Relative Pronouns
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Задания на заполнение пропусков в предложениях местоимениями who, which, that, whose, where, when, why, а также на составление сложноподчиненных предложений с вышеуказанными местоимениями из двух простых предложений.
Задания могут быть использованы на этапе тренировки употребления относительных местоимений и как проверочная работа.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Relative pronouns
- Fill in the blanks with the pronouns who, whose, which.
1. Mary doesn’t know ___ sheet of paper it was.
2. We are talking about the book ___ we bought a week ago.
3. I didn’t know the woman ___ was looking at me yesterday in the shop.
4. Where is the cake ___ he cooked yesterday?
5. Do you know ___ dog it is?
6. I know ___ broke your laptop.
7. They are discussing the girl ___ won the competition.
8. Do you see the cat ___ has a big violet bow?
9. She wonders ___ bike it is.
10. The chocolate ___ I bought is in the fridge.
II. Put the relative adverbs where, why, when.
- They will visit the castle........the Princess Diana lived.
- Winter is the time of the year..........many people suffer from flu.
- Do you know the reason............she is so upset?
- I can’t understand the have been late for work.
- This is the can find everything.
- The university ...........I study is near my house.
- This is the reason...........I’d like to invite him to the cinema.
- I remember the day............I went to school.
III. Join two sentences using a relative pronoun.
Example: I wrote my friend. He had a birthday last week. – I wrote my friend who/that had a birthday last week.
- I bought a mobile phone. It was nice.
- Alice has got a friend. She sings well.
- Max has lives in a nice detached house. You will see it tomorrow.
- I have forgotten to print the аrticle. I wrote it yesterdаy.
- The boy was sad. His motorcycle was broken.
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Relative pronouns
Кизилова Ангелина СергеевнаRelative pronounsВставьте местоимения who, whose или which.1. Mary don’t know ___ sheet of paper it was. 2. We are talking about the book ___ we bought a week ago. ...
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