they don’t have any.
Mr Claus: It’s so cold this winter. The children can’t play.
Mrs Claus: Yes, it is snowing, but it’s soon Christmas Day. What are you making? It looks very good.
Mr Claus: It’s for a girl from the village, you see.
Mrs Claus: Can you make more? We can give them to the girls and the boys!
Mr Claus: Let’s make toys for Christmas and give them away!
Narrator: On Christmas Eve, Mr Claus and Mrs Claus go to the village to give the toys to the children.
Mr Claus: Hello Otto! Merry Christmas to you!
Otto: Hello, Mr Claus, and how do you do?
Mr Claus: Have the children be good?
Otto: Yes.
Mr Claus: Look what I’ve got. Presents for Elsa, Greta and Kurt.
All children: Presents! Yippee!
Kurt: Look, it’s a horse! It’s really great! Thank you, Mr Claus.
Mr Claus: That doll is for Elsa.
Otto: Greta, what have you got there?
Greta: Look, Daddy, look! It’s a little brown bear!
Mrs Claus: We must go now. We’ve got lots to do.
Mr Claus: Goodbye everybody!
Otto: Merry Christmas to you!
Narrator: So, every year, Mr Claus and Mrs Claus make toys. On Christmas Eve they give them to the children.
Mr Claus: Ho-ho-ho! Happy Christmas! These are for you!
4. Ведущий: We’ve learnt songs about Christmas. Let’s sing them!
(тексты песен)
Jingle Bells
Chorus: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
On a one-horse open sleigh!
Repeat chorus
Dashing through the snow,
On a one-horse open sleigh,
Over the fields we go,
Laughing all the way!
Bells on bob-tails ring,
Making spirits bright-
what fun it is to ride and sing
a sleighing song tonight!
Repeat chorus (2x)
5. Ведущий: In Germany this dance is very popular. («Берлинская полька»)
6. Ведущий: Let’s have an English contest!
a) Ведущий:I show you groups of words. In each group there is a word which does not go with others
turkey oranges eggs
tree snowflake butterfly
tinsel flowers cracker
present sledge bike
b) Ведущий: Let’s play a little. Draw a Snowman. It’s not easy because you cannot see- you have a scarf over your eyes.
c) Ведущий: “Pass the parcel” here is something wrapped in a lot of papers. You stand in a circle and pass the parcel to the person next to you. There is music playing. When the music stops, you take off one of the papers. The person who takes the last piece- wins the prize!
d) Ведущий:Guess the presents! Большой мешок с подарками; не подглядывая надо отгадать предмет и назвать его по-английски.
7. Ведущий: There are a lot of poems about Christmas. I know that some of you have learnt them. If you want to recite- do please!
( дети рассказывают стихи о Рождестве)
It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Yes,it’s merry merry Christmas,
it’s time for hanging stockings,
it’s time for riding sleighs!
I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know,
Where the tree tops glisten,
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow.
8. Christmas is connected with presents. The students of 6th form prepared you a present, too- the play about Morizko.[6]
Рис.1 сценка «Морозко» Рис.2 сценка «Морозко»
Author: Once upon a time there was a family of four: an old man with his daughter Nasten’ka, and a stepmother with her daughter Marfa. Nasty is a very kind and hardworking girl. She wakes up early, cleans the house, cooks the food and does many, many things. Marfa is a lazy girl. She like to sleep at noon.
Stepmother: Hey, Nastya, bring me my socks!
Marfa: Oh! I’m hungry! Where is my porridge?
Stepmother (to Marfa ): My pretty girl, you look tired, rest a little bit more, my dear!
Stepmother (to Nastya): Don’t you want to help your sister? Bring her some water!
Nastya: Yes, mother here you are.
Author: The stepmother was an evil woman.
Stepmother Hey, you, poor thing! Your daughter makes a lot of noise in the morning. Take her to the forest and leave there.
Father: Oh,no!
Stepmother: Do it quickly! Do it now!
Father (ведет Настю в лес): My poor girl! You have to go into the forest and stay there for some time, until your mother cools down.
Nastya:: It’s OK. Don’t worry!
В лесу.
Father Frost: Hello! Are you cold, pretty girl?
Nastya: Thank you very much for your care about me. I think I’m OK.
Father Frost: I see. What’s your name?
Nastya: I’m Nastya.
Father Frost: Are you cold, Nastya?
Nastya: I think I’m OK.
Father Frost: Oh, poor girl, take this fur coat and the mittens. And now tell me about yourself.
Author: Nastya told the Farher Frost about her life, but she didn’t say bad words about her stepmother and her stepsister.
Father Frost: I see, I see. You’re a very kind girl, Nasten’ka. I have a present for you.
9. Ведущий: Christmas begins with cards. Some of you also have prepared cards beforehand. They are displayed and everybody can see them.
( на экране рождественские открытки)
10. Ведущий: Riddles. Let’s guess riddles about Christmas.
It’s a holiday which is celebrated on the 25th December ( ответ: Christmas)
It is an old man who comes from the North Pole on his sleigh and brings presents to everybody at Christmas (ответ: Santa Claus)
It is decorated with light and toys and tinsel and it is in all the houses and in squares (ответ: Christmas tree)
It is a thing which is very dear to children at Christmas as they find presents in it in the morning (Stocking)
It is a traditional meal which people cook for Christmas party. They think that if they all take part in mixing it, they will be happy (pudding)
11. Ведущий: So it’s time to finish our party. Merry Christmas!
(everybody sings)
Список литературы
Кэрролл Кэтлин “Holidays Go Round And Round”
Jenny Dooley “ The Story of Santa Claus“ Express Publishing, 2002
Журнал“ Speak Out“ издательство ГЛОССА
Список материалов и интернет- ресурсов
Видеофильм “Christmas –time, Express Publishing
Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение школа № 90 г. Санкт-Петербург Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия « Merry Christmas - Рождество» для учащихся 4-5 классов Подготовила Попова Ирина Владимировна учитель английского языка г. Санкт-Петербург |
[1] Презентация «Празднование праздника Рождество в разных странах» (см. приложение № 4)
[2] Сценка « В гостях у Смитов. Часть 1»
[3] Сценка «В гостях у Смитов. Часть 2. Рождественское полено»
[4] Сценка « В гостях у Смитов» Часть 3. В рождественскую ночь»
[5] Сценка из книги Jenny Dooly “The story of Santa Claus” – Express Publishing .2002
[6] Сценка «Морозко»
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